Topic: Where are the x64 zPlugins???

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  • #30722


    Where are the zPlugins 64bit version?

    I downloaded Podium3.2.4(x64) and installed it.(this DAW is AWESOME!love!)
    but,I cannot find zPlugins…

    I cannot find the “Zynewave Effects” folder πŸ™

    someone,tell me plz!!

    (I cannot speak English well,sorry)


    If you are looking for the actual dll files, then they should be located in:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2\Zynewave

    Unless you selected a different installation folder for the plugins in the Podium installer.

    In the Podium Preferences dialog, on the Plugins page, you should enter the “C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2” as one of the scan folders.


    I succeeded in finding them on the steps!!!

    Thank you very very much!! XD

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