Topic: Using the plugin "DrumTroop" in Podium Free 3.2.1 with a 16 outputs setup

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  • #40525
    Gabriel West

    Excuse me my question, but for the first time, I need some help with Podium:..

    How can you setup 16 outputs in Podium Free (3.2.1) to solve the known “having only a single C3 pad sound on output1” issue??? (Read more about this known issue here -> ) I was able to setup 16 channel outputs, on both, project & plugin, but couldn’t get it working anyway.. ) Would really appreciate it, if any skillful user out there, or if possible, the developer Frits Nielsen himself, would help me with a quick step by step guide for instance, thx. Really curious, if there’s a fix, just couldn’t figure how, so far. Greetings from Germany, your Podium Lover, Gabe West! 🙂

    My Sound/OS-Setup: Win7 64-bit…ASIO4All 2.14 / MME Drivers, Soundcard: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy FX [no midi] + Coolsoft Virtua MIDI Synth 2.9.1.

    This PopRock & 90’s Eurodance songs I’ve all composed with Podium so far ->


    When the plugin was imported into the plugin database, did it create a global instance #1 folder with mappings for all the audio outputs and MIDI 1-16 mappings? If so, you can drag this folder onto the bottom blank track header area to have it automatically set up a new group track with all the mappings on child tracks.

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