Topic: Tracktion user taking a look see…

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  • #693

    I took a look at Podium a while ago and didn’t find it quite as friendly as Tracktion, but to be honest I did not spend a lot of time with it. I still like Tracktion but there are a few things that I find a bit annoying so I’m taking another look.

    Again, after having installed it again, I still find it a bit confusing but I think I’m getting better at undersanding how this program works. I have a couple of questions though that I thought I would ask before I spend too much time with Podium.

    The 1st is how does Podium work with VSTIs that have multiple outputs? Tracktion dos this fairly well and I find it difficult to visualize how this works within Podium (honest though, I haven’t tried it yet).

    Does Podium have something similar to the rack concept within Tracktion?

    How does Pdium handle time/tempo changes? Can I cop and paste these through the project? The reason this is important is that Jamstix (my favorite vst of all tiem) can handle odd time signatures only by compounding them. So to get 5/4 time I would have to 3/4 and 2/4.

    Thanks in advance…

    Oh… one other thing….. I tried to do full scan/import of my vst folder and it locked up and crashed on Betabugs Spinbug vst. I temporarily renamed it and it went through the rest fine.

    Thanks again…



    how does Podium work with VSTIs that have multiple outputs?

    You can see a simple example of it in the freebees demo project. The ‘Song B’ arrangement uses the Drumatic plugin with multiple outputs. The podium guide has a section that explains multiple I/O plugins

    Does Podium have something similar to the rack concept within Tracktion?

    Not exactly, but multitimbrality and multiple I/O can be configured using the device mappings in Podium.

    How does Pdium handle time/tempo changes? Can I cop and paste these through the project?

    Tempo events (which can be configured for tempo and time signature) can be moved around and copy/pasted like any other events.



    @darcyb62 wrote:

    Again, after having installed it again, I still find it a bit confusing
    Although this tutorial is almost a year old, it should hopefully help you come to grips with all the basics 8)

    @darcyb62 wrote:

    The 1st is how does Podium work with VSTIs that have multiple outputs? Tracktion dos this fairly well and I find it difficult to visualize how this works within Podium (honest though, I haven’t tried it yet).

    When you import a multi output VSTis, all the outputs will appear as individual mappings in the list under the mapping tab (eg. DR-008 Output 1, DR-008 Output 2)

    Whenever you want to use a new output, create a new track (in the latest version of Podium, released today, you can double-click in empty space below other track headers to create a new track). Then drag the required output mapping onto the new track

    More info in the Podium Guide:

    @darcyb62 wrote:

    How does Pdium handle time/tempo changes? Can I cop and paste these through the project?

    If you look at the top of the arrangement editor, at the start of the timeline (bar 1) you’ll see a tempo marker. You can create new markers anywhere along the timeline in that horizontal space where the first marker appear (ie, anywhere to the right of that marker)

    More info in the Guide:

    @darcyb62 wrote:

    Oh… one other thing….. I tried to do full scan/import of my vst folder and it locked up and crashed on Betabugs Spinbug vst. I temporarily renamed it and it went through the rest fine.

    This doesn’t surprise me, as not every third party plugin is going to be stable when imported into Podium. I’ve had similar crashes in Tracktion when doing plugin scan πŸ˜‰


    Frits beat me to it πŸ˜†


    Thanks for the quick responses… Good enough to get me to spend some time with it. A couple of more questions. I am thinking of getting en emu 0404 card. Can I use the onboard dsp effects with Podium?

    Also, will Podium accept SPDIF as an input?

    Thanks again….


    Another question… Sorry if the answer is obvious…

    I’ve loaded Jamstix in. Multi-outs are fine… Now how the heck do I get to the Jamstix gui?

    I need that to set up my drum patterns.


    I am thinking of getting en emu 0404 card. Can I use the onboard dsp effects with Podium?

    If the 0404 comes with VST plugins that controls the DSP effects, then you can use those in the Podium mixer. Otherwise I would guess that the effects can be applied in the 0404 control panel, to either the soundcard input or outputs.

    Also, will Podium accept SPDIF as an input?


    Now how the heck do I get to the Jamstix gui?

    Press the ‘E’ button next to the mapping name in either the track header, or the mixer strip for the track. Pressing the E shortcut key with focus on the plugin track will also open the editor.


    I must be incredibly dense or soiomething but I just don’t see an “e” button on the track header or mixer strip.


    Got it…


    On the same track headers as the E button,
    the X button is used to bypass an instrument or effect
    S = solo
    M = mute
    R = record (on that track)
    B = bounce (if the track is bounce enabled… right click on a VST track and choose “Wrap in new bounce track” if you want to record the output of a VSTi, or if you want to record the audio at any point within a plugin chain)

    Regarding the tracktion racks – Podium can do the same thing, except without all the visible rack cables. it’s easy to set up vocoders, side chain compressors, by making sure you use the right mappings available for that plugin. For example, a standard vocoder will have 2 inputs (one for carrier, one for modulator) and one output. So you’d make sure you have three different tracks, and on one track have “input 1” mapping, on another track have “input 2” mapping, and on another track have “output” mapping. Then you’d feed each input track a different sound source to start the vocoding. If you’re familiar with vocoder plugins, this will help you understand how the other things I mentioned (ie side chaining) can be achieved in Podium. Multiple outputs is also very simple to set up (I do it all the time with FXpansion Guru)

    Have fun


    I find the Spinbug thing a little odd.. I use it quite often with no problems.. having said that I’ve never used the scan option. If you get to the main project page and do File->Import Plugin and load SpinBug that way all should be well.

    If you’re still having problems, PM me and I’ll try to help. I’m one of the BetaBugs developers, and Christian who developed it is always keen to ensure that stuff works everywhere πŸ™‚



    @Zynewave wrote:

    Does Podium have something similar to the rack concept within Tracktion?

    Not exactly, but multitimbrality and multiple I/O can be configured using the device mappings in Podium.

    The Tracktion rack thing is the workaround for not having sends and aux busses in the same manner that other audio apps implement.

    Podium implements auxilliary busses in a very clear manner. Essentially you map a ‘Send’ object on as many tracks that need it, and elsewhere you map a ‘Return’ object as the leaf [final object] of a track. for instance:

    Tr1: Delay
    Tr2: Send
    Tr3: Reverb

    In this case, a vocal track is sent to the reverb dry, then a delay applied as an insert. The synth is also sent to the reverb. Track 3 acts as the aux buss/ rack in this case. The return receives the vox and synth signals and runs them through the reverb plug. In this case, the ‘verb is then sent up to the master out.

    Send/Return pairs can be created easily using the wizard (Ctrl+W, look down at the bottom). I usually rename mine as ‘RevSend’/’RevRtn’ etc rather than using the default names – just makes thing easier. You can put as much as you like thru a return.

    I forget whether sends will transmit the MIDI around. I know that Tobybears MixBox, and Senderella didn’t reroute MIDI, but racks do accept it. I’ve never had to restream MIDI yet (tho’ I have thought about it). You can put MIDI within the return track heirarchy if needed, which will be consumed by the first MIDI consuming plug. Using phantom tracks will ensure that exact copies are used as required..

    Sorry it’s a bit rambly, but I hope it answers you question πŸ™‚



    Thanks for the excellent help and quick responses. This is a pretty sweet program. I love the way you can enpand and hide the groups as well as the bounce track implementation. Much better than Tracktion. I also ike the simplicity of midi automation. Again much better than Tracktion. I just need to explore a bit more but you might have another convert in your midsts.

    DP… I’ll try spinbug per your instructions and let you know if I still have problems. Christian’s the guy that did Posihfopit (sp) right? Sweet….


    Another question…. One plugin I have come to depend is Final Mix (some like it some hate it). This will only work in Tracktion. What freebies could I use in its place?


    Hello darcyb62.
    I hope, you’ll like Podium, it’s very powerful sequencer.

    I need to say that I can’t recommend you to buy 0404. I have EMU 0404 soundcard on my system, and I think to sell it. Podium has really good driver information window, and it shows a lot of little ASIO dropouts and silent ASIO driver restarts (with ANY buffer size). It’s not a Podium fault, because I’ve tried to test my system with other soundcards (like M-Audio for example) and the other ASIO soundcards work with Pod without any problems. And every time I install new EMU drivers 0404 works better and better (less ASIO dropouts and restarts since I get 0404), but there’s still a lot of troubles. It’s not only ASIO. Sometimes I play music with foobar (WDM drivres), and suddenly sound becomes noisy and I hear huge dropouts. It’s not a big problem, because I only need to restart song to solve this, but…
    So, you can use DSP FX, but if you try to record parameters automation of it, you’ll hear a lot of dropouts (again!). I’ve tried to do that in Tracktion 1 (i’m an owner of NFR version), in enegyXT demo, FLS demo, but no luck for me. Dropouts, droputs, dropouts.

    Buy used creamware scope home, if you want DSP FX. Scope Home is not very powerful on DSPs (but there’s no less DSP power than EMU), but it works well.

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