Yep , i registered there , but cannot see clearly how to put my comments about Podium. 😀
I tried it with freeverb , and it works fine , simple and very usefull
Thanks Frits 😀
😀 can help too , with my small experience your idea is good!
Ok , Frits , it changes after the first import from the new folder…
Ok , before i had my plugin folder in c:syntheditvstplugins , but i made a drum sample reader , with synthedit and i transfered all on my d: drive because of the place taken by the “samples.wav” and the synthedit plugin refer to his own folder for the samples .So , in podium i changed it in preferences/various/root vst plugin folder and it appears now as d:syntheditvstplugin , but when i import a plugin , it open the old folder on c:. 😮
“Is it correct that minus on French keyboards are placed on the ‘6’ key?”
6 or 8 i have to check , because for now i put a US keyboard.Thanks again for the parameters its great , i can control all from the track info 😀
😀 Absolutely!
I have tryed to reproduce the problem in removing the parameter mapping and then editing the curve , nothing happened , either a plugin parameter or a sound card parameter…
Is it a midi imported file or a new arrengement ?In the case of a new arrengement it should not happen if you set the paramater track by double clicking the parameter in the list.Your midi track should be selected.
Welcome to the club of the lucky users of Podium. 😀