Oh, that’s what you meant. Mmh… that’s true.
It still bugs me that when I rearrange the transport buttons, I have to change this in three profiles… Though I can see how you might want a different layout of things for, e.g., the mixer.
I think we’ll have to live with these disadvantages. 😉
Easier handling of drum maps? Absolutely. 8)
Also thanks for the UI adjustments.
To save your setup, use the “Save Setup” command below “Save/Load Color Setup”. This will save all editor profiles along with hardware settings. The only thing that goes missing sometimes (for me) is the recent projects list…
Seems the button size changed again. I’m at the point of using six “stretch button” elements now. Hopefully there are no side effects to using that many at once. 😆
Need to give some critique on beta 6:
– The grid button panel in the default setup doesn’t fit on my screen with 1080px resolution, especially in the drum editor. Did you contemplate splitting the options an grid buttons into two colums when there’s not enough space? Both the (embedded) note and drum editor would have enough free space (unless you named your drums “Big Fat Juicy Snare Drum With More Cowbell”). :-k
– The velocity buttons – I think I remember them switching from vertical to horizontal alignment when the region got too small some versions ago. This is indispensable, in my opinion.
Okay, AD doesn’t pass along note names to the host at all, which is a shame.
So I’ll have to make use of the drum kit preset thingy, once it becomes less obfuscated. 😉
*Ahem* I was also thinking, since the tool selection shortcuts are omitted now by default, the RMB’s functionality has been ever so slightly reduced to near zero in most editors, if I dare say so. Maybe it’s time for the a-tool-per-button concept to emerge soon? O:)
Liquid, that looks like a great start into “videomakership.” 🙂 Mind if I ask which program you use to record that lets you zoom like that?
It looks really good now. 🙂
The Shift-click function would be nice for these S/M buttons as well.
Two bugs:
– The option button column remains visible when you drag the resize handle next to the keys towards the left edge of the screen.
– Probably irrelevant, but there’s a crash if you try to enable/disable keys while using a drum kit preset on the track.
It’s a little complicated, and it might be best not to bother with it, as it seems the drum stuff is being revamped at the moment. 😉
Open a new browser window (Window -> New Browser Window) and use the left side (called the project browser) to go look for the plug-in the preset belongs to. Example:
Composite tracks are used for the “comping” feature found in most hosts, where you record multiple takes and later select the best pieces of each. A track is usually automatically converted to a composite track if it has an audio input, and you start recording with loop mode enabled. This can be configured or disabled on the Play/Record page in the preferences.
Info in the Guide: http://www.zynewave.com/wiki/doku.php?id=guide:recording#loop-recording_and_composite_tracks
Edit: Beat me to it! 😛
@Zynewave wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
Addictive Drums also lets you re-map everything, and I assume it then passes the key names on to the host, if that’s what you mean by custom drum key names.
You mean you can reassign MIDI note numbers used for the individual drums in the plugin UI?
Yes, with the map window introduced in the 1.5 update: http://www.xlnaudio.com/graphics/products/addictivedrums/adrenaline/map-window.jpg
Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?
Euhh… no. 🙂 I don’t own any host that even uses key names, let alone names published by a plug-in. Anyone have a suggestion for a host to try this in? In the meantime, I’ll ask XLN Audio about this.
I’ll have to do some catching up with the Guide regarding this…
@Zynewave wrote:
– The grid/snap value seems to adjust all notes’ visual length – huh? A 1/16 note looks like a 1/4 note if you select that grid setting.
I don’t know how other sequencers’ drum maps work, but for me it’s important to be able to set note lenght (and see it). For example, Poise has a “note on” mode, in which a sample pad is triggered only as long as the note is held.All events are displayed with a minimum size of the grid value. There’s a historic reason for this: Years ago many MIDI drum files had very short note durations, because drum machines back then usually only needed a trigger note to play the entire drum sound. So if those ancient MIDI drum files should be displayed with true durations, you would only see very thin drum notes that would be difficult to click and edit.
Maybe this need to be updated as well. Instead of using the grid value as the minimum duration, it is perhaps better to have a minimum pixel width setting, and a way to display that the true length of the event is perhaps shorter than the clickable event. Suggestions are welcome.
A few random suggestions (from “meh.” to “not much better either” :wink:)
– If the drum notes in those MIDI files are really that short, I would assume it’s safe to destructively adjust their length to at least a 128th note on import, without messing up very quick runs on other instruments (personally, I’ve yet to see someone produce notes that short)?
However, if you wanted to export the drums MIDI again, it would of course be different – may be no problem as long as it’s still compatible with drum machines and other sequencers.
– If that sounds bad, maybe just use 128th as minimum display size, and leave the notes as they are otherwise. Some selection/resize things have to be fixed for this to work, though.
– One indication that a note is shorter than it looks could be sawing it off at the end, the way markers look. However, the notes would probably have to be drawn at full height for this to be clear, and just the color shading used to display velocity.
– Disable any adjustment options and reflection of note length in the drum editor completely, and just use, e.g., fixed 32th blocks, like other sequencers use those diamond shapes. Users that do need to adjust note lengths could switch over to the note editor for this.
@Zynewave wrote:
Oh no!, I’m going to be flooded with bug reports the coming days! 😉
You better put some more in the next beta then, because so far I’ve only got one candidate! 😛
There’s a problem selecting notes with a selection rectangle – they are only selected when the rectangle includes the very first pixel at the note start, regardless of actual or displayed note length.
– Why are the “keys” arranged bottom to top compared to the piano roll?
You know, it made sense years ago when I implemented it :-k . I guess I was thinking that the most prominent drums (kick, snare, etc.) should be at the top when you first open the editor. If I implement a feature to hide unused drum lines, I think it’s ok to swap them around so low notes are at the bottom. If anyone objects to this, please post why.
It probably does make more sense, but all the General MIDI and custom drum maps I’ve seen are arranged the other way around. It’s already weird if the notes reverse when going from the note to the drum editor.
Addictive Drums also lets you re-map everything, and I assume it then passes the key names on to the host, if that’s what you mean by custom drum key names.
Besides hiding unused keys, another feature dream would be being able to rearrange and rename the keys, and save them as a sort of drum map template.
I would also welcome an option for auditioning selected and edited notes, like in the piano roll. It’s the first thing I turn off there. 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
– End to center vertically on the current selection.
Could it be automatic each time you open a piano roll /drum roll editor please?
I’ve changed it so that it will center automatically when opening the editor, but not when changing the sequence while the editor remains open. Automatic centering would simply be too confusing, if you for example Alt+Click a ghost note to change sequence.
I think it would be best to include a “follow/center events” (or something) option in the editors’ view menus. Centering the view the first time only isn’t quite as useful, and if you dislike it, you could just turn it off.
@Zynewave wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
Does it not bother you that the mouse cursor changes to the vertical zoom cursor, when you hold down Ctrl+Shift for transposing octaves?
That never bothered me. I won’t be standing in the way if you want to change it, just want to say again that Ctrl (moving notes) together with Shift made sense to me, while Alt doesn’t really fit. I don’t have any alternatives to offer, either. 😐
I need to check the code for conflicts with other key shortcuts, but how about Shift+Up/Down instead of Alt+Up/Down for transposing octaves?
Is still feels a little detatched since shift isn’t used for any moving action, but I like it better. I was thinking right now that I kind of would expect Shift+Arrows to extend the selection of notes in whichever direction, hm.
You can still switch it to alt, it’s just one guy’s opinion after all. 😉
I must confess I’ve never used the drum editor before, so it’s entirely new to me. Some things about it leave me confused…
– Why are the “keys” arranged bottom to top compared to the piano roll?
– The grid/snap value seems to adjust all notes’ visual length – huh? A 1/16 note looks like a 1/4 note if you select that grid setting.
I don’t know how other sequencers’ drum maps work, but for me it’s important to be able to set note lenght (and see it). For example, Poise has a “note on” mode, in which a sample pad is triggered only as long as the note is held.
– Also, a very weird thing related to the above happens when you resize notes from the start:
@Conquistador wrote:
Funnily enough I did post this FR back in 2006! 😯 So definitely not “suddenly”. 😉
Haha, my bad then – that was well before my time! 😆
Yay, CQSD’s posting again! 🙂
Though I wonder if there really is a sudden need for some kind of “pattern-like” functionality in Podium.
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m wondering: Are you left-handed? Normally I have my left hand on the left side of the keyboard, so to use this shortcut with one hand (Ctrl+Up/Down), I would need to move my left hand over to the right side Ctrl key.
Nope, I just have nimble fingers. 😆
Most of the time my (left) hand spends on the keyboard, it resides on the numpad. It could well be that that feels weird to other right-handers… When I move notes with the arrow keys, the way I do it is to hold Ctrl with my pinky (p), and let a-m-i fall nicely on the arrow keys.
Does it not bother you that the mouse cursor changes to the vertical zoom cursor, when you hold down Ctrl+Shift for transposing octaves?
That never bothered me. I won’t be standing in the way if you want to change it, just want to say again that Ctrl (moving notes) together with Shift made sense to me, while Alt doesn’t really fit. I don’t have any alternatives to offer, either. 😐
@Zynewave wrote:
– Ctrl+End to set timeline zoom to the current selection.
Maybe you could add a corresponding menu entry to the timeline area right-click menu, or wherever you think it’ll fit best?
• Changed the key shortcut for transposing notes in full octaves in the piano roll from Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down to Alt+Up/Down.
This one I’m not too happy about. I think it was very comfortable to do this with just one hand, plus the key combination was fitting for me (Ctrl: move notes; Ctrl+Shift: move notes in another way!). I understand that the key combination is also used for zoom modifiers, and it makes sense with the cursor changing and all, but I don’t like it much…
• Added “auto-audition” option button to the file browser toolbar.
That looks great! It seems that this is the one and only slider that has a fixed appearance, though.
The ‘go to sequence’ commands do sound nice. Maybe I missed it, but are there keys that switch to the next or previous sequence on a track? It would be a little limiting if you could only switch between sequences at the same position on the timeline, and would have to switch to the arrangement view to advance or retreat on the timeline.
I guess most command will be available for any events? E.g., ‘shuffle’ for markers (plus any grouped events)?
@Zynewave wrote:
is the palette thingy idea still on the table?
Apart from your response in that other topic, I did not detect a lot of enthusiasm about my suggestion, so I’ll probably only start experimenting with it once I get a touch-screen PC.
I don’t have anything against a radial menu, but I wonder if it’s needed for touchscreens. Especially with multitouch, there’d be lots of new modifier actions available…
By the way, it has been rumored that HP and Microsoft aborting their touchscreen devices. Patent issues, perhaps, if it’s true… 😕
I doubt that Apple, or anyone, could patent a standard radial menu like it has been used in applications before – they’d have to add in something unique. I guess Frits would do the same. 😉
Hmm, I’d rather use the mouse (with the current modifier keys, or just the navigator) instead of having both hands on the keyboard to do these things.
I don’t see myself using any of those shortcuts, to be honest.
…Apart from this one! 😀
– Press Ctrl+End to set timeline zoom to the current selection