The reason I assumed it is because when I load a project with Halion it takes a lot of time to start playing (or after pressing the monitoring button) .But the reason is that it’s only at that moment Halion start to load its samples >> not while loading the project.
There are several steps involved in starting a plugin. Loading the project will instantiate global plugins so you can open the plugin editor. The VST2.3 spec introduced a new initialization step that is supposed to occur when adding/removing a plugin to the audio processing. Podium calls these functions when starting monitoring, so it may well be this that causes the delay you notice. I doubt there are any plugins other than the Steinberg plugins, that respond to these new effStartProcess/effStopProcess functions. Also any plugin presets are only recalled when monitoring is activated.
just read your response in the ‘Preset recall bug??’ thread…gotcha.
comprehensive new program => learning curve!
Great, this forum software is turning out to be a very valuable support tool 8)
You might also want to check out this topic regarding library presets.
Hi civello,
To be able to start Podium without hanging, you could temporarily move or rename your project file (.pod), so that Podium will not find and auto-load the project on startup.
The Halion icon I never saw. I thought podium only loaded/initialised the vsts when enable the monitoring switch and not while loading
If plugins are imported as multitimbral, they are configured as global plugins and thus are loaded when the project is loaded.
After starting Podium you could try to load the moved/renamed project to see if the Halion dialog will appear again and if so, what the the dialog is telling you.
The extra Podium icon in the start bar could be the lingering Splash window. Not necessarily a driver dialog.
I think the only thing that stuck in my head was that I constantly wanted to switch between the various tools, which meant I kept having to move over to the tool selection whenever I needed to change tools.
You probably are aware of this, but the right-click context menu contains shortcuts to tools, so you don’t have to move the mouse all the way to the top toolbar. Maybe I should move the tool shortcuts to the top of the context menu?
I think the only thing that comes to mind at the moment is the ability to resize a track’s height needs the pencil tool… I think that certain ‘action’ should be available in all the tools… it shouldn’t conflict with anything.
The reason I implemented this only for the pencil tool, was that the resize area overlaps the bottom of the track header (depending on the space between tracks as configured in the profile). So you would not be able to edit/drag stuff that was shown only partly at the bottom of the header. Thanks to this thread, I have now seen the light, and implemented it for all tools. Will be available in 1.06.
I had a bunch of VSTs imported into Podium before you had VST automation via it’s parameters. I’m assuming I need to reimport them… is there a way to automagically rescan them?
No magical shortcut, sorry. Suggestion: New project, import plugin, browse to and select the ‘VST Parameters’ folder, copy (Ctrl+C), reload original project, browse, paste (Ctrl+V).
@duncanparsons wrote:
I realise that I could use the selector, and then ctrl+x.. or could the selector respond additionally to the ‘delete’ key?
Not sure if I understand you right, but the ‘delete’ key will delete the current selection; be it selected events, a selected segment or a track.
Ctrl+A is already supported in all editors, but for selecting events. If there are any marker events in a sound (beat slicing markers etc.) then Ctrl+A will select those.
Pressing ‘J’ will select the region where the play cursor is located. If there are no markers present, then J will select the entire sound.
Limiting the maximum draggable size of a window to the size of the Windows desktop, is standard Windows behaviour. I’ve now added some code that overrides these constraints, so that you will be able to stretch a window across multiple virtual screens, even on utilities that implement virtual desktop in a non-Microsoft way :wink:. Will be available in 1.06.
Which sequencer did you use previously? Are there other hosts that uses double-click to erase?
Hmm, I’m not sure I like the idea of double-clicking to erase stuff. I’d like to have consistency in the UI behaviour. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
Would key shortcuts to tool selections be a solution?
Each arrangement, note or curve sequence has its own undo history. Although you edit the curve sequence using the mixer sliders in the arrangement editor, it is still modifying events in the curve sequence. If there is no curve sequence allocated on the track, then the creation of a curve sequence event is stored in the arrangement edit history.
A solution could be; When you edit curves with sliders in the mixer, a sort of curve edit reference would be added to the arrangement undo history, so that mixer slider changes can be undone in the arrangement editor. I’ll consider this at some point.
Instead of opening the curve editor to undo, you can alternatively use the shortcut menu ‘Undo inside’ on the curve sequence event.
Yes, … but I can’t hear (pre-listen) the result of the sliderposition.
I have a pending bug on my notepad concerning this. Will look into it soon.
Can’t remember what happened with length, but one of the other parameters I tried caused stutter in the audio and CPU overload. SIR must be doing some heavy internal calculation on the Impulse sound when certain parameters are changed.
Podium 1.05 is now released adding support for Cubase patchname script files. I examined the Cakewalk instrument definition (.ins) format, but decided there would be little advantages in supporting this as well. Searching the net reveals that almost any device can be found in both Cubase and Cakewalk formats. The cakewalk format has the option to configure MIDI controllers and NRPN, but not all definition files use these. When importing Cubase script files, Podium will automatically create a collection of default MIDI parameters.
The project name displayed on the top/leftmost tab in the browser is set in the Project properties dialog. Select the ‘Properties’ button on the main project page to change this. You can thus give your project an ‘internal’ name that is more presentable than the filename you save your project to.
Thanks for the tip Dan :),
Just tried 1.008. It did appear to behave better. I could automate more parameters and longer than the previous version, but then all of a sudden *POOF*, back to the desktop. I was automating 4 parameters simultaneously, so maybe a moderate use of automation will be possible.