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  • in reply to: Podium crashes during master bounce! #22181

    I’m having exactly the same problem this very second.

    It is so frustrating, because you put in hours and hours of work into making a track and then have to invest even more time to try and get it to export, usually to no avail. I’ve spent a whole afternoon trying to get my latest piece exported and am tearing my hair out.

    I hear what you say about Zynewave – I’m only still using it because I am otherwise happy with how it performs.

    Must be down to computer performance? It only tends to crash for me when I have lots of channels and a 6+ minute track

    in reply to: Trouble exporting/bouncing tracks #22158

    Well, my EP at least has some bonus beats… They exported okay. Now for the melody; fingers crossed!

    in reply to: Trouble exporting/bouncing tracks #22157

    Getting close to giving up now after another crash…. Especially when you say that the only way is to sit through the bounce render, which simply takes forever.

    I’m now trying to export just beats and then a just melody. So hopefully putting the two into an arrangement in sync will render properly. Hopefully!

    Like you say, perhaps there is something corrupt in the mix and exporting individually may help identify the problem

    in reply to: Trouble exporting/bouncing tracks #22152

    Ah, i wondered whether it was necessary; it’s just that when I select export to sound file it automatically renders the bounce track. Is there a way to bypass this? In options, pregerences etc? So frustrating!

    in reply to: Trouble exporting/bouncing tracks #22150

    Thanks for your reply Levendis-I’m trying again; let’s hope it isn’t in vain again!

    Do you have to render bounce track before exporting to sound file? Is there a quicker way of exporting? I don’t want to bother the developer if there’s a quick solution that I’m missing.

    Also, if I did send off the main arrangement file, presumably he wouldn’t be able to access the sounds that I used as they’re from my computer?

    Hope to get this sorted-don’t want my work to go to waste!

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