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  • in reply to: Master Track Not Rendering #3581

    Have you placed an audio event on the master track? Use the pencil tool, click and drag to create and size an audio event.

    in reply to: Quirky Sampletank 1 Bug #3580

    Thanks for the encouraging words Alphonse πŸ™‚

    I have sent you an email reply on the video.

    1. The ability to cut at bit rates of 24 and 32

    What you want is probably the option to set the default bit depth that Podium should use when creating new sounds. Just to clarify; Podium already supports any bit depth from 8 to 32 bit fixed point. Support for floating point wave files is on the plan.

    Would be nice to see you implement an “FX bussing system”

    Yeah, I sense this is an important feature for a lot of people. I will get to it within a month or so.

    in reply to: Quirky Sampletank 1 Bug #3578

    You can email me at the address written on the contact page.

    I’m guessing it’s probably Sampkletank specific.

    I’m guessing/hoping that too πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Quirky Sampletank 1 Bug #3576

    I’ve never experienced that myself, and would like to know if anyone can duplicate this behaviour with other plugins. I have tried the SampleTank Free plugin a long time ago and found it to be somewhat unreliable.

    Are you automating levels or other parameters for the instruments in question?

    in reply to: Need a little direction here #3575

    Glad you like the program Alphonse.

    How do you automate “MUTES”?

    The only things so far that you can automate in the Podium mixer engine is level and pan (apart from device parameters). As I see it automating mutes would just be an alternative way of automating level to silence and back again. I was hoping that I didn’t have to add a separate parameter for this. I try to a certain extent to limit the choices that a user faces when working with the arranging and mixing.

    Also, once that controller data is written and viewable, are you able to select it, add points along the line, and fine tune it?

    You can always open the curve editor and do your editing there. I assume you mean if it is possible to edit the curve within the arrangement editor. The answer is no, but in the distant future I intend to add support for editing curve points directly on the curve sequence events shown on the tracks.

    Any chance of implementing DXI support?

    Not on the plan. Some time ago I made a decision to go with VST, and to skip DirectX support. It would take a lot of time to add DX support, and this would only be a benifit once the Podium userbase grows considerably. I would probably implement Rewire support before considering DX.

    can anyone recommend a suite of quality VST effects plugins?

    I don’t know what your standard for ‘quality’ is, but if you don’t have a large palette of VST effects, be sure to check out the free classic series by http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com. With regards to reverbs I aim a little higher though. As I put a lot of emphasis on UI design in addition to sound quality, I am impressed with the http://www.spinaudio.com Roomverb M2 plugin. Also the free SIR reverb is an interesting plugin, depending on taste.

    in reply to: Need a little direction here #3573

    If you right click on a sound object in the browser or in the object list window, you should find the ‘properties’ menu. If you right click on the audio events in the arrangement editor, you should find the ‘Sound properties’ menu. This should produce this dialog, where you can set the bit depth for the individual sound file.

    in reply to: A little help with bounce recording… #3572

    If you are using a monotimbral synth, then you can use the same mapping for both MIDI and audio routing, and Podium will then automatically compensate for latencies in the audio and MIDI interfaces. Take a look at the ‘Yamaha AN1x’ library file to see how a monotimbral synth can be configured with a single mapping.

    If you use multitimbral synths, then you need to work with separate mappings for audio and MIDI channels and thus the association between audio and MIDI is broken, and latency compensation is not performed. I’ve been thinking about this. What I need to do is implement a global instance number for the hardware mappings, similar to the instance number used in multitimbral plugin mappings. This instance number is what enables Podium to link together different mappings for the same device and perform proper latency compensation. I’ll add it to the future list.

    If this does not explain your problem, then mail me the project file so I can verify your setup.

    in reply to: Need a little direction here #3570

    How do I load a second, third, ect… VSTI, and send different tracks to those VSTIs?

    Use the Project Wizard to import all the plugins you want to use in a project. Once this is done, you have access to the plugins in the track inspector map panel. Select the track you want a plugin on, and double click the mapping, or drag the mappings to the tracks. If you are doing this on the imported MIDI file, you furthermore need to indent the plugin tracks so they are subtracks of the master track (use the ‘increase group level’ track menu).

    Also, is bit rate for audio recording selectable? If so, where’s it hidden

    Bit depth or sample rate? The default sample rate is set in the interfaces dialog. The sample rate can be set for each arrangement in the arrangement properties dialog. By default new sounds are created at 16 bit. If you want to change that you can do so in the sound properties dialog. This reminds me that I should implement a setting for default bit depth that will be used when creating new sounds. ‘ll go add that to the future list.

    in reply to: Need a little direction here #3569

    Sounds great Alphonse, glad to to have your support 8)

    Yeah I remember trying Bars & Pipes. The UI didn’t appeal to me though. I was more fond of the MusicX sequencer (not sure if I remember the name right).

    in reply to: Need a little direction here #3566

    Hi Alphonse,

    The current MIDI import was implemented before I added VST support to Podium, so it is not fully implemented and there are some steps that you need to do manually to make it work with VSTi’s:

    You should start with a new project, open the Project Wizard, create audio mixer mappings, import the multi-timbral VSTi, close the wizard, import the MIDI file. In an ideal situation you should now be all set to play the arrangement. However the imported MIDI arrangement will not have the proper audio setup, and presets and parameters are also not correctly set up.

    You need to insert a new track at the top and assign the master stereo map to it. Then you add a new sub track under the master track and assign the VSTi audio mapping to this (typically the first mapping in the folder for the plugin). This should be enough to get some some sound going. I will rework the MIDI import implementation at some point in the next couple of weeks.


    in reply to: Who’s made a HALion device? #3559

    Hi civello,

    I don’t have Halion myself, but I can offer some tips regarding the use of multitimbral plugins;

    Assigning multiple program library presets (fxp) to different channels of a global plugin won’t work. VST unfortunately does not allow the transfer of fxp programs to be associated with MIDI channels, so if you assign fxp programs to several tracks using the same global plugin, they will overwrite each other on whatever is the current program in the plugin. So you should only assign ONE library preset to a track assigned with the plugin. Furthermore it should be a Bank library preset and not a Program library preset (use the track menu to create a bank preset). Most multitimbral plugins store extra information such as global setup of channels etc. in bank presets and not in single program presets.


    in reply to: Price? Any clues? #3554

    There was a preorder offer at 75US$ for the beta users, which expired when 1.00 was released. Thing is, I hope my customers don’t feel they are beta testers. Sure there are many features missing, but Podium is a fairly robust application. The demo version is also not that restrictive, so people will be able to determine if they can use Podium as it stands currently.

    You wouldn’t believe the amount of work I have put into this application. Considering this, I don’t think 90$ is a high price. The price will not go down.

    in reply to: Whats Podium like?? #3553

    Hi Spe3d, and welcome,

    As to direction for this app. What is the target audience? Are you going to be competing against the big boys like Cubase and Cakewalk or are you setting your sites lower?

    I am aiming at making Podium into a professional tool. So yes, I will eventually try to compete with the big three/four/five. There are many months of development still to come before this will happen though. There are tons of features in the big sequencers that are not included in Podium. This is the force of these tools but also their disadvantage. Many users, including myself, tend to be discouraged when they are flooded with more or less weird options when trying to do simple things. So I am not aiming at implementing all the features of the big sequencers. My goal with Podium is simplicity in the song-writing process.

    Also is there a quick at a glance β€˜full’ feature list that I can see – it’s not clearly evident and lots of people like me won’t want to hunt round a whole site and forum to get the full specs – good tip this

    There is sort of a ‘negative’ feature list πŸ˜‰ by which I refer to the ‘future development’ topic. At some point I need to write down that detailed feature list.

    in reply to: Audigy 2 ZS Pro #3549

    First check that the default samplerate in the interfaces dialog is set to 48000. Furthermore when you want to work with arrangements you should set the samplerate in the arrangement properties dialog to 48000. The Freebees demo project are set to use 44100, so you need to change the samplerate to 48000 in the demo arrangements.

    in reply to: Price? Any clues? #3548

    Hi Spe3d,

    I think the VAT is very high too.

    Sadly there is nothing I can do about the VAT.

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