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  • in reply to: Podium & Reaper side by side #12182

    …and yes I know this still doesn’t answer the OP’s Q but…

    What I was alluding to was that a lot of us hitch our wagons to developer’s that we think are headed in the right direction. Speaking as a party of one, Podium was no where near what I wanted/needed on a daily basis when I sent my money in for registration. But I saw/learned/read enough about Podium/Zynewave that I wanted to see it blossom.

    There are quite a few talented dev’s that I support. I am hoping that by investing what I would have spent on a much larger package that was quickly becoming bloated, on a smaller dev, I would get close to what I wanted in the end. I still believe that out of all the companies I gave money to that Podium will end up being the best of the bunch (for me).

    And as one last note, if there were two apps that I’m keeping my eye on its not Reaper or T3. Its Podium and eXT2. And the only thing that could change that picture for me is if the Props introduced VST capability and audio recording in their next version of Reason, however, I’m betting they won’t, so….

    in reply to: Podium & Reaper side by side #12159

    I think all of us at some point or another find ourselves searching for DAW “Holy Grail” of sorts. And I think a lot of us have come to the conclusion that there isn’t such a thing.

    Personally I have found that I pread my tasks across several apps. Why? Well for me, its all about workflow, workflow, workflow… At each stage I need to be comfortable working in the app. Like the previous poster stated each of those apps are good at so many things that you would really have to demo them to see if they fit.

    No disrespect to Zynewave but I haven’t found an app (I’ve demo’ed all that have demo’s I think) that flows as well as T2/T3 in the writing/sound development/tracking stage. So, (even with all of its short comings) I’m not parting ways just yet.

    Now, 90% of what I do after tracking is done mostly in Podium. And yes, I have owned a Reaper license for quite some time. However, even though Reaper may be capable of doing what I need I just can’t get used to the workflow and screen. Personal preference I know and for me a big deal. There is no way I’m subjecting my eyes to that for hours on end. And that is why I choose Podium. I never get eye fatigue when using Podium, even after 6 and 7 hour sessions.

    Happy hunting! Oh, and if you should settle on just one come back and let us know why, if you don’t mind.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: FTP trouble #12128

    I use FTP Commander for years. Its free and you can grab it at Tucows.

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12127

    Uploaded a new bass file “bass_02.mp3”

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12122

    The bass.wav did play for me but it had a different rate of 1411kbs instead of 2822kbs like the other two. But did play for me.

    The part about not playing nice had to do with trying to add these files into a 16bit/44.1 project (they are 32bit). That part yielded crashes in Podium everytime I would try and record a new bass line. It always happend after the 80th measure. And this is with no plugins loaded, just my bass DI’ed straight in. Once I got my project at the same bit rate as the files everything went well, even the bass.wav was fine.

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12115

    The 3 wav files are all 32bit. I got them to work but they didn’t play nice together in a the 44.1 project I put them into. Put them into Soundforge and changed them all to 16bit wavs and everything was ok. I haven’t tried making a 32bit project yet for them so ymmv.

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12109

    I made a directory for the files but I can’t move the existing files into it. Does someone have ftp software that will let them move the files?

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12108

    Hey Sam, I uploaded an mp3 “Bass01.mp3”. Nothing special (and kinda sloppy right now), just the direction I am headed. I’ll get a tighter recording a little later today. I posted an mp3 and it will have to be converted to fit in the project (obviously).

    Also, I think we need to add folders to the Collaboration folder to keep projects separate.

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12083

    Sam I sent you a pm. ( nevermind 8) )

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12082

    Thanks Frits 🙂

    in reply to: Can I change this behavior in Podium? #12070

    In the interest of understanding you…

    In other programs one could just highlight that area recorded at the 24th measure and hit delete. Podium does not allow for this?

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12065

    For those that want to participate my first Q would be, original or cover? I think the answer to that question will somewhat determine the level of interest.

    in reply to: Collab in Podium #12063

    I agree, you should host it 😀

    Putting this initially in the VIP Lounge would guarantee that participating parties would have a minimum of compatibility, if sharing project/arrangements files directly from Podium. If we are just going to share wav files then I think there is a case for leaving it here. Please keep in mind that I am talking about while its getting put together.

    Which leads me to my next post….

    in reply to: Inspiration (ramblings) #12062

    @Reject wrote:

    I’ve tried posting my music on forum, and give other peoples music a listen, but no one returns the favour, so I grew tired of it.

    Imagine late 50’s thru early 70’s jazz musicians having the resources we have available. There probably would have been this whole other culture created from all the stuff these guys would have put on the net that couldn’t make it into albums.

    @Reject wrote:

    I remember back in the days when I used to play the bass in a band. Things were so much simplier and you fed off each others inspiration and will.

    So true.

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