yes it happens with every vsti I have .
It’s incredible because everything was working fine before.
I thought maybe I accidently changed some settings but I don’t know where.
So when I move the vsti knobs directly with the mouse , an automation track for the parameter is automatically created but when I use the midi controller nothing is recorded although the vsti is responding to my tweakings because the knobs are moving and the sound is changing…
And I have a strange problem with a plugin called Drumatic 3 : when podium scans the folder where it is located, it is not detected ! so I simply can’t use it.
OK, I guess I’ll take a more deeper look a the guides…
I’m overwhelmed by so many things to learn.
Thanks !
Yes I have an output on the mastertrack.
OK, I just managed to get sound at last.
In fact , I didn’t realise that plugin must be put inside
a mastertrack to enable sound.
I just created new track and assign a plugin to it and get no sound.
I find it not practical to have to create a master track then a sub track
to put a plugin in. Is there no other way ?
I just want to create separate simple tracks each assigned to a plugin without messing with mastertracks and sub tracks…
OK… That’s what I was afraid of… But maybe you could include this very
useful fonction in a future release pleeeeeaase ?
ok , thanks for the links. I guess what I’ll have to do is make a nova definition file myself… or wait for someone to make it.
You know what would be great ? A device difinition wizard.
Just turn a knob on the device, and podium would automatically learn
what controller it is (even NRPN) and then the user would just have to give a name to this controller and continue for every knob of the device….
thanks for the quick reply.
I think I found what the problem is.
Everything started to go wrong with the controllers
when I deleted the device called “generic gm instruments”.
I thought I didn’t need it but when I re-opened an older
project containing this device, I could record controllers again.
In fact, I’m not using any plugins, I am just using a hardware
synth : a novation nova (and a evolution uc33e midi controller
to control some parameters of the nova).
I found that when I move some knobs on the nova, only those
that match gm controllers works, such as volume, chorus, reverb…
So I guess I need a specific device definition that will recognize all
the nova controllers ? But I have no idea how to create this.
I have the nova manual that describes all the controllers including
nrpn but how can I get them into podium ? I’m no midi expert at all,
I just know the basic notes and control stuff but nrpn seem really difficult
to understand. Is there someone with a nova out there who could help me ? Thanks