Topic: zPEQ request

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  • #1565
    Mike G


    What’s the chances of zPEQ growing a built in spectrum analyser?

    I’ve not really found a good spectrum analyser for tracks in your daw. (seen posh expensive ones in reviews etc. but this is only a nice to have for me at the moment)

    Also what would be v cool is that can have the time over which the spectrum is averaged to be variable. (E.g. Not just instant analysis but analysis of freq content of previous 20 seconds)
    Or even to do a static analysis by selecting a range in an audio track and displaying it as a “background image” in the zPEQ window.

    The most important thing for me is to be able to see visually on the same scale as the zPEQ UI what frequencies you were cutting and boosting.

    Have done some offline analysis using audacity which is very helpful but takes a while (too long) to get audio from inside podium into audacity and select time range etc…
    Also what do you think about an “External audio editor” option (In addition to existing audio editor)

    If someone can point me at a free combined EQ and spectrum analyser plug-in that would also be fab.

    Mike G


    Have you looked at this?

    Not too bad for a little over $100.



    For freeware analyzers, I’m only familiar with:
    It does not have built in EQ though.

    Adding a spectrum analyzer to zPEQ is not on my schedule. I think this requires additional parameters for configuring the analyzer, so this would probably mean I’d need to make a new zPEQ2 plugin, to keep zPEQ compatible with older presets.

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