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  • in reply to: Preview 2.41: MIDI input quantization #20164

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I still struggle quite often with the arrangement editor’s different snap values when you switch editor profiles… 😕

    My suggestion with linking the snap/grid settings to track properties would solve the issue you have with switching editor profiles. In the case of arrangements, the grid settings would become hidden properties of the arrangement, as there is no source track to link it to.

    Maybe I’m, getting it completely wrong, then – is this setting unrelated to the arrangement editor snap setting? I first thought you were suggesting the normal snap setting was to be used to also set the quantization value for each track, and stored per track – that would result in total mayhem! 😆

    If I’m understanding it right now, it sounds like a good idea, though I’d still prefer if the Q options were more easily available (and visible) than only in a submenu.

    It would be stored per track, but it would not work as a track-wide automatic quantization. It would be used for setting up the note editor grid (much like how note map setup is done) and MIDI input recording. If changing the setting would automatically quantize all events, then it would be total mayhem.

    in reply to: Preview 2.41: MIDI input quantization #20163

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    For comparison, in Logic, there’s a check button to enable this option in the track inspector (as well as snap setting, etc.).
    I think it’s pretty much a must to have it as easily accessible in Podium! 😉

    I’ve just browsed the Logic Pro 9 User Manual pdf: The track inspector quantize settings you mention are not track settings, but local settings for the currently selected region/clip. Furthermore, it seems the quantization is not applied as a playback-only MIDI filter, but rather is applied destructively to the actual events, with the possibility to revert to the original timing. Adjusting the region quantize settings will overwrite any local event quantization made in the note editor. In that way, it is very similar to Podiums “adjust timing” edit dialog, although new events added/recorded are probably automatically quantized according to the region quantize settings.

    in reply to: Preview 2.41: MIDI input quantization #20157

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    As I see it, the problem with Podium quantization is that you only can do it only for each clip, so if you write new clips or you want to change the quantization in a track (i.e changing shuffle) you must do it for each individual clip.

    What would be perfect would be a global (for each track) and realtime exclusive quantization window that could be used in recording or playback, and you could render its effect as we do now with quantization for each clip.

    You could add it in another right menu entry on the track header.

    I’ll take your post as another vote for per-track playback quantize options. Considering your example with changing the swing/shuffle for a song: If the swing is specified separately for each track, how would you easily apply it to the entire song?

    in reply to: Preview 2.41: MIDI input quantization #20156

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Let me ask – this currently is for MIDI notes that are actually input from an external device only? Are the recorded events destructively quantized, then?

    The Q is applied destructively, but like with the adjust timing edit command, you can revert to the original recorded timing with the “undo timing adjustments” edit command. So, if you recorded a killer keyboard performance without realizing you had input quantize enabled, you can revert to your original performance.

    It looks like it would best be combined with the normal (non-destructive) quantization options – wouldn’t this take care of the often-requested option for track-wide quantization?

    Currently there are no non-destructive quantization options in Podium, or have I misunderstood you?

    For comparison, in Logic, there’s a check button to enable this option in the track inspector (as well as snap setting, etc.).
    I think it’s pretty much a must to have it as easily accessible in Podium! 😉
    I’d prefer it as part of the track properties, and it would fit perfectly with the other MIDI-related options you can have in the track panel, with the difference that at least an on/off button should always be visible for this feature, in my opinion.

    So I take it you suggest that there should be a set of non-destructive playback quantization options in the track properties. Would this remove the need for destructive MIDI input quantization options?

    To be perfectly honest, the solution with separate snap settings plus copy/paste options for each track sounds very, very confusing to me.

    If there should be quantize playback options per track, it presents the same problem: How to easily copy/share q settings made on one track to other tracks in the arrangement. If you change the swing% on one track, you likely want it applied to other tracks as well. With the copy/paste commands you could quickly migrate all q settings to other tracks, rather than having to adjust each setting manually.

    Another issue to consider with track-wide q settings, is that it does not handle situations where you would like to change the swing/q settings on the timeline. For those cases, the tempo event properties could be extended with q settings that would apply to all tracks in the timeline section that extends forward to the next tempo event that changes q settings. Just like how scale changes are applied. Though, perhaps that is feature overkill.

    I still struggle quite often with the arrangement editor’s different snap values when you switch editor profiles… 😕

    My suggestion with linking the snap/grid settings to track properties would solve the issue you have with switching editor profiles. In the case of arrangements, the grid settings would become hidden properties of the arrangement, as there is no source track to link it to.

    in reply to: Preview 2.41: MIDI input quantization #20155

    @Infinitoar wrote:

    Hello Zynewave I know this is waaaaay off the topic but I must ask-

    1: How hard would it be for you to develop a MIDI Keyboard option in Podium?[EX: I hit “a, s, d, f, and notes play…] Because I don’t know the full spectrum on coding for Podium but I am just wondering…

    2: And will it be ever implemented in Podium?

    Such a feature would probably take me up to a week to implement, depending on whether a fancy UI keyboard should be displayed. etc. It is likely I’ll implement it at some point, but unless priorities change, I have my hands full for 2011.

    in reply to: device mapping properties #20154

    I see you’re new to Podium, so perhaps you have yet to examine the track template feature. In my opinion, track templates provide a better and more flexible way to set up your tracks/devices just the way you want it.

    in reply to: Two audio cards ? #20144

    Podium only supports the use of one sound card driver, so if you are talking about using two different physical sound cards, then your only hope is something like asio4all. If you are talking about using multiple stereo outpus on the same audio card, then that is possible. You need to create an additional master track, assign the secondary headphone output mapping, set up a bus return as source, and the corresponding bus send on the main master track.

    in reply to: Another question : map colors #20143

    You can’t set specific colors for certain velocity ranges. You can set min and max colors for the entire velocity range in the Colors dialog.

    in reply to: Podium preview topics #20142
    in reply to: Hello and some questions #20131

    @Daniel wrote:

    – Can I set an image backround on the time fill instead a colour ?

    Yes. Specify a “track timeline image file” in the project properties dialog.

    – Can I set the track groups more “long” than the child track, to see it as a folder and sub-folders ?

    Not sure what you mean here. Could you describe it in other words?

    in reply to: Lion – Writing on the Mind [LP] #20130

    Nice. I like the bass on “Last Call”. 8)

    in reply to: To Zynewave and everyone here who has helped me. #20126

    Merry Christmas from me too. I’m back from a family-visit, and about to resume work on 2.41. 🙂

    in reply to: Make things in Podium without save nor naming #20113

    The project and sound files will only be saved if you select the save command. You can just ignore the naming of the project if you don’t intend to save the project. The project name you specify will be used to create the project sub folder and project file once you select the save command the first time.

    in reply to: Technology preview: Podium running on iOS & Android #20096

    @Lonnie the Kingpin wrote:

    I’m new here….. how do I vote? I don’t see a voting platform in Firefox.

    I haven’t tried it in Firefox. In IE explorer there are radio buttons next to each poll option at the top, and a submit button below the options. Once you’ve pressed submit, the poll buttons disappear, and you are shown the poll results.

    Anyone else have problems with the poll feature in Firefox?

    in reply to: Wow! #20093

    @Gino Cortesi wrote:

    Also when I used the wave editor and selected a section, then did a fade-in, Podium was crashing, and I can reproduce it.

    Hi Gino,

    I just tested the fade-in command, and I did manage to get a crash if I selected a segment that stretched beyond the end of the sound. I’ll fix that. Let me know if you can get it to crash in another way.


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