If you have changed the output configuration in Battery, you will have to reimport Battery to make Podium create mappings for the new outputs.
If you can see several output mappings for Battery in the track inspector map list, you assign each output you want to use to a new track. To play MIDI into battery you place a note sequence feeding into one of the tracks with a Battery map.
Battery and outputs has been discussed here:
Many thanks,
I have pondered over how to handle this, but it’s great to have an example scenario laid out as clean as this. I’m not far away from beginning implementation of bussing support, so I appreciate any input people may have on various bussing strategies.
Thanks Duncan 🙂
This will work with plugins that has a predictable output. Some plugins may use a slight randomization in their output, or maybe an LFO that is not time synced etc. If you do this with these plugins you may get a click at the punch in and punch out positions in the recorded audio, unless there is silence at punch in and out. But you are well aware of that already I’m sure.
Podium 1.07 is now released and adds support for all issues mentioned in this topic; Dragging of multiple object selections, drag-reordering in list windows and ctrl+shift+click behaviour.
Are you planning to implement MIDI Time Code in the near future?
It’s on the list, but I have no immediate plans. Currently my schedule are pretty much defined by what requests I get from users. You’re the first to ask for MTC, so it has not been a high priority for me so far. There are more important features that I need to work on the next couple of months.
Hi Bantam,
Podium can output MIDI Sync Clock. Sync Clock is used to e.g. tempo sync external effects units. Podium does not yet support MIDI Time Code, which is the format used when you want to sync start/stop and playback time position with external devices.
Selling a license to you at $90, is not enough incentive to set aside two months development time for the Linux port 😛
All I can say for certain is that it won’t happen this year.
The delete confirmation dialogs in Podium appear when you are about to do something ‘really’ destructive, like deleting arrangements and sounds etc. These actions cannot be undone. If you delete a track you can just hit undo to get it back.
i find it strange to omit this
I came to the conclusion that the time I would need to spend on adding DX support is better spent on improving other areas of Podium. Maybe some months down the road I will consider DX.
any plans to do this??
Not in the foreseeable future, sorry. What DX plugins are you using?
does it support for dx effects also, or just vst?
Only VST.
if i use a plugin with heave delay, does podium delay the entire engine, i.e. any live vsti i try to play will also be delayed, or does it delay ONLY that track?
It will delay only that track.
also, how far away in time (worst scenario) is vst parameter automation?
Not far, it’s already implemented :wink:. It was added in release 1.01. There still remains to be added support for recording knob movements within the editor, but you can use the Podium mixer to create automation tracks for the parameters.
Hi pazzap,
The Podium hierarchic engine supports full delay compensation both for plugins and external devices. Podium does not have a traditional send/aux bus feature yet, but once it does, it will for sure support delay compensation as well. I expect to start work on the bus functionality within a month.
Works for me in 1.06. The keyboard focus must be on a browser page. It will e.g. not work inside an arrangement editor.