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  • in reply to: MIDI note velocity as automatable parameter #11730

    I see, thank you for your prompt answer. I guess you already know which question am I going to ask next – do you have any rough estimation when MIDI plugins will be supported?


    in reply to: Volume fader vs. effects #11164

    Ok, I played with this a bit more, realized that:

    1. I can always add an empty effect track (containing no effect, but having enabled gain/pan dials on it) as the last one in the track. This solves hassle of enabling/disabling track dials on last effect track when adding/removing effects on the track.

    2. It would be nice if track’s new pan/gain sliders control the last enabled gain/pan controls found upwards in the track chain. That way, it would be possible to have gain/pan enabled on both the lane track for controlling initial pre-effect gain and also having gain/pan enabled on the last effect track (and track faders would control this pair of gain/pan). Again, in this case it would be also logical for track display meters to show output of track which is controlled by track’s faders…

    3. And there is also mixer view… I think that mixer view should follow more closely the setup of tracks/effects/faders in track view. Currently, when I setup track’s faders to control last effect track, the fader in mixer still controls output of raw lane track. I guess that mixer would be much more useful if it more closely follows settings made in track view. YMMV.

    Finally, I must say that more I work in compact mode, the more I like it. It is really a huge step forward in usability. Thank you!

    in reply to: Volume fader vs. effects #11163

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Later on I may add a track menu command that can switch between pre/post faders without having to enter the track properties dialog.

    Good idea. That would be much easier.

    Yes, absolutely. In an ideal case this option could also control whether track meters display the raw lane track (faders are pre-effect) or effected track (faders are post-effect).

    However, all this is just nice-to-have, not critical in any case.


    in reply to: Beginner question – free jamming in Podium #10437

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Not yet. This will be possible when I implement time stretching (of both sound and sequence events). You will then be able to stretch a freehand recorded note sequence so that it aligns with the bar/beat grid lines.

    OK, but this freehand sequence has tempo changes inside (some of them intentional, some of them less intentional 😳 ), which I’d generally like to preserve and instead create/modify the changes of tempo of the whole arrangement. I guess that this will still not be possible with sequence time-stretching.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    A property on the sequence saying whether it should lock to clock time or bar/beat time is something I’ll look at in a distant future.

    OK, will have to find other ways of work. Maybe learning to play with metronome would be the best course of action 😆

    in reply to: Beginner question – free jamming in Podium #10434

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Until this is implemented, you can do it manually by inserting a tempo event and adjusting the tempo until the bar grid lines lines up with the audio recording. The sound events will resize, and this is in fact what you want in this case.

    And is there any similar possibility for midi sequence? I mean, if I record free-form improvization as a midi track (not paying attention to the host’s tempo), and then want to adjust the whole global arrangement’s tempo according to my recorded sequence, how can I do it? I think that adding tempo changes also moves MIDI events inside the sequence in time, while I want them to be fixed-in-time, not fixed-in-tempo…

    Thinking more about it, the solution for me would be to add property to MIDI sequence saying whether the contents of the sequence is fixed-in-time or fixed-in-tempo. Does it make sense?

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