Topic: Two more bugs I found

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  • #1949

    Here goes! 🙂

    1- Ghost notes that shouldn’t be there

    I’ve got two phantom copies of a MIDI event (which is originally 2 bars in length) with the first copy shortened to just one bar. The second bar of the first event is shown ghosted in the MIDI editor (strangely not the embedded one):

    (Those notes are not played and thus can become confusing in a busy arrangement!)

    Also, when the play cursor passes over them, they get ‘erased’ as it moves along and reappear when it is moved back to the start:

    The events are not overlapping. Still, it doesn’t happen if they’re not in direct succession, like this:

    2- Tempo/scale markers confuse selection

    In this example I want to move this tiny arrangement back to the start of bar 1. I press Ctrl-A, which also selects the tempo event, which I manually deselect. However, it still won’t let me move the remaining events that extra bar and behaves as if the first event already was at bar 1 (which was the case with the no longer selected tempo event).

    I can’t really explain this one properly, hopefully you’ll understand. 😉


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    1- Ghost notes that shouldn’t be there

    Fixed. Thanks.

    2- Tempo/scale markers confuse selection

    In this example I want to move this tiny arrangement back to the start of bar 1. I press Ctrl-A, which also selects the tempo event, which I manually deselect. However, it still won’t let me move the remaining events that extra bar and behaves as if the first event already was at bar 1 (which was the case with the no longer selected tempo event).

    I can’t really explain this one properly, hopefully you’ll understand. 😉

    Tricky, this one is. The select all command currently also selects events on hidden tracks. So I’m guessing you have a bounce event selected (starting at bar 1) that prevents you from moving the selection to the right. Maybe the “select all” command should only select events that are currently visible on the tracks? Meaning hidden bounce events and events in collapsed group tracks should not be selected.


    Good question! I think select all is often thought to mean select all that can be seen, but then again, there will always be someone who wants to select absolutely everything… Different shortcuts? But that seems unnecessary for something that oft won’t be used. Hmm…


    I see, so it’s not a bug at all then.
    It makes sense when explained but if you don’t know (or in my case, forget) about those empty events automatically created on bounce tracks, and therefore on the master as well– :-k Good luck figuring that out! Remind me again why they’re created, please?

    (Maybe the bounce system as a whole could benefit from another revision, someday, since there still are a few not so user friendly parts. Just an example, an inexperienced user would tear out his hair trying to move a bounce event together, or instead of the original underlying events. Probably. :wink:)

    I don’t think changing the behaviour of ‘select all’ is necessary.

    Thanks for looking into it!


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Maybe the “select all” command should only select events that are currently visible on the tracks? Meaning hidden bounce events and events in collapsed group tracks should not be selected.

    I personally would welcome it. If they are hidden I would not want them in a selection. But I would want some sort of control in terms of changing that behavior, an option here would work best IMO.

    I would think the default should be the current behaviour but do allow for an option to change this please.



    I certainly wouldn’t expect anything hidden to be selected, or changed as part of any editing – if it’s hidden, it shouldn’t exist for anything except providing audio until it’s un-hidden.

    I’d certainly prefer the default was changed, and an ‘affect hidden tracks with edits’ option was added.


    IMHO, “Hidden” in podium means just “not visible” and I want to be able to select things, that aren’t visible. Otherwise “hidden” would work as a mask for selections. If it sounds, it should be in the selection.
    For masking things out, muting them would be more logical. Podium is an audio app afterall, not a paint program.
    I think we could do with an advanced selector box where ranges and types of events, channels etc. could be defined with some sort of filter matrix.

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