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  • in reply to: Preview 2.10: Scales and stuff #14614

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Pigini wrote:

    The universal way of using nonstandard tunings works with pitchbend events, if I remember correctly.

    Pitchbend messages apply to all notes/chords playing on a MIDI channel, so it won’t work for adjusting the tuning of individual notes.

    Yes, it has its limitations. Maybe they could be overcome by having kind of a mapped virtual midi driver system working internally. Anything that would allow to get pitch tuned polyphony up.

    from http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~bdenckla/thesis/texts/htthe/node55.html:
    “In order to use the pitch bend tuning technique, simultaneous notes that require distinct pitch bends must be played on different channels. This limits the polyphony to 16 notes in the worst case. Larger polyphony can be accommodated if some of the simultaneously sounding notes are separated by a doubling since these notes can be played on the same channel.”

    But maybe the compexity of the subject calls for more specialized software, like thatone:
    (btw, makes an interesting read about the whole tuning stuff)

    in reply to: Preview 2.10: Scales and stuff #14611

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Any other uses for scales?

    Yes, lots. What level of depth are you planning on?
    A programmable variations generator, a master editor?
    Have to find the manuals for some of my old atari apps, there was alot of really deep stuff, which you just don’t find in any modern host.

    How about realtime midi mapping, programmable with different scales/chords/tunings?
    Here is a link to the manual of an app, that does that kind of stuff.
    A good read to get some ideas:
    http://www.hotzstore.com/Support/Manuals/Hotz% … I%20Manual. PDF
    The same principles could be used for functions in the midi editor, like selections etc.

    in reply to: Preview 2.10: Scales and stuff #14610

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @adlaius wrote:

    I have two requests that are almost certainly too far afield, but hey, why not? First, Hermode Tuning would be awesome. Some (few) instruments have it already, but Logic is the only sequencer (thus far) to offer it. Huge, fantastic feature, and offering it in a DAW vs. a VSTi gives added advantages (offline processing for bouncing to perfect harmonic tuning).

    Also, what about native microtonal support a la Scala? A good number of popular synths (Albino, Alpha, Cameleon5000, Dimension Pro, z3ta+, and others) can load Scala tuning files; having host support would be really great.

    Hermode tuning and microtonality need to be supported by the instrument plugin. MIDI notes sent from the host are integer numbers representing keys, so the host cannot adjust these for different tunings. I don’t know how Logic implements this. Perhaps it just works with their own instruments, or maybe there is something in the OSX AudioUnit plugin protocol that supports tuning setup from the host.

    The universal way of using nonstandard tunings works with pitchbend events, if I remember correctly.

    in reply to: Slooooow closing time. #14587

    I just keep seperate systems, selectable with a bootmanager, one for online and networking, one for the music stuff.
    In the music configuration, I even have all nonessential services switched off, no networking etc, all mean and sleek completely optimized, think that’s best for the audio stuff anyway, no virusscan necessary there. And I keep away from software wanting me to register online.

    in reply to: Gah! #14442

    @adlaius wrote:

    Looking at the Future Development thread/post makes me twitch.

    Podium’s UI is already great. Stellar, even.

    Really. Please don’t tweak it any more. I would pay in my own blood to see a new version update list that read something like this:

      functional enhancements
      audio engine improvements
      more functional enhancements

    I’m all for functionality too.
    But to be fair, quite a few things listed under UI improvements in the Future Development thread are about functionality/usability and not just about looks.

    in reply to: double clicking in piano roll still peculiar #14393

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve added an “editor mouse snap mode” combobox setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “closest grid line” and “start of grid unit under cursor”. Coming in release 2.10.

    Glad, the “closest grid line” snap remains in podium. 🙂
    Would that approach make the independent time snap grid possible too?
    The one where we could just pick a time snap grid and place any note value on it?

    in reply to: What OS do you use to run Podium? (2009) #14370

    Checked other. I’m on winXP Tablet edition. Should not be too different from winXp pro, except for the additional tablet features.

    in reply to: double clicking in piano roll still peculiar #14359

    @PV_INC wrote:

    Well, its weird to me.

    Cubase, Sonar, Live, Fruity Loops, EnergyXT, REAPER, and Protools all put notes in the same way. Its Podium that puts the notes in funny.

    Before you say “well, whats wrong with being different”

    The reason why the others do it that way is because its the simplest implementation. You see a rectangle, you double click or draw inside of it, the note is placed inside of it. Simple — What-you-see-is-what-you-get.

    Was kind of expecting that reply. It seems those hosts putting the notes in the spaces have somewhat blurred the concept of time snap already.

    I’m trying to explain it a bit better, to make clear what we would loose if podium did it all like other hosts. But maybe we can find a solution to please all, once again. 😉

    And now, bear with me:

    If you record notes and then do a time quantize (which only moves the start of the notes to multiples of the snap value, without duration quantize), the notes get snapped to the next quantize point, to the right or to the left, whichever is next. Thats completely logical. Why apply another logic for mouse input? – That was my point

    But I understand where that “drawing into spaces” thing comes from. It’s that simple grid where time snap is completely linked with duration quantize and where the grid just looks like it’s made for drawing notes of the quantize value only.

    Many ppl are not even aware that a timing only quantize exists, they just call it quantize whenever they quantize timing and durations in one go.
    That’s a serious limitation, which podium partly shares, because of the way the snap feature looks and works.
    Some hosts even always do a combined time/duration quantize.
    Hosts offering seperate time quantize, seperate duration quantize and the “combined in one go” flavour allow much more flexibilty. Podium calls the time quantize “Quantize Start” and the regular duration quantize “Set duration” and it has an additional duration quantize, which shortens or lengthens the end of the note to the next snap value.

    So, fortunately pure time snap is possible in podium, but it would become much more clear and obvious if we had the choice for the snap to either affect only the timings or do a duration quantize aswell, when putting in notes with the mouse.

    With a grid set to time snap only, it could behave like now*, while with time+duration snap it could work with the grid spaces (but only for mouse input, please). That would make the difference between time snap and time+duration snap more clear.

    *Would even have an added advantage of having a time snap grid different from the current note input value (quick buttons). Like, placing dotted quarter notes on a 1/16 grid with rests inbetween, as I always wanted and mentioned a couple of times.

    So, how is that? Acceptable?

    in reply to: double clicking in piano roll still peculiar #14351

    I think the snap is absolutely in order as it is. It behaves just as a time snap feature should work (50% around the wanted timing, or probably rather 49% and 51%).
    It would feel completely weird to me, if I clicked close to my wanted point in time and the note got dragged to the left.
    IMHO the aiming for the spaces in some hosts just alienates the conception of what the grid actually stands for.

    in reply to: 2.09 #14296

    In my view, a very important update. With the right adjustments in the right places, it’s just so much more usable now.
    Podiums old piano roll used to be the reason, why I preferred another app for mouse input. No need for that anymore.
    Excited to read the work in the piano roll area continues. It’s such a vital part in any host and not many of them are actually good at it.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #14237

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Added note event “Alt+Click” and “Alt+Double-click” customizable edit actions. Available edit actions include: drag velocity, drag size, drag size proportionally (for multiple note selections) and delete events.

    That’s very much appreciated, thanx. 🙂

    quantization button panel: Could we have a snap-button there, please?
    That way, we could have the choice of taking the snap+and select box off the top menu, if we wanted to work with the quickbuttons alone.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #14163

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    However, i’d like to ask you for a minor adjustment. When the zoom is opened the grid is too crammed until the odd lines disappear. Please, could you do that the odd grid vertical lines disappear soon?

    You mean you want a larger minimum spacing between the gridlines? Currently the minimum spacing is 5 pixels. Would it be better with 8 pixels?

    Would that only have an impact on the visual presentation or would it mean losing grid guidance for finer placements?

    Beta7 works absolutely fine for me so far. Nothing to complain about, but much to praise. Cheers 🙂

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #14084

    I must say, I had some initial problems with the zoom linked grid, but am actually starting to like it. I can understand how confusing it is, when being used to other hosts grids and sometimes I would like to see only the snap lines, but there is no need to do literally everything the same way in every host. IMHO, they are samish enough already.

    The way podium handles the snapping is not alien at all, it’s the standard time quantize. If a note is off the time quantize value, it gets dragged to the closest one.
    In cubase the grid represents a drawing aid for the currently chosen note value, podiums grid is of a different nature, that’s why I recommended putting some triplets in with snap on, so that you could see it yourself.

    I’ve been playing with the latest beta and feel more and more comfortable with it. What I still would like is to pick a snap value and put any notes at its snap positions. Like choosing a 1/16 snap, leave a 1/16 rest and put a dotted quarter directly after that, without editing.
    That and being able to reassign the proportional multiple resize as the default behaviour, getting it off that awkward key-shortcut.

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