😀 Thanks very much Frits , sometime i feel ashame to repeat a request , because i gess you’re a so busy man!
Hum!i hope you read my last message Frits , you seems to be so busy to answer all the questions… 😉
Actually , it seems that the value is sent only when the cursor is passing over the parameter.I just tried the event property it does not send in real time.
😀 Yep shure we are , i think since i am using Podium i never had a crash , the communication on the forum is the best we can hope , everyone is patient enough to wait for the improvement he or she is looking for…By the way , are there some “She” 😉
We are blessed , and thanks Mr Frits!
Oh Yeah! this is why i abandoned my VST32…Cool Podium! 😀
🙂 I will see in the future , until now i was not able to reproduce the phenomenon…May be i m becoming old! 😆
Ok , i worked the whole day without problem , its just fine , but i noticed that if the punch in/out was enabled , i was not able to record midi??? 😮
😀 Ok for the punch in/out it works fine and not so complicated , but one time i stopped the rec with the space bar (its so easy)before the punch out and then….the rec button was still on.Ok it will not happen so often.So , may be optional could be fine…it is not urgent!i can work already like that and i accept the other’s arguments… 😀 😀 😀
🙂 It does not seems to me very hard to reenable the recording by the “K”toggle function , and i think the punch in /out is an heavyier solution.I prefer to miss a recording than to erase a good one , you know what you have done but you dont know what ios the future…
ok i just would like to remote the recording from my keyboard as i did before with sonar…
I think i saw this already in the plan , especialy the fad in/out