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  • in reply to: Sound editor and MP3 #8526

    would we be able to get an ‘open with external editor’ box for sound events? so you click on it and it automatically opens it in the user’s editor of choice?

    in reply to: Sound editor and MP3 #8512

    i would like an ‘open in external audio editor’ button….. this would save you having to locate the file of the audio again in the external audio editor….

    in reply to: 1.76 #8483

    yeah happy xmas man!, I think you have earned yourself a big holiday!

    in reply to: gui crash #8481

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Thanks for the file. I found the bug and I’ll fix it for the next 1.77 release. The crash happens when you scroll the event you clicked on off the screen.

    hehe that kicks ass, i didn’t think you’d be able to fix it that quick. respect! 🙂

    in reply to: when will it be possible #8446

    like the sound of zmatrix… sounds like it will help make the arrangement window a lot tidier

    in reply to: Driver release when power off #8416

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Normally it is not possible for more than one application to access an ASIO driver.

    i am using an audigy zs, which is a pretty rubbish soundcard, and it lets me have two instances of podium both using asio at the same time… after a random amout of time it starts going crackly though, depending on how intensive the usage is. if it’s not doing anything intensive then both instances work fine.

    in reply to: Driver release when power off #8396

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve added a “Release drivers when Podium does not have focus” option in the Preferences dialog. I decided against the “driver release on power-off” option, because that would mean you could not play or preview sounds in the sound editor unless an arrangement was activated. Appearing in release 1.76.

    would you be able to put in a option to release the driver when it’s recording a bounce track?? sometimes i have 2 copies of podium open at once and after a while if one is doing a long bounce then the audio goes all crackly until i reset the midi/audio preferences for both.

    oh hold on, that would be a natural consquence of simply changing window anyway so wouldnt actually be a new feature or change anyway… nice 🙂

    in reply to: hoping to be of assistance #8308

    sorry i am taking so long… bogged down with uni work… bloody neural networks driving me crazy argh 👿

    in reply to: 1.73 #8280

    @Conquistador wrote:

    3. The hitpoints for the new fades…now I think because clips will vary in colour they (hit points) *should* have a colour setting.

    maybe a cool idea would be if the hitpoints colours always pick the opposite colour of the clip they are employed on for maximum contrast and so it never blends into the colour of clips. this is to say for instance a clip that had hue 70 would have a hitpoint hue of 197 (as 127 is half of the 255 hue range adding 127 to a number would give the opposite hue exactly), obviously using mod 255.

    this could result in some garish combinations but you would at least never have to worry about visibility problems

    in reply to: hoping to be of assistance #8091

    ok cool man 8) i will get started soon…. i am hoping this will help people who are having difficulty understanding the routing in podium because i use colour schemes to help clarify what is going where….

    in reply to: work in progress #8059

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Interesting xis23. I had no idea Podium could do this 😆

    Yeah podium is a lifesaver! I don’t know how I’d have done this in any other host… even subtle things like the naming conventions for files when you clone them and being able to route things easily internally are a massive help, i.e between stage 2 and 3 i just use clones of the output of stage 2 as input for stage 3 (these are seperate arrangements in the same file)… oh and when I had to make the generators for blue and other synths I basically drew a load of prefab automation sequences and then switched these round in order both horizontally and vertically accross parameters by cloning and patterned them against each other to cover as many possibilities as was feasable…an intuitive symbiosis between the host and what I aim to do has really helped me generate my technique. Oh and the files I get from stage 1 i just rename to 1 through 32.wav, stick them in the right directory and reload podium so that in the generator it always knows to pick the right files too, so getting them in and out is really easy. I do my final processing in goldwave to normalise the files and autotrim them to control the size, and i also have to dither them to 16 bit as they take up hell of a lot of memory! Again having organised well named files makes it easier to process these. It really has made my life a lot more easy, especially with template tracks I am good to go right away.

    I also started working on this: http://www.xis23.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/tnwpj.mp3 which is a lot cleaner orientaged but I hadn’t sampled everything I needed yet so some stuff is still synth based, and: http://www.xis23.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/bwah.mp3 which i am dead chuffed with the production on but stuck (obviously its a mess too atm)… I’ve given up both lol… not making it past a minute on anything yet because I’ve got a lot of work to do on my actual arrangement skills! Luckily I am working in a genre that no one gives a bugger about audio quality on so hope to make this my magic ticket.

    in reply to: work in progress #8057

    ha i said too much 😛

    in reply to: Preview: Sound event fade #8044

    @acousmod wrote:

    Hi, nice to see this post ! 😀

    A default very short fade could be also automatically inserted when we split events, according to an option in the Preferences

    that sounds a good idea 💡

    in reply to: Preview: Sound event fade #8036

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Would it be sufficient to be able to drag the fade in/out times directly on the event? To edit the curve shape you would then need to open the properties dialog (Shift+Enter).

    Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking…

    I was also considering extending the fade properties dialog with a listbox where you could create and manage defaults/templates. This list would then be available as a submenu when right-clicking the event, to quickly recall various curve shapes. But maybe that would be overkill?

    That does sound cool but for me personally the right click submenu would be overkill… other people might require that level of functionality I guess… Perhaps if it was an option you could turn off/on in the editor profile options?

    in reply to: Preview: Sound event fade #8034

    looks plenty sufficient to me, those are some sexy curves. Am more worried about ease or rather speed of use… will there be a graphical way of doing this for instance just clicking on an audio clip and say dragging in a fade quickly via a drag box or with a key+click combo? then this could just use say a saved default option from the more advanced box…

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