Topic: Podium crashes during master bounce!

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  • #2799

    Hey 😀

    First a big thank you to the Podium developers! I have produced my most beautiful and best track ever with this sequencer!

    But now since yesterday I tried it 6 times to bounce the master track.
    It starts to bounce, but when it comes to about 70% it suddenly stops, podium just crashes (without error message) and there is no audio file saved!

    I am using Podium Free 2.40… running on Windows XP Professional 32-bit
    New sound settings are:
    File format: WAV
    Bit resolution: audio driver setting

    I also tried it out now with different settings but didnt help!
    I even tried to bounce the audio from one single track (ONLY Kickdrum)
    but also stopped at this ~70%.

    I really hope that u guys can help me with the issue, because it would be ridiculous to produce a really good track but not being able to bounce to get the audio file!


    Is there maybe a possible alternative to get to the audio file without loosing audio quality?
    What I will try is to update to Podium Free 2.42
    And I will also try it to bounce it on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit.


    Try ‘Bounce (Bounce)->Enable Realtime Record Bouncing’ and see if that doesn’t help.


    Often these kind of crashes are caused by plugins. If you have effect plugins on your kick drum track, try bypassing them, and see if it still crashes. Also try bouncing some of the other tracks. If some of these bounces do not crash, then try step by step to enable plugins, until you find the plugin that causes the crash.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Often these kind of crashes are caused by plugins. If you have effect plugins on your kick drum track, try bypassing them, and see if it still crashes. Also try bouncing some of the other tracks. If some of these bounces do not crash, then try step by step to enable plugins, until you find the plugin that causes the crash.

    I am really suspecting that it is really an effect plugin… because the bounce (also realtime bounce) ALWAYS stops at a certain point.. and If I try to bounce starting the outro (which is afterwards that point) it also works without any problem… I guess the issue is an effect plugin that comes in at that certain point..

    I will try to find out which plugin it is still today..

    If this plugin/effect causes the issue it means that I CANT USE that plugin/effect? actually to be honest, that would be really really a problem because the production is for me almost perfect concerning synths, sounds & their effects..
    But if it is like that.. really toooooo bad but doesnt care, technical problems are technical problems…



    Okay: I DISABLED EVERY SINGLE PLUGIN (synths, fx,…)
    Tried to bounce and it STILL CRASHES AGAIN AT THE SAME POINT!

    But its interesting: It seems like I can bounce actually the whole track doesnt matter which part of it.. but only for the track length of ~3 minutes… a longer length does not work and leads to a crash! That means I should be able to for example bounce 1 minute of the track, again, again, again,……. until I have the whole track bounced but only into its parts…
    Actually I think that should be one possibility for me because I guess I will be able to cut down the parts together with some programs..

    Of course that SHOULD NOT be the solution….
    I really dont know what I can still try out to get a normal full bounce of my track!
    Please help me…


    EDIT: what is also interesting is that when I do realtime bouncing, the CPU performance indicator VEEERY FAST (after 1-2 minutes) goes to 100 and does NOT come anymore… but when I play the track normal without bouncing it never goes over ~80..


    Tried it out to bounce with Zynewave Podium Free 2.42 and Zynewave Podium Demo 3.2.0 but was still the exact same thing!

    btw: if this bounce issue would be solved, I would definitely be going to buy Podium soon!!!

    Podium is PERFECT for me, except this bouncing issue! (without bouncing I cant get my tracks of course… which is the thing that we all actually want after all the hard work..)


    Are there some alternatives to get my track without a real loss of audio quality??


    Does it crash if you bounce the individual tracks rather than the master track?

    You could email me your project file, and I’ll check if there is anything on the timeline that causes Podium to mess up.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Does it crash if you bounce the individual tracks rather than the master track?

    You could email me your project file, and I’ll check if there is anything on the timeline that causes Podium to mess up.

    ok NOW I GOT IT!!
    It does not always crash at the same certain point, It does always crash after about 3 minutes and 10 seconds.
    I thought it was that certain point first, because I always started bouncing (realtime) from the beginning of the track.. and that point was always after 3 min and 10 sec. !

    but now I started it off 1 minute after the beginning and it passed the point on which it always crashed and now it crashed again after 3 min and 10 sec. of bouncing time.

    So it seems like my podium cant bounce anything longer than 3 min and 10 sec.
    Thats the problem, but I really dont know why the f**k it is like that?
    I have not read that its a limitation of podium free…

    Zynewave, yeah I can send you the project file if you like and its still necessary, but where can I find your email address?


    EDIT: I will try out to make a new project and just put some nonsense into the sequencer (some kicks, hats, snares), longer than 3 min and 10 sec.
    I will then try to bounce that and will see if it crashes again.. I’ll tell you guys the result..

    EDIT 2: OKAY I made around 7 mins of just kick, clap, hats and a crash (every 8 bars): Offline bouncing worked without any problems,
    realtime bouncing crashed after the cpu performance indicator was for some time constantly on 100…. but now it was longer than 3min and 10 sec. now it was ~5 min up to the crash…

    So I guess it is my CPU power that causes the crash… I guess its logical that if my CPU is overloaded it will crash after some time… in task manager the cpu is off course not overloaded at all (~30%)

    I guess it could maybe be that I am using Podium free which only allows the use of only 1 CPU…
    But I also tried to bounce the track with Podium 3.20 demo and it also crashed!!!
    If I would have to buy podium to solve the problem I would do that very soon 🙂 …….
    I dont know what to do now..

    EDIT 3: if we will get a solution for my problem, I will definitely buy podium soon…
    Bouncing minute by minute and then cutting it together is not a solution… I tried it out and was really shit because, for a example if there is a delay of any sound exactly between to parts I bounced.. then the delay would suddenly stop in the other part… (dont know if u understand what I mean)..


    My email is listed on the ‘About’ page. It’s: info(at)

    What ASIO buffer size do you use?

    If you get constant overload during realtime bounce, try to increase the ASIO buffer size.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    My email is listed on the ‘About’ page. It’s: info(at)zynewave.com8
    What ASIO buffer size do you use?

    If you get constant overload during realtime bounce, try to increase the ASIO buffer size.

    I dont use the asio4all driver because when I use it and play the track I really get almost only really LOUD noise!
    Even if I set it to the max. buffer size (2048 samples)
    Doesnt matter which faders I turn up or down or which boxes I tick.

    Uploaded with

    So I am using the standard windows wave/mme drivers with a buffer size of 8000 because I want to avoid all the crackles..

    EDIT: I sent you the project file.


    actually I really love podium and its my absolute favourite DAW but of course I cant go with it if I cant export my tracks….


    I received your file, and I’ll have a look at it this weekend.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I received your file, and I’ll have a look at it this weekend.


    Edit: I will try out to install podium on the computer from my dad (Win 7 HP, intel i7, 4 GB RAM) and copy all the vsts and the project file..
    Then I will try to export it. If it does not work than it will probably not be a problem of my computer.. It will be something in the project..


    I’m having exactly the same problem this very second.

    It is so frustrating, because you put in hours and hours of work into making a track and then have to invest even more time to try and get it to export, usually to no avail. I’ve spent a whole afternoon trying to get my latest piece exported and am tearing my hair out.

    I hear what you say about Zynewave – I’m only still using it because I am otherwise happy with how it performs.

    Must be down to computer performance? It only tends to crash for me when I have lots of channels and a 6+ minute track

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