I did that yesterday ,yes there are more input appearing because before i disable all that seems useless for me , but my Line 1 and aux 1 dont appear.I’ll do it again this afternoon.It does not seems to be specially related to podium , because i have the same problem with sonar.I’ll check in Wavelab.What i dont understand is why these inputs are available , for the Creative Mixer application and not for other application.I tried also use the WDM drivers , then i only have 2 inputs and 2 outputs in Podium.If you have more ideas , you’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for your help
Hi frits , in fact the input that appear in Podium and i would like to map to tracks are Line 2 and Aux 2 , this i cant do because i dont have the extension Platinium.But Why the Line 1 and Aux 1 does not appear?
😀 ok , i’ve got it thanks
quote:”I almost forgot: Instead of using the ‘new program library preset’ menu and then using the import button in the properties dialog, it is easier to use the ‘import library preset from file…‘ menu.”
I cant find how to do that 🙁 , where are these commands?
I am trying to better organize my project windows.
Thanks for help
I am sure it will pass , HAPPY NEW YEAR Frits and all podium users , we have a very nice tool…When i have lack of inspiration for composing 😥 , i make arrangements of existing songs…Influence is very important for inspiration 😀
Of course i dont say that you are not working , but it was nice to know if you were on one thing i am more interested in.Anyway its ok 🙂
Thanks my friend ! 😀
I am happy with the decisions of Frits , but i voted like Osofaux for plugin developpement , particularly about midi plugins 😀
Arrgh! its a lack of nowledge from me…i’ll return to podium school.
😀 thanks for your explanation Frits , i’ll try…
It works fine !