Topic: WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!!! As retarded as Logic Audio!

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  • #1700

    WTF?!?!?! No wonder Danes never amount 2 jack squat! No wonder U R all such backward self-hating slaves! U can’t even design an intuitive program interface – care more about looking ‘sleek’ and ‘sterile’ than being FUNCTIONAL! How the fuk do U even import a track? First, U have 2 convert from MP3 into WAV (oh gr8, now it takes 100X the space). Then U can’t even figure out how 2 fuking get the thing into track view so U can edit it & effect it & whatnot.

    THis is absolutely the most retarded UI I have ever seen in my entire LIFE! It’s as bad as Logic Audio – which I quickly deleted after stealing it off Kazaa, ‘cuz it’s so damn USELESS!

    Reaper & Vegas got their problems, but @ least U got a standard Windows menu up there – ‘file/open’ etc.

    No wonder U never get N E thing done in Denmark. You’re all 2 busy ‘navigating submenus’ HAHAHA :))

    & Y does it even DEFAULT 2 some lame ‘import view’ – how do I even get back into track view?? I did not ask 2 B forced into your non-functional useless ‘import window’ – GOD WHERE IS YOUR BRAIN!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

    I am so amazed, over & over, @ the sheer stupidity of my fellow human beings. U literally design this ‘software’ as some kind of masturbatory badge of honor, like Linux dorks – with their super-over-complicated-have-to-get-a-programming-degree-to-even-open-your-email nonsense :))

    Hell I’m surprised you don’t have a ‘command line’ in your program – U know, as if we should ‘of course’ want 2 become ‘programmers’ in ‘cobol’ or god knows what else just 2 copy paste a section of audio or something LOL!! Really – like Autocad with their insane ‘command line’ crap – 7 steps 2 draw a fuking arc when in some ‘piece of sh*t’ program on a floppy from nowhere takes ONE step!

    This is such an utter piece of useless junk my opinion of TC Electronic has gone in the toilet. THat they would even hire such as retard as you – with no COMMON SENSE – speaks volumes. Now go shove a dildo up your butt & attend your ‘gay marriage’ thing while you drive around on $10 a gallon gas eating your $12 hamburger – good riddance, clown!


    Oh & don’t even get me started on the INSANE ‘grey on darker grey’ theme! LOL!!! OMG OMG OMFG!! ROFLADL (Roll On the Floor Laughing All Day Long)…

    Obviously the first order of business is changing your ‘color theme’ 2 standard Windows grey so can even READ your fuking piece of CRAP!

    Hey… next release, have black on black – U know, ‘cuz we should use ‘The Force’ 2 locate the menu options… if they R even there @ all HAHAHA :)))

    OMG this software is such a JOKE! No wonder U never became a musician – U never had the proper tools! Oh let me guess… U R a ‘producer’ (hack) who does that ‘pom pom pom pom’ (four-on-the-floor oven timer) disco bullsh*t? LOL!! OMG the joke keeps getting better – what a waste of ones & zeroes your program is – a crime against the internet :))


    interesting post, ultragod,i had to read it twice just to be sure that my brain hadn’t fucked up.
    not as interesting the second time though.

    sorry Frits.


    Seems to be a very lonely guy who has nobody he can talk to… Sad world we live in.. ๐Ÿ˜•


    Blame it on 4chan and the like.


    Amusing ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s so over the top that I don’t even feel offended.

    I didn’t find any constructive suggestions in the post, so I took the liberty of moving this topic from the Future forum to the General Chat forum.


    Hmm I think this guy (it must be a guy since I’ve never seen a girl loosing control of herself in such a “clever” way) was looking for mp3directcut or ultra music maker extreme (2000 pro of course!) and was really sad that podium has no “generate-fancy-music-from-a-ripped-mp3”-button.


    ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜€

    absolutely hilarious, really!

    me thinks ultraG could forge a career as a comedian

    carry on


    @rinxai wrote:

    ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜€

    absolutely hilarious, really!

    me thinks ultraG could forge a career as a comedian

    carry on

    Yeah ….but he’ll have to wait until he’s 18 to do those club gigs….

    Tell me this freakshow hasn’t bought a license ๐Ÿ™„


    this obviously lonely, bitter person has been ousted or banned from many other audio related forums. it was only a matter of time before he arrived here ๐Ÿ™


    Oh good! I was going to tentatively ask if this sort of thing was common..? Kinda scary that people do this sort of thing…

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