Topic: Nothing in My Downloads page

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  • #39649
    Miroslav Conkic

    Hello, my upgrade period expired a couple of days ago, and I can not see any link to download the old version of podium. Do I have to update my upgrade period to be able to see the download link of the program? I had podium + tone 2 plugin for 50$ and now I can not see anything in downloads page.


    Hello Miroslav. I’ve made some updates to the website during the last couple of days, and one thing I changed was I added an extension to upgrade periods expiring since the last release. If you check your download page you should see the download links again.

    I added the upgrade extension as a compensation for the delayed release of the next 3.4 version. Podium has been in development for almost 30 years now, and I occasionally devote time to do a revision of the codebase to avoid the ‘legacy’ code syndrome. Release 3.4.0 is all about internal improvements and modernization of the entire codebase, which is why it is taking some time to finish.


    Hello Zynewave, download is not possible, because i only got this message:

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function


    Ouch. This error is due to an update to my shopping cart plugin. I’ll post here again when I have fixed this.


    This should now be fixed. Thanks for reporting the error. Please let me know if you notice more problems with the website.


    I noticed the ‘Latest News’ announces Podium 3.3.3, but the product page (Products > Podium) only features a demo of 3.3.2. This might be intentional, I don’t know.


    looking forward to see what you have cooked up for us ! πŸ™‚

    Miroslav Conkic

    Hello again πŸ˜€ I know a lot of time has passed but I reinstalled my windows and I need to download my podium + tone 2 plugin, but my download page is empty again. Can I get my installer via email or from download page please.

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