jason jefreo's Forum Page

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Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • in reply to: Website update #40804
    jason jefreo

    Wasting time worrying about the website? When is an actual update going to happen with the software? It’s like you struck gold with building this software and then gave up on it, right when it needed a few touch ups. I’ve sent an email before on the updates needed to make this software a top contender in the game. I even offered to buy several copies to implement these updates. Its discouraging to see a dumb post about the website plugins as if anyone cares about how the website works, but oh well.

    in reply to: A few questions about PODIUM #39112
    jason jefreo

    I figured out question 2. (I had link edit cursor to play cursor, disabling this allows the cursor to restart at the edit cursor)

    in reply to: Where are the recorded files being kept? #39102
    jason jefreo

    Amazing! Thank you! I actually love this method now because there’s not risk of the hard drive not being fast enough etc. PODIUM RANK#1

    in reply to: how to cut/delete without sliding? #39083
    jason jefreo

    I’ve since figured this out. the middle mouse button does alot!

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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