Topic: With which other DAWs can/should compete Podium?

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  • #22878

    mulab 4 , Tracktion 4 will be good once bugs are flattened , StudioOne2 producer ( not the professional ) you can get it for $99 sometimes on sale , Reaper 4 too and dont forget Podium .


    U’re all right, but this @fedexnman wrote:

    …and dont forget Podium .

    I did not quite understand… 😉


    Close fight between Cockos Reaper X Zynewave Podium. Zynewave Podium will become a serious deal breaker in the year 2017 I’m goin to bet my grandma’s underwear for that! I wish music radar will discover this great software for goodnesss sake!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by cloudspell.
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