Topic: Midi Maps

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  • #20535


    That’s what I was thinking overall with my previous rant.[if you want to call it such]

    There are people out there who want to help you Zynewave, even if you say: “No, I don’t want to give the source code to you if your just going to make a DAW of your own and use my hardwork as a “boost”.

    I believed different.

    I believed that there are people who are willing to help lighten the load on you by helping you with the program. Heck, even helping you without cost because it’s a good program, just too many requests and your just “one man”. Maybe help you make a update or 2 in their spare time. LIGHTEN the load, not steal from you and say they made Podium and all this other crazy stuff.

    But it’s apparent that you don’t want “anyone’s help” Zynewave. Your open to suggestions but that’s it. Until the day you die your source code for Podium will remain a mystery to everyone else,[unless someone hacks it, who is good at cracking software which I don’t condone, but it’s bound to happen…]but you, yourself.

    So, now I understand. Suggestions is about as far as we can go with the development of Podium. He doesn’t want any coding help, nor does he want to share his “20 years of work” with someone he may or may not can trust.

    So sadly let’s just do what he “requests”, and that’s it. No dev help[at all], just open suggestions, tips, bug reports, and all that jazz.

    And here I thought he may like the idea of someone wanting to help him “development wise”. Even if by chance this person wants to help him for “free”.


    So letting you refer to me as Grasshopper and me refering to you as Dj Master Frits thing ain’t working for you huh…

    Man i thought for sure that was a deal clinter…

    Hmmm would Grand Master Frits work?

    Seriously though – you would entertain the right person taking a stab at working on this with you – wouldn’t you?

    Maybe even just sections of it?

    Personally i think that would be a great oportunity for someone – and perhaps litten the load on you – a win win situation for both.


    Oh and here – I just uploaded that Surround VST thcilnnahoj

    And Frits if you have a moment – would you mind taking a look at it as well – see what yoiu think – if it’s worth using with Podium.

    It for monitoring use only – whcih is not good for export but…
    take a look see what you think.

    I don’t have the full yet – my bad – though i aim too. so It maybe acting a tad funny due to the fact surround is not activated in mine yet.

    The instructions are in the zip folder for it… and this is the one they said was for Cubase and Nuendo.

    The first time i tried loading it with Podium – every thing seemed fine – save the project reloaded it and i get a noise from it. Like i said this being the free version of Podium may be the issue with it – so i need someone to check it out with the full version – using surround. 5.1 and 7.1

    Though i am thinking of going another route – actually trying to change the industry standard – 5/7.1 surround is really obsolete now that digital is the means of reproduction in the home.

    Changing industry standards is a fair reachable goal i think… someone changed it last time
    – this time – why not me…
    I can’t think of a good reason other than I don’t have the influence Sony did
    – though i could get to konw someone that does have that influence…

    So Frits – you’re an influential person
    – You and the wife free for dinner?
    Consider it my first Lobbiest dinner one could say to influence and change the industry – Oh Mighty Grand Master…. ;0)
    (You’re starting to like the sound of that Grand Master title – I can tell)

    hey you may laugh – but its a start.

    here’s that Surround Bass Montor VST – LINK


    @ Infinitoar

    I understand where you’re coming from but, hey your messing my deal here up Infinitoar with all that negative talk…

    If Podium was mine – I’d worked on it for 20years solo… with all the software preditors out there. (Trust me i know what its like having worked on some advanced stuff before and wanting to keep it mine for a while – which lasted what 24hrs?… friticken – frackin sobs*%!!@)

    In reality – it”s Frits’s – to do what he will with it -i don’t condem him for not wanting to release the source code – I can wish other wise – but one can’t condem him for it…

    In Reality anyone that really wants it – or wnat something like it can do what Frits did when he started it – make one them self…

    Working on it with Frits – the guy has 20year expereince – what a wing to get under… he’ll find someone if he wants when he’s ready.

    We may not like it – I personally think it can climb to new hights faster with the right help.

    And you do take a chance letting someone help – in the end it is his right to make his desision about his software.

    I’m not talking or ralliing for a corprate take over here… just tossing up some idea’s for Frits to mull over.

    How s that Grand Master Frits…
    pretty good response wouldn’t you say?

    though it does muck up the flow i had going… oh well…
    I have a industry standard to change…

    ♫ Here i come to change the way! ♪
    (Sung using the Mighty Mouse tune)


    I have never understood why when people ask for the source to be released for whatever software and are then told that it won’t happen, by the owner of the software no less, who has almost if not wholly worked on it solely for a while, (some) people are then surprised, and even openly disappointed, that they do not want to release it.

    Let’s say you’ve spent 10 years building up your music career, would you happily let out all your music, not only for free but the project files, after you’ve been selling albums for a while, at the request of some forum goers who love your music? Maybe you would. Most people wouldn’t, I would suggest.

    I love open source, I have found so many useful programs that replace what I could be spending a fortune on, but owners of products are welcome to choose what they wish (within laws of course) for their project. You can disagree, but you have your answer. Begrudging that answer, refusing to understand it and push, represents a lack of understanding of others and in my opinion is insulting. Let Frits do what he wants with his project! If you see great potential, nothing stops you from doing exactly what he did. Your question was (somewhat) fair enough, but you have your answer, and it really is time to move on.

    I certainly would not want others to tell me how to interact with my family, how to use or organise my own computer, or how to write my music. Provide some feedback, certainly, but definitely not push to control.

    I know this kind of post (of mine) seems very defensive of Frits, but I really am trying to appeal to you that the topic has now ceased. Further, to defend my own post and the validity of its statements rather than being a so-called “fanboy” post, I would point out that I didn’t post until after you asked your questions, got an answer, a bit of back and forth and then continued to post with pushing.

    If you really feel strongly that way, why not write a professional business proposal and present it to Frits?

    Finally, I would advise you against thinking that releasing the source of a project automatically makes it magically better, or that you will pick up skills suddenly, or keep motivation for it for years to come. I have some coding background and have thought to suggest helping Frits in the past, and may have even made one slight comment about it a couple of years ago, but I realise that I would not serioously be able to learn all I need to in a short time, and I would essentially have no effect, or even hold Frits up. So I have said practically nothing.

    I ask that you sit and give it some very serious thought before posting again. It really seems like you both have not really considered anyone’s opinions but your own.

    Sorry all for the long post. These sorts of issues are a bugbear of mine. I hope my efforts are not completely in vain.


    Ok. I’ll say this for the last time and I hope someone with common sense who doesn’t “live” on the internet finally lets this sink IN.

    “I say whatever is on my mind about any issue I’m dealing with. There is no “tone” on the internet because there is no “AUDIO”, I repeat, there. is. no. audio. on the internet, so how would ANYONE on God’s big beautiful blue marble planet KNOW what I am saying in “tone” if there is no AUDIO coming from my “words”?”

    I don’t sugar coat anything, I don’t use excessive exclamation points, and I don’t do smiley faces, [and all that other stuff]because I’ve come to the conclusion that, that, is a time waster. I figure just type out what I feel is best without purely offending anyone but still leave criticism on someone’s work. Maybe you all are used to people sugar coating things and smiling with teeth gritted underneath their smile, but I’m a honest person and honesty is a lot better than “smiling teeth gritters”

    I started out a remixer and even I learned whether it’s negative feedback or positive feedback USE IT to help you grow. If you got a bunch of people who are “kissing butt” and not honest how is that going to help ANYONE? Long story short, it won’t. I say what I don’t like about Podium, and Frit’s direction on it, but I STILL state that this is HIS PROGRAM, HIS life’s work, and HIS life. he can do whatever he wants with it but everyone gets criticized for something. No human in the world is “uncriticizable”.

    So maybe deep down you all don’t like the way I lay my criticism down. Well if Frits doesn’t think it’s appropriate then he can remove my posts.[since I can’t, and if I could, at the request of him, I would remove them] Maybe you all don’t like me at all, I really don’t give one damn. I wasn’t born to be liked, I was born to live my life the way I wanted it to be lived. If you think my criticism is “bad toned” maybe you should ask yourself do you even like “opposing criticism” at all.

    And as far as “ruining your business offer Chase”, sorry if I did that, but the man has made his point clear. 20 years of work=lots of moneys worth. He doesn’t want anyone’s help he would rather tackle Podium solo. He doesn’t have time to teach because he leads a busy life.He has time for tips, ideas, bug reports,[maybe]criticism, helping those with complex problems, outside projects and updates and features whenever he has time.

    Now you all can take this as a “Man, he’s just some pissed off kid trying to make Zynewave do stuff”


    You can take it as it is.


    @ Infinitoar

    lol – you seriously need to get happy.

    Reread the posts – if you do it with an open mind or different frame of mind – you just might read the humour in contained and though it may have been poor executed or written – it just may make you or at least some smile maybe even laugh.

    Though i may be serious in some of my suggestions – it’s all stated with humour and with a lightness to be found humourous maybe even satirical.

    For some reason you found it contained a reason for you to be defensive.

    Do you seriously think you ruined “my deal”
    – interupted the flow
    – hexed my mojo

    that’s all said in a humourous manor…

    Someone take Infinitoar to a Comedy Club –
    you got to laugh more – maybe you forgot how.

    We’re all – everyone here – including Frits I’m sure
    about the music.

    – Here let me pour you a beer.
    Now get ready for the comedy club you’re going to bring your girl to tonight…

    Well – She thinks you’re taking her to one
    Okay – I texted her and told her you were.

    and if you don’t take her
    – I will.


    @Infinitoar wrote:

    Ok. I’ll say this for the last time and I hope someone with common sense who doesn’t “live” on the internet finally lets this sink IN.

    “I say whatever is on my mind about any issue I’m dealing with. There is no “tone” on the internet because there is no “AUDIO”, I repeat, there. is. no. audio. on the internet, so how would ANYONE on God’s big beautiful blue marble planet KNOW what I am saying in “tone” if there is no AUDIO coming from my “words”?”

    First of all, why do you need to be so offensive? I lack common sense? And what does “live” on the internet mean? You don’t use the internet, then? How are you posting? And if I don’t know what you’re thinking, and you don’t know what I’m thinking, why are we even posting to each other, or in response to each other, at all, when we clearly have no idea about anything that either of us are saying?

    And second, I’ll say this for the last time, I say what’s on my mind too, dude. If you don’t get it, don’t beat me up over it. 8)

    I didn’t bother to read the rest of your post, as you clearly spend no effort reading mine. Like the other thread, I won’t be posting again on this topic. I have failed to make anything clear to you. Hopefully I had more luck with chase. And it’s true that chase’s posts have some humour or something light about them, so even if I didn’t agree with the gist of thought processes and wanted to reply, he’s amiable about it.

    Thank you!


    @ Infinitoar

    Okay – now i see what you were talking about and whom too…

    Didn’t know you and druid had some sort of history in the forums.

    @ druidSorry I didn’t see your post – I can only presune the auto notifier for the thread didn’t work at the time you posted or something.

    In General to both I understand both points you two are making.

    So were does that leave me or a person like me…? in a word.
    – Wanting.

    Personally – and this is just my general view point – taking what both of you have pointed out.

    But first let me say this – I’m tired of waiting – waiting for software companies to create and use tech that has been already out
    – and out for years.
    Or to think in common sense terms as users.

    They all seem to just er-invent the same wheel
    – just in a different laungauge.

    Digital as a whole – especially the audio industry is so far behind the times it’s pathetic.

    And as said – I’m tired of waiting for the software firms to marry the solutions into their apps.

    I could have written the solution myself by now. And probably should have. I didn’t becuase – and both of you have heard this before.

    Oh well we’re going to add that in the future. Or it’ll have that capability soon.

    Now for me to start from scatch puts me behind the time – i need the solution now – not ten or twenty years from now.

    For instance – Frits said – it’s taken him twenty years to write Podium / to get it to this point. So for me to get an app from scratch up to this point as his – if i start today – is going to take me what – twenty years and then i can add what i wanted 6years ago? So 26years from now i can finally get the app that can do waht i wanted 6years ago.

    But the tech to do what i wanted was out – 15years ago.
    Just nobody put the two together… and still no one has… so i wait… and wait and ask and wait and ask and wait…

    and grow old…. hmmm is that arthritis in my left hand now… maybe it is as it hurts when i grab my cane…
    are my thoughts as i’m still waiting for the solution…

    See my point…?

    Podium was written with great care by a musician
    – which most apps written with a marrage between an actuall user or someone in that feild and a Developer are generally suppior – generally.

    For instance – Photoshop – developed by a couple of photographers to organize their digital images is one of the best graphics apps out there. Not that others aren’t just as good now. But, with end user insight as to how it ‘s going to be used by someone in that paticular industry they are generally better solutions.

    I deal with 2D 3D Animation Video Audio – I see a need for a lot. The tech as been there – the big creatoin and media houses have proven it can be done… time and time again.

    But on the consumer side and even with the big apps for comercial use – no one marries into their app the solutions.

    For instance – the new race between Score Editors and Mastering solutions.
    – Why has it taken till now for them to finally figure out – marry the two?
    We’re not talking rocket science that the two go hand in hand?

    I have to still wait for the solution as they are just now figuring out that?
    One has to ask – what the heck took so long – we’ve been saying this as musicans for freaking years now! And just now they think of it? And just now they start to marry the two?

    Or why do i still have to wait for someone to marry a Mastering solution to a 3D app – like Blender or 3DSMax or Maya or all them?

    Why? Podium has unlimited midi peramitors- right Frits?
    So marry it to a 3d Solution -their audio mastering side sucks.
    Same with Video editing – marry the Mastering to them too.

    Why are we still waiting for these solutions?
    Audio has Rewire – use it to marry it to the Graphics / Video / 3D editiong apps.

    Chop Chop Software firms i say – lets go already! What is taking so long?

    My teeth will starting to fall out and I won’t look that good on stage by the time it done it looks like…

    So for me to ask – How much for the source code – that is why I’m asking.
    I’ll just write the solution into the app my dang self.
    Tailor the apps to my needs – and many others needs.

    But if i have to start from scratch – that as said – will take forever.

    BTW – Frits – do you have a SDK for Podium so if i come up with a solution like a Rewire into the Graphics / 3D Apps i can use it with your app as well as others?

    Or better yet – with 20 years deving – How would marry the two – knowing you can’t have the source code to the app?

    What would you do? Write the solution yourself – so where would you start to write a rewire into say Blender or After Effects with Podium that would also work with other mastering solutions and video/3d apps?

    Sorry for being so long winded in this post
    – some say i type to much. others not enough. lol



    I wasn’t going to write anything because, well, I knew it would be taken the wrong way, twisted, and then make me look like the “bad guy”. I’m so used to seeing that in forums that, that is why it took me massive courage to finally join one, the ONLY one, I have ever joined, which is this one.

    Although I feel like the trend is still here. So this is my “only and last forum” I will ever join.

    I see your points, but I was only stating that I knew how Zynewave felt. I’ve been doing music for 3 years straight now and every time I get someone to help me it “falls though”. I’m frankly getting sick and tired of it, so I thought “f it”, go on it “alone”. But I found out no matter what you do in life you always need someones help. Hence the reason I asked Frits.

    Now I take the time from my album creation and my remix creation[yes I’m creating another remix for “Blue Stahli-Metamorphosis”] to come here and type what’s on my mind. I see it as time in some ways, wasted, because I could take that valuable time and go create more music with it.

    But when I come here I’m only reminded that I should have kept my mouth[or opinions] shut and only put when I have a problem with Podium and that’s it. Don’t suggest features, don’t ask Frits if he needs dev help, just post my problems and wait for answers and go about my day. Basically stay on the support forum.

    Now back to topic[sorry]
    Frits may have a small hope of maybe giving you something to help you at a cost, or for free as in tips. Maybe he can link you some YouTube tutorial videos that may have helped him in his production of Podium. The source code however I think he is going to keep to himself until he feels it’s necessary or “safe” to let others he can trust have it. I’ve wanted to help Frits also or at least question his motives[in a positve manner] of why doesn’t he accept help, but of course everyone here active on the forums knows how that got drawn out.

    I won’t respond to your jokes, or anything someone has said to me, back, because I feel this forum may live up to the “forum legend”. The only forum format I actually type on and people actually understand what I mean is FiXTRemix. Here, it’s a completely different story. I waited for a reason so that others may have felt “they’ve won the dispute”, where I feel like “meh, I got my point across no need in continuing something otherwise it will escalate to something I never intended it to escalate to”.


    That’s what forums are for right? Getting your topic/point across and getting feedback on it, no? I could be wrong.

    Anyway Chase best of luck to you with your future plans and potential deals with Frits. Maybe it’s something he may look into more when he has time but I believe for now he just wants what he asks from us and no more, as of now.

    Well my rant is over. This is the last time I will post something outside the “support” forum channel. If I ruined this topic then Frits I would like you to erase whatever I put, and those comments related/linked to them. Maybe my actions will bring peace to this forum, maybe not. Who knows.

    Thanks for understanding finally Chase, and good luck.


    @ Infinitor

    Hey good to hear about your new remix you’ve got going on.

    Well – i will have to agree with you on some points you made aobut fourms. Actually quite a few – I pulled off the net for a while a while back – quit all my memberships as i found they are usually extremely conservative and run by forum comando’s running anyone off with a different point fo view.

    But in looking around in this forum (though i haven’t read every post of course) I found it’s pretty well relaxed and one can say what they will with out too much retort. They may not agree with what you have to say but – nobodies deleting posts for cussing or saying what is on your mind.
    No real flaming going on – you have to admit. Heck of alot better than some I’ve been on in the past. I’m sure you too.

    Okay so you and druid agree to disagree… strongly in some areas – thats okay – so you two leave it at that.

    I didn’t agree with everything either one of you said
    – and i’m sure both of you and others here didn’t agree with everything i said.

    Responding to my jokes – well – I’m no comedian though i try to make light of some things – hopefully the only response is a laugh or two. Maybe even a smile… ;0) I’m never lookingn for a fight or to have pissing contest about things.

    I have to work on my joke / satire delivery… granted
    – they seem funnier when played back in my head more so than the typed version i guess.

    I do most things myself as I’m not online – don’t have an internet connection – so i have to quickly get what i need in the hour or so i have online – when i can get online. So most i know or do is out of nessesity – alot of experimentation – tryial and error and strong will to keep trying when i fail.

    One can ask but questions but… I don’t know sometimes that works – sometimes it doesn’t work…

    An after thougt – would be neat to have an audio forum – meaning we all could talk or post audio files as response –

    hmmm? Perhaps then my jokes /satire might get a bigger laugh with the better delivery method of audio…

    hey don’t for get to post some of that remixing your working on if have a mind too – I don’t post my stuff – but if you do – post a snipit or too – lets hear what you are doing – it it’s okay of course… could be top secret for now.! ;0)


    All I will say is still thanks for understanding. You may not have agreed with all my points, but eventually you understood.

    If you wish to know about my musical content check out the sites below, because the only time I’m posting on this forum is if I have a problem with the program, so I will only post in the Support forum, wait for a reply, thank whoever gave me one, and go about my day. That’s all.

    I tend to think it will keep peace around here between me and everyone else.

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