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  • in reply to: Preview: Compact track layout #10860

    One thing to possibly consider is the fact that when I look at the new arrangement, I can’t tell that the Drums track (purple) goes through zMaster unless the track (or child) is selected. On the old arrangement, I can glance to see it goes through something.

    Perhaps a visual clue might help, for example on the tracks with have ‘hidden effects’ as parents, maybe the arrow pointing to the parent could be a double arrow. So when you glance at an arrangement, I can see which tracks have these hidden effects/tracks.


    I think the problem mainly lies with the controller keyboard drivers.

    Somehow Podium doesn’t seem to like that the drivers are sometimes installed and sometimes not because they are not signed through microsoft. I’ve changed some Windows settings to allow all non-signed drivers by default and the problem seems to have disappeared!


    Hi, thanks for the reply. I have figured out when it loses the settings.

    If I save the project and the MIDI interface is not plugged in, then Podium marks the relevant devices as unavailable in the saved file (which they are unavailable).

    The problem is when you plug the MIDI interface back in, then open Podium, they are still left marked as unavailable (even though they are now available).

    This seems to happen in any project and with any interface that is removable.

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