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  • in reply to: Zynewave not closing properly #20392

    Have tried here with a few instances of DirectWave and Harmless, but no problems on closing…


    in reply to: Zynewave not closing properly #20388

    This is an issue we already have sorted out:

    It happens, if you use any plugin from FXpansion like Synth Squad, Geist…

    Happens in other hosts as well (not in all of course).


    in reply to: Dithering + bouncing confusion #20380

    Not sure, if I understand you correctly…

    Again, afaik, any plugin offering dithering options doesn´t do (and I think cannot do) any bit conversion on it´s own.

    The dither option in such plugins doesn´t do anything but adding a noise to the audiosignal to mask quantization errors, which arise out of the conversion from higher resolutions to lower.

    Definition here:

    So dithering in Podium should be always applied, if you use “Export to soundfile” with a lower resolution than 32bit floating point.
    And if it is the last plugin in the master chain, Podium will not change the audio afterwards, so there is no need for a special or additional communication between the dither plugin and the host.
    Just add the plugin as the last instance in the master, export to soundfile as i.e. 16bit and your are done…and safe. Even Normalization applied afterwards will not change the dither result in a noticeable way, expect if it has to raise the final audio by 10db.
    But…it is overrated by using it in modern music style with a very low dynamic. It is more related to music with a very high dynamic, i.e. classic, where the quantization errors are really noticeable in the very quiet section.

    In a modern dance track, hiphop or rock it doesn´t make any difference, it is simple not noticeable. In theory it´s there, but you cannot here it.

    If your post is about, if it makes sense to offer dithering options in Podium, i.e. not only offering normalization but dithering as well, I don´t know how hard it is to programm such a feature.
    I guess, it is not that easy to make a “good” dithering option, on the otherside, even FL Studio has it as well as Reason/Record and nearly every other DAW/ Sequencer out there, so perhaps Fritz can tell us more on this subject.

    Hope I missed your post not completely 8)


    in reply to: What`s up with Podium developement??? #20379

    Let´s hope, development starts soon again… 8)

    There are a lot of things I still miss in Podium.

    Perhaps it´s a matter of money and we should start a “donate campaign”…

    Podium is still a bargain and I would be ready for anything like this.


    in reply to: Zoom snapshots #20378

    And I use it exactly the other way round. 😀

    For what you describe, I personally like working with markers and “jump to marker xy” better, but I don´t know, if Podium offers shortcuts to jump to special markers…

    The problem is at the moment: For what you want it to do, it´s already perfect, just leave the zoom level as it is…

    For what I want it to do, it´s “nearly” useless, because zoom levels are automatically bound to special song positions and not useable as pure zoom snapshots as they are called.
    Of what avail is a zoom snapshot, which takes me to bar 5, if I want to edit a part at bar 150???


    in reply to: No editor!… and 1 more question. #20368

    @blafot wrote:

    I recorded drums 4 bars. Beatsliced and adjusted. Want to duplicate this drums 22 times in a row. Haw to do that in a easy way?

    Like duplicate in Cubase or something…


    Select the recorded part and hit the “Insert” key…this is (nearly) the same like duplicate in Cubase.

    “Nearly”, because it makes ghost copies of the selected part, which means, changing one part is changing all parts.

    in reply to: Dithering + bouncing confusion #20362

    These are 2 independent things:

    If you use a plugin with dithering settings, you only tell the plugin by activating the dithering for i.e. 16 bit, how much low level noise the plugin should add to the audiooutput of the plugin…

    The render settings of Podium don´t know anything about what the plugin adds to the audio and renders the file as you told…you get a file with a bit resolution like you told in Podium preferences > engine > Mixer engine bit resolution, so 32 or 64 bit…and all of the bits are used like you haven´t had any plugin with dithering…only difference: you get a 32 or 64 bit audiofile, which contains beside the normal audiodata that low level noise added by the dithering algorythm.

    This means, adding dithering before bouncing doesn´t make any sense…
    Dithering should only be applied before finally export the master output to a file of 16bit…and before doing this, there is no bit conversation.

    Hope this is not too confusing 🙂


    in reply to: Triggering midi with audio track #20228

    Midi plugins and routing midi from one track to another is not supported yet, so you have only one workaround:

    Use a “sub host” like energyXT or FL Studio for both, the Kdrumtrigger and Session Drummer. In those sub hosts (the named ones can work the way you asked for) you can route the midi out from the Kdrumtrigger to Session Drummer.


    in reply to: "Exit" probelm since 2.4 I think… #20225

    We had a post overlap 8)

    I´ve edited my previous question…seems to be sorted out. For me, it´s Geist, who causes the trouble.


    in reply to: "Exit" probelm since 2.4 I think… #20223

    I think, it´s the VST Geist from FXPansion…

    Does anybody from you, who have this problem as well have Geist installed???


    in reply to: Problem with Stereo Panning… help :( #20192

    Nevertheless there is a problem with panning of bounced tracks…

    I don´t think, it´s normal behaviour, that the panning slider does nothing on a bounced track.


    in reply to: Problem with Stereo Panning… help :( #20181

    OK, it seems, you have bounced a sequence from NI Massive and try to pan this now, correct???

    I have to admit, there seem to be a problem. I am on Version 2.40 and after bouncing, the pan slider doesn´t have any effect, it simply does nothing.
    Not sure, if this a bug or works this way…

    Workaround: select in the rightclick context menu of the Massive track “Bounce” => “Move bounced Audio to new track”

    Podium creates a new track and moves the bounced audio file to it. In this track, all seems to work fine there, the panning as well.

    Hope this helps and if this a bug, I am sure Fritz will fix this as soon as possible.


    in reply to: Problem with Stereo Panning… help :( #20179

    Can you describe, what you have done exactly???

    Works flawless here:

    in reply to: EnergyXT2 not working in Podium #20177

    That´s a little problem here…

    It´s quite a long time since I´ve used it…I tried with Podium 2.37…same problem.

    Older version of xt2 I cannot check…I don´t have them anymore and it seems to be impossible to download older versions…

    But in all other hosts I own, it works fine…


    in reply to: Does anybody know… #20124

    Cantaya of course has midi output as well…

    My problem is, that for me it is not possible to record only the generated notes into Podium…I get always the “Input Chord” as well

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