Topic: USB Midi Keyboard and sustain pedal

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  • #608


    When playing my USB Midi Keyboard (M-Audio Keytation 88es), I can make normal use of the sustain pedal (I hear the sustain).. But after having recorded some notes, the notes are played back without the sustain. I think the controller data of the sustain pedal isn’t recorded by Podium. Need help! ❗ ❓


    You need to set up a sustain MIDI parameter in the device you’re controlling. I assume it is a plugin. Here’s how to do it:

    Using the project browser, go into the Devices folder, locate the device definition for the plugin, and enter the MIDI Parameters folder within. There should be three parameters. Select the ‘New Parameter’ menu. Name it ‘Sustain’, change the CC number to 64 (64 is the standard CC number for sustain).

    When you record enable your track with the plugin, and start recording, then using the Sustain pedal should automatically create a Sustain parameter automation track.


    Oops, forgot:

    In the sustain parameter properties you also need to set the value range from 0 to 127.


    Oops, forgot:

    In the sustain parameter properties you also need to set the value range from 0 to 127.

    Realized it by now… 😆

    Thanks for the help.. It works perfectly well!!

    Black Coffee

    This oops-I-forgot-the-127-range-thing was nearly killing me 😯 , I think now, I really learned about the usefulness of forums – it helps stopping yourself beating around the bush… 😉

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