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  • Zynewave

    At some point I intend to implement an archive function in the Project Wizard. After finalizing a project you would use this to pack the project and all referenced audio files together in a zip file.

    Including wave files into the Project file is also something I considered a couple of years ago, but I decided against it. It would not be an efficient means of storage for the everyday work on a project. On the plan is an option to create sub folders for each arrangement within a project, to keep audio files for each arrangement separate.

    in reply to: Native instruments Battery #3375

    Ok, I just experienced a Battery crash. I did it by entering the options dialog while the arrangement was playing. Debugging info told me that Battery made an illegal action in the sample processing function. Could you try to disable monitoring of the arrangement before opening the options dialog, and let me know if this allows you to work with Battery without crashes.

    in reply to: Piano Roll #3373

    Would the movement be “snap to grid”? Today when I change note lenghts there´s no snap to grid.

    If the quantize snap is enabled, then resizing notes with the mouse will snap to grid. Or do you mean something else?

    in reply to: Native instruments Battery #3370

    I managed to bring up the options dialog inside Podium once….then changed it. But the i pressed play, and Podium reported an error in a dialog box….except this time it looked like a Podium defined error.

    What sort of error? Was it the dialog saying that the plugin had performed an illegal action, and that you should save the project and restart Podium?

    in reply to: Native instruments Battery #3366

    The last demo of Battery that I tried, did not allow setting the output configurations.

    I assumed you meant the crash occurs if you try to change the output configuration, or does it crash even before the options dialog appears?

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Native instruments Battery #3361

    What version of Battery are you using?

    From the NI website I found this in the 1.0.1 patch info:

    Under certain conditions BATTERY crashed FruityLoops. Fixed.

    Could be the same that causes Podium to crash.

    If you change the output configurations in Battery using another VST host, will Battery then import properly in Podium afterwards?

    in reply to: Podium bug #3359

    Yes!, instant crash, fortunately, when I run it in debug mode.

    Apparently it’s a long time since I tried using the MIDI metronome 😳

    Fix will be available in 1.02

    Thanks for the help.

    in reply to: Podium bug #3356

    Ok, that is very helpful. I’ll look into it tomorrow.

    Have you enabled any MIDI output interfaces in the interfaces dialog?

    in reply to: Podium bug #3354

    I assume it’s the audio processing of the metronome that crashes. Just to make sure; could you try to disable the ‘output to audio interface’ option, and see if this crashes?
    If not, then enable the audio output and disable ‘output to MIDI interface’. Crash?
    If it crashes, then try to set the base channel back to 1 and disable ‘stereo’. Crash?

    Sorry for all the trouble, but these tests will help me to narrow down the area of the code where the crash occurs.

    in reply to: Podium bug #3351

    Does the metronome work (outputs sound) up until the crash? Is there any sound distortion at the moment the crash happens? Have you changed the default configuration for the metronome in the preferences dialog?

    in reply to: Workflow suggestions #3347

    Any chance of this finding it’s way onto the list??

    Sure, I’ll add it to the list right now, although I don’t consider this an important feature.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Workflow suggestions #3343

    Hi Dan,

    Before studying your suggestions I wanted to finish with the 1.01 release. With that out of the way a few hours ago, I have now considered your suggestions. They are all good suggestions, so I don’t have much to say, except that they are now included in the Future Development topic.


    in reply to: First test #3342

    Hi Banjostar,

    Glad you like Podium.

    Doing changes to selected notes (length and so on) rather than doing it one at a time. And I have a hard time seeing the grid in the piano roll.

    A lot of users have mentioned the selected notes editing, so I’ll add a higher priority to this. The latest 1.01 release has improved the visibility of the grid lines.


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