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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Free version can record but not the paid version! #44633

    Podium and Podium Free by default store their setup files in different folders so that you can have both installed at the same time. Check that your setup for Podium matches the setup you were using with Podium Free. If strange things happen when you use a MIDI controller it can be because you accidentally have selected the MIDI input on the Control Surface page.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.

    Hi. Does it fail only when you try to download from your account page, or does it also fail when downloading the latest version from the https://zynewave.com/podium-free/ page? The latest version should also work on XP.

    in reply to: File definizione #44528

    Which definition files are you referring to?

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: VST3 support? #44380

    I have begun updating the code to allow for multiple plugin formats. It’s taking some time because I want to get it right and make it future proof for new formats. The code for VST2 support is quite ugly in places, as a result of 20+ years of having to add special checks for various VST2 plugins that deviate in their interpretation of the VST2 standard. I would like to avoid having to repeat that with VST3 support. VST3 support in Podium is still some months away.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Sample TimeStretch Support ?? #44031

    Hello. Audio time stretching is currently not supported in Podium. I’m working towards doing an update of the plugin support in Podium, which likely will include support for VST3. Audio resampling/time-stretching is lower on my priority list.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Podium 3.4.3 crash when record arming a child track #43794

    Podium 3.4.4 is now released, which should have these bugs fixed. Sorry for taking so long with the release. The crashes were due to null-pointer references, which is the most frequently occurring type of bug I’ve had to deal with over the years. In an effort to avoid these kinds of crash bugs in the future I have adopted a new system of how pointers/references are handled across the entire Podium codebase. If you encounter further crashes please do email the crash dump file to me.

    in reply to: Disable Auto Crossfade? #43793

    3.4.4 is now released.

    in reply to: Disable Auto Crossfade? #43736

    I’ve added a “Crossfade dragged overlapping sound events” option to the tracks region properties dialog. You can either toggle this option when you switch between editing podcasts and music projects, or you can create a dedicated podcast editor profile. Will be available in Podium 3.4.4.

    in reply to: Disable Auto Crossfade? #43626

    Crossfade is currently always applied when you move sound events onto other sound events. The undo command is indeed the only way to revert that. The ctrl/alt/shift keys all have a function when dragging events, so there is no simple way to implement a key shortcut to prevent the crossfade.

    One solution would be to add an option to the Tracks Region Properties dialog, but you would need to toggle that option if you want to change behavior. Do you need to avoid the crossfade consistently, or just occasionally?

    in reply to: VST3 support? #43306

    At some point I will have to look into either CLAP or VST3 support. I expect it will happen in 2023. From a development perspective I would prefer to start by adding support for CLAP, unless there are a substantial number of new plugins that will only support VST3.

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