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  • in reply to: Imported Audio is sped up. #18650

    Ooooh nice.

    in reply to: Imported Audio is sped up. #18641

    Hmmm I guess Sonar resamples it then, as it was fine there.
    It’s only 1 sample anyway, the rest consists of VSTs which I would generally have at 88200khz, it makes a difference.

    Anyways, nevermind, it has stopped bothering me now that it is fixed. Cheers

    in reply to: Imported Audio is sped up. #18639

    Ah, well setting 44100 in the project page (which is what the wav is) cured it….
    Thanks for helping me.
    So this means I can’t use samples of different sample rates in one project? I generally make my projects 88200 and I can’t because of this.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18135

    Fair enough I guess. Only so many keys to choose from.

    God I whinge lol.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18131

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Dragging phantom copies in the arrangement editor is now done with the Ctrl key instead of the Alt key. The phantom copy can subsequently be converted to a unique copy with the edit menu or the Ctrl+U shortcut.

    What’s the point in this? It makes things more difficult as far as I can see.

    in reply to: How can I use a drum map? #18123

    Thanks for the help guys! Good luck with making the drum map better Fritz. It’s a really great program, I have tried various ‘Big’ DAWs and this is the best I have seen, once I got my head around it ;). Looking forward to seeing where the software goes.

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