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  • Zynewave

    As I imagine it, the media browser window would include an embedded object list that shows only the sound objects imported into the project. Much like the panel lists in the track inspector. Next to this list would be a kind of traditional file explorer interface (in Podium style graphics of course).


    ..I also wanted to comment and say that I produce using multiple computers (laptop for on the go) and would like to be able to export everything to one file and copy that to my laptop for further editing.

    Good point, I’ve added the archive feature to the future list.

    as an aside to this, in the short term could there be an option to output a file containing all the links to files, both those added by the user as sounds, and those maintained by Podium.

    Spoken like a true developer :wink:. I would much rather do it the right way from the start; I had planned to make a simple media browser window that would enable you to preview wave files and drag them onto tracks.

    This media browser could be made useful for many tasks; A way to mark all files referenced by a project. The media browser would have New Folder and Delete buttons, which you could use to delete files not referenced by your project. The media browser would probably be the right place to add functions for archive/restore projects to zip files, and renaming/moving sound files so that the new sound file names/locations automatically would be stored in the project file as well.

    I was planning to work on the VST GUIless editor windows next, but if you think this media browser is important, then I could start on it as the next thing?

    in reply to: Automation in Kontakt #3413

    But yeh, those MIDI CC objects are created from the MIDI I/O portion of the setup correct?

    You probably refer to the MIDI Input Mappings panel. This is for creating mappings to your external MIDI controllers. The MIDI CC parameter objects will have to be created manually, if there is no device definition file for the plugin in the Podium Library.

    in reply to: Automation in Kontakt #3411

    I finally managed to download the latest Kontakt Demo (1.1). When importing it into Podium 1.01 (which supports native VST parameters), there are no VST parameters reported. Maybe it’s a demo limitation, but if not, then I guess you’re supposed to automate Kontakt using MIDI CC’s.

    What probably is missing in your setup are MIDI CC parameter objects. When importing a Softsynth into Podium, only Pitch-Bend and Modulation (CC1) are created automatically. If you use the browser to locate the folder with the Kontakt parameters, you could copy and paste the Modulation object, and change the name and CC numbers in the properties dialog for the copied objects. I noticed that Kontakt allows to assign CC’s in the range of 0 to 121. I know it’s a tiresome job to create 120 parameter objects manually 😥 . In the future there will be a plugin definition file for Kontakt in the Podium library, with all these parameter objects preconfigured. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    in reply to: Color Config #3410

    If you click several times on ‘add to …’ it should add to them in serial. But if you close and open the dialog again, it starts over from the first. I have never figured out how to avoid this. It’s out of my hands, as this is a standard Windows dialog.

    in reply to: Configured my Podium #3409

    Be sure to take a backup of the Podium.ini file 🙂

    That sounds like a cool setup. I would love to see some screenshots, with meters blazing etc. Any chance you can put these on the internet? They don’t have to be fullsize, maybe just 50%. You could perhaps start a topic in the general chat forum called ‘Podium Screens’.

    although I really wish I could configure the track header, workspace areas (i.e. area that contains sequences) and panel colours as different colours.

    In the Project properties dialog you can load a bitmap for the background in the arrangement editor. If you just want a different color, use Microsoft Paint to create a small square and fill it with a color.

    in reply to: Automation in Kontakt #3407

    Hi there,

    I’ll give the Kontakt demo a try, and see how it works. I will report back in an hour or so.


    in reply to: Browser window issue #3406

    Excellent bug reporting, Sardaukar

    Fix will be available in 1.02

    in reply to: Price? Any clues? #3405

    Hi blurk,

    Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you on most points.

    There are many different kinds of sequencer users. I hope that the current Podium feature set will be satisfactory for a small user base, which then hopefully will grow once new features are added.

    I do not try to hide the shortcommings of Podium, and missing features and flaws in operation are clearly on display in this community. The demo you can download are fully functional. So if users buy a Podium license now, they hopefully have determined beforehand that Podium will work for them in its current state. Although a lot of features are still missing, I like to think that Podium is a mature program with regards to stability, and I do not feel that I have released Podium prematurely.

    To be able to reach a broad userbase, a lot of the missing features need to implemented. That’s why you won’t see me put out pressreleases yet to places like Harmony Central etc. I wouldn’t dare to approach the ‘professional’ industry at this point in time, or I would risk getting a bad reputation. However I do aim to address the professional industry eventually. Podium is meant to be powerful and not a toy.

    Also, there should be at least one demo project that allows users to make a sound without requiring a bunch of additional plugins, even if they are free.

    Agreed. At some point I need to add further examples.

    It would help if the web pages gave some sort of indication of the license agreement. Many other shareware products indicate whether the license fee is for the current version only, or minor upgrades, or (the products I like best) perpetual licenses. If the license is not perpetual, some indication of future upgrade prices would be good.

    Good point. Currently I intend to go with the license add-on as discussed previously in this topic. So the basic Podium license is ‘perpetual’, or in other words, includes lifetime updates.


    in reply to: no audio out #3404

    If your keyboard controller allows you to easily set the MIDI channel number, you could use the ‘Create MIDI input channel mappings’ in the Wizard. Then you can assign each MIDI input channel mapping to different soft-synth tracks, and thus swap playback of the synths just by changing the MIDI channel on your controller.

    If you only have one MIDI input mapping, then you have to drag it from track to track. A ‘global MIDI input’ option is on the plan.

    in reply to: no audio out #3402

    The C01-C16 are MIDI Channel mappings for the plugin. These do not route audio. You need to put in one of the audio output mappings for HALion, which then can be bounce enabled.

    in reply to: no audio out #3400

    what’s more, the available base channels should reflect the possible activated hardware channels, isn’t it? What about the drop down box showing the textual description of the out channels?

    Good suggestions, I’ll put it on the future update list.

    in reply to: Resizable track #3397

    I’ll work on the resize thing today. The issue with the top of the track disappearing out the window has actually also been bugging me for ages. I just needed someone to tell me that it needs fixing urgently 😉

    in reply to: no audio out #3395

    Hi TabSel,

    in the properties I had to adjust the target base channel from #1 to #25 (the SPDIF)

    I just checked the code and it appears that the Master out mappings are always created at base channel 1. Podium should of course check for the channels that you enabled in the interfaces dialog. Thanks for pointing this out.

    there’s no help available, that describes the dialog windows a bit more detailed?

    The online guide is the only documentation so far. The Device Mapping dialog is explained here.

    in reply to: Resizable track #3389

    I’ll put it on the list.

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