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  • in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13811

    @Zynewave wrote:

    You mean different time signatures? Just add them in the arrangement, and the piano-roll timeline will adjust accordingly.

    Ooops, sure the usual grid = timing signature. 😳
    I’ve been thinking so much about those custom grids lately, that I’ve started to think of them as completely independent objects for alignment, hence I was looking for …well … grids. Sorry.
    But we don’t have that snapping to grid timing, without doing a duration quantize at the same time yet, or have we?

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13809

    I like the improvements so far. That evenly spaced piano roll looks so much better, even the occasional graphics oddity I had there is gone and its no drag on my resources, as far as I can tell. Double click for deleting notes works great for me (or did we have thatone before? well, it’s great in any case.)

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13805

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    … Note move buttons, like in energy XT: for moving selected notes (or all in midi clip, if none selected) up/down by a semitone or an octave.

    Argh, scratch that. Just checked the Guide and there are actually excellent keyboard shortcuts for this.
    You can tell I haven’t made much use of MIDI editing in Podium yet (there’s a drum map?! :oops:) – I will, after this release, though.

    Hey, uhhh, nooohhh, don’t scratch the move buttons, please!! I’m trying to work with podium on a tablet pc, most of the time I have no keyboard connected at all.
    The toolbar is totally configurable anyway, would be handy to be able to add those buttons, when they are needed.

    Haven’t worked much with the midi editor in podium either so far, and quite frankly I can see why I once chose not to. It really needs to be worked on. Unless I only haven’t found it yet, it looks like we can’t even change the grid (yet). As if there was nothing but 4/4 in the world of music. We really need different grids, and then we can eventually snap to it (I mean only snapping to the time value, not doing a duration quantize at the same time, like it is now. Or is that something I have only overlooked in the depths of possible configs?).

    in reply to: Podium portable? #13798

    Searched for it before, but wasn’t locked in, so the VIP section was left out. 😳
    Got it now. Thanx Conquie!
    Will try that. I suppose it will work as described, but still don’t like having that folder “userappdatazynewavepodium” created on the local harddrive.
    Couldn’t we loose that path and have the Podium.ini file and the audio cache files in the podium folder, all self contained?
    Else, everytime we test a beta we better copy that appdata podium folder from the full release to somewhere else, delete it and have a new one created by the latest beta we test. (Maybe it wouldn’t matter if we did not do that, but I remember it was often suggested to delete that folder and get it created anew, when there were problems with a new version of podium.)

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13790

    @adlaius wrote:

    Read it as x:y where x is the number of notes sounded and y is the number of beats over which those notes sound. So if we’re talking about quarter notes, 2:1 is two eighth notes, 1:2 is a half note, and 3:2 is a quarter note triplet. That reference style makes it quite easy to input and work with polyrhythms or more “modern” melodies.

    Ah, yes! That’s a very clever way of describing it in relation to beats.
    @adlaius wrote:

    Your proposal is interesting, though, because it seems like more of an improv/remix approach to modifying existing material:

    Yes, it would be like placing a tuner at a spot, where you get the freedom to control timings and durations with finest detail, leaving the standard grid and having the option to remain within its boundaries aswell.

    Just take any long note, divide it by 8. It would only generate 8th notes if the original note was a whole note, it would not just generate 8th all along.

    @adlaius wrote:

    Heh. Combine this idea with a means to work with odd divisions and you could make some crazy stuff!

    Exactly. I only chose the 8th and 16th example to make more clear, that even with those divisions, one would not just get the usual 8th or 16th, unless the original note was a whole note.

    … and if there was an option of using a sample midi sequence as a template (aka rythm template, scaling to the selected note), you could easily do weighted slices (swinged slices, or whatever you like). πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13787

    @adlaius wrote:

    My interest would be in generic tuples, so rather than having a menu item for triples, quintuples, and so on, one could simply specify a tuple ratio in a dialog box or something (3:2 for triplet and so on).

    Yepp, I did mean a generic definable input for the “divider”, but a more common selector for the quick entry notes (normal, dotted, triplet) also. I’m just not sure I understand why a triplet would be defined 3:2?
    I was thinking of having just one number there, like 3 for triplet and it divides the selected note into 3 evenly spaced parts (not necessarily three from a quarter note, but also three from a halve or a whole note and so on, depends on the original note.) It would also be great for very quickly generating unusual even values. Just take any long note, divide it by 8. It would only generate 8th notes if the original note was a whole note, it would not just generate 8th all along. There are enough other ways to do that. It would rather be like redefining the whole note by selection and generating 8th based on it.

    Sounds a bit confusing, but is actually simple ;).
    “Redefining the whole note” (=4/4 measure) could lay the foundation for much niftier functions (eg. amazingly simple generation of lively performances and so on), but for now: “let’s piano roll!!”.

    One could take the whole idea to really universal flexibility, if one defined further differences and applied the concept of “relative to selected note” (that’s what I described above) or “absolute in relation to another quantifier”.
    Example: For quantifier whole note (=4/4measure), and divider 16, you would just slice whatever you selected into normal 16ths.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13784

    For quicker input (step- or mouse based entry), I would like to see a configurable floating toolbox with all the the common notes available at the same time (whole note to 64th) with an additional selector normal/dotted/triple. The selection of note input values (selector box for everything) as it is now and in many other hosts is just one click to much and totally tedious and no fun to use. Note entry should be as quick as possible.
    I would also like to have some customizable quick buttons to change selected notes durations quickly to staccato, portato, legato.
    … and a costumizable “Divider” (could go to right click menu for each note) to slice notes into smaller notes.
    It makes note entry even quicker and it allows unusual even or uneven timings (like 5 or 7 notes in one quarter, similar to triplets, just with 5 or seven maybe even 9 in it), maybe even divide by sample clip template (use custom timing from a short user sequence, similar to using sequences as a template for custom grids or quantization.)

    Also wanted to make more clear, that snapping to grid is not the same as quantizing to grid (one could snap unquantized stuff to a new starting point on the grid while leaving the stuff itself unquantized), both should still be possible after the rework of the piano roll. (It seems to get overlooked by many ppl sometimes).

    in reply to: Clip list (done!) #13779

    That very much reminds me of my very first post here.

    Not sure to what extend part of that idea might have made it into podium. I’ve been using Podium only slaved to my Atari and do all my midi work there.
    Only recently put podium on my Tablet-PC and now I’m eager to see all kinds of improvements for midi mangling in podium.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13776

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    But you have to think that there are some graphic features that are helpful for do music, and other doesn’t. I think shadow notes are a example about a helpful graphic feature.

    I strongly support the idea of shadow notes, they could be very helpful.
    I only don’t want to run out of juice (pun intended) and my computer getting all hot and loud only because my DAW just looks too beautiful. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13772

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The new stuff like the rescalable photographic keyboard and the note shadow effect is only practically possible with todays faster PCs. That being said, if some of you find that the the “draw notes with shadow effect” option is markedly slowing down your UI, please say so. I will then consider having the shadow option disabled by default.

    Uhhh, ohhh :oops:, please consider making the graphic “extra bells and whistles”, which could possibly draw more resources, optional.
    It’s not only, because I’m such a pragmatic bastard (who does not care if an app is monochrome as long as the feats are brilliant). πŸ˜‰
    When I’m on the train with my Tablet-PC running on battery, I’m clocking the cpu and graphics-chip down to extend battery life. The 3D of the graphics chip only kicks in when it is needed and so on…
    By that, I get up to 1h!!! more run time from the new battery (well it depends on what I’m doing).

    And I can imagine some ppl might not even want an extra drag on resources when working plugged in, because they prefer a quiet environment when making music (no fan kicking in etc.) or, if given the choice, prefer to run one plugin instance more instead of “eye candy”.

    Generally, being low on resources is always a big plus for a DAW.
    Podium, as it is, is actually very good at that, despite its good looking gui.
    I hope that does not change, only because computers are getting faster.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13760

    @UncleAge wrote:

    When notes are moved with the snap “On”, I would like them to move relative to where they were…

    What I suggested earlier would perfectly cover that and everything else.
    You can snap to anything if you have support for custom grid/snap based on the timing of sequences and use that as a template for quantizing or for the shown grid. Could even cover irregular rhytm templates stretching over several bars or just one bar. That would be the swiss army knife of quantizing.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13757

    @aMUSEd wrote:

    I don’t see the point of this ghost note thing (suddenly people are asking for this on the Reaper forum too – where does it come from). It just seems a way of cluttering up the midi view for minimal benefit.

    Inline midi would be better if people want to line tracks up.

    It’s not only good for lining up, it would be great for actual composing to see whatΒ΄s on other tracks already.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13756

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Anyway, the most important feature request for me was the first: the maximun grid space should be the snap value. That’s kills tons of useless and confusing vertical lines!

    Exactly. (but you mean minimal grid, don’t you?).
    We could have both. A seperate choice of grid with snap value different from grid and “snap to grid”, which overrules snap value.
    (Some ppl might want to use the grid not always just for snapping, but for different viewing, comparing or whatever.)
    In addition, I would like to see custom grids (also with the option to snap to grid), defined by time values of chosen sequences.

    EDIT: Actually it would be completely cool if the afforementioned “snap value” (not the snap to grid function )itself could also be defined by a sequence. That way we could have an ultimate custom quantization and a seperate grid.

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13752

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @UncleAge wrote:

    Not a must have but definitely a sweet feature that I liked when I used FL Studio’s demo was the ability to place chords in via the piano roll

    I remember that! This would certainly be nice, but I agree that it’s lowest priority – you could probably even make midi files for a bunch of chords and import them as needed..

    Hey, why low prio? Being able to do it in a “workaround sort of way” is not good enough, when one can have it quick and easy.

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @pavouk100 wrote:

    It would be nice to add MIDI velocity sensitivity according to the place where the piano key is clicked.

    This would only be used for previewing, then? You can’t excactly add in notes by clicking the piano keys..

    I guess, he meant the last pressed velocity-value should define the velocity for the next inputs. That would be neat.

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    semitransparent colours for ghost notes
    It’s pretty comfortable see them with their colours. Then you can find easily without mute channels where is your chord progresion.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Note move buttons, like in energy XT: for moving selected notes (or all in midi clip, if none selected) up/down by a semitone or an octave.
    – Velocity level +/- buttons: pretty much like the above – to equally control multiple notes’ velocity.

    Could be done without buttons, just by dragging, but nice to have a choice.
    And it could be more precise sometimes(thinking of different high resolutions, where some small mouse movements just are not easy to do).
    I’m often using a Tablet-PC now and buttons/clickable areas would help in many ways with the pen input.
    !!!A floating palette with user defined click functions would be great!!!
    I’ll elaborate more on that later.

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Also, I’d like to add that I prefer flat notes (:oops:) to the bevelled look you see in many other sequencers.

    … and so do I. Bevelled notes? Nooooh, thanks!

    in reply to: Preview 2.09: Piano roll editor updates #13746

    I’m very glad the piano roll is next on the list.
    Will contribute some ideas soon.
    Right now, I have to catch some sleep before my head hits the scratchpad …
    Sorry, no meat in that post, only wanted to say something rather sophisticated like: !!!!BRILLIANT!!!!

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