Topic: 2.08

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  • #14201

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    However I noticed that when I change programs/banks in Gladiator’s interface, the selected preset/bank of Inspector remain.

    There are other plugs like Rayspace from QuikQuak which also behaves like this. The plugin preset management is not reflected in the inspector but there is a workaround for this. Create a ‘Program Library Preset’ in the inspector and make it the active preset. After this this the selected preset in the plugin is saved in the new programm preset and ist also restored after reopening the project. This works for Rayspace.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    No, there isn’t any difference. However I noticed that when I change programs/banks in Gladiator’s interface, the selected preset/bank of Inspector remain. Sometimes, I think to remember, it changes.

    Maybe the problem is that Inspector doesn’t respond to Gladiator 2 program/bank change, and when I reload the project the inspector selected preset is loaded.

    That could very well be the problem. It’s curious though that you say it changes sometimes. I’ll test this later on.


    Ok thx! I’ll wait your news


    @estwing wrote:

    I mean I enabled meters and faders on each individual track and set the tracks to “unhide” so all the meters were visible in the track view,I could then see where the clipping was occuring in the chain and adjust the faders to suit

    clicking the mixer dots removed the meters in the track view.


    After looking closer at this: Clicking the mixer grid (dots) is supposed to disable the meter on the current meter track, and enable it on the corresponding pre/post fader track. I’ve now made a small change so that the meter is not disabled if both the pre and the post fader track have metering enabled.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I’ve problems with Sylenth1. Just make some chords with a pad sound, loop them, then do (with volume release as example) that Sylenth reach its maximun voices polyphony, and then, mute and unmute the Sylenth track in Podium mixer.

    When you unmute Sylenth1’s track it doesn’t reproduce any sound. If you pause and play the song again, there isn’t any sound either (you can see in Sylenth preview keyboard how MIDI reach Sylenth1). The only way for restore the sound of Sylenth is setting the polyphony to 0 and set again to the desired value.

    I think it’s a Podium bug because I hadn’t any problem in Reaper (muting the Reaper mixer track, and disabling and bypassing Sylenth1 in Reaper).

    Even though it works in Reaper and not in Podium, does not necessarily mean it is a Podium bug. Reaper most likely implements its plugin bypassing using a different sequence of VST calls than Podium, which can make Sylenth1 respond differently. If you see MIDI notes played by Podium animated on the Sylenth1 editor keyboard, then it to me seems the muting problem is within the plugin. Have you tried contacting the Sylenth1 developer about this problem?


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    No, there isn’t any difference. However I noticed that when I change programs/banks in Gladiator’s interface, the selected preset/bank of Inspector remain. Sometimes, I think to remember, it changes.

    Maybe the problem is that Inspector doesn’t respond to Gladiator 2 program/bank change, and when I reload the project the inspector selected preset is loaded.

    I tried the Gladiator2 demo, but that doesn’t seem to report program changes to Podium at all. Possibly a limitation of the demo. Did I understand you correctly, that you say that G2 “sometimes” changes the preset assigned on the track in Podium when you change preset within the G2 editor?

    I’ve contacted tone2 about an exchange of NFR licenses.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Even though it works in Reaper and not in Podium, does not necessarily mean it is a Podium bug. Reaper most likely implements its plugin bypassing using a different sequence of VST calls than Podium, which can make Sylenth1 respond differently. If you see MIDI notes played by Podium animated on the Sylenth1 editor keyboard, then it to me seems the muting problem is within the plugin. Have you tried contacting the Sylenth1 developer about this problem?

    Ok, I understand. And yes, I did the 30th of January

    But no answer yet…

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I tried the Gladiator2 demo, but that doesn’t seem to report program changes to Podium at all. Possibly a limitation of the demo. Did I understand you correctly, that you say that G2 “sometimes” changes the preset assigned on the track in Podium when you change preset within the G2 editor?

    I’ve contacted tone2 about an exchange of NFR licenses.

    Yes you understood correctly. In fact I remember a hilarious behavior of Podium when I was trying to understand the bug. I did a default project (4 tracks), and only the Inspector’s preset menu from the Gladiator 2 instance that I have in track 2 responded to program changes… it was really weird, and funny. I opened a closed several times the plugins until none of them send the message to inspector. Pretty weird. I also contacted with Markus from Tone2, and this was his answer:

    2) The host saves only the current used preset for preformance reasons. If you want to save the complete bank you must use ‘save all’ and store them in a glb file (gladiator bank).

    I think he didn’t understand me…

    Thanks you!



    I just emailed you a pod file where Gladiator 2 responds to program changes. Try it!

    Best regards


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:


    I just emailed you a pod file where Gladiator 2 responds to program changes. Try it!

    Best regards

    I’m afraid I can’t test it with the Gladiator2 demo.


    Can I do something for help you?


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Can I do something for help you?

    As I wrote in a previous post, I’ve contacted tone2 about a Gladiator2 NFR license. If/when I get a positive reply, I’ll continue my debugging.


    Ah ok, i didn’t know what was a NFR licence >< Thanks!


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Ah ok, i didn’t know what was a NFR licence ><

    NFR = Not For Resale 🙂

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