Topic: One Small Request :) …

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  • #22725

    Your guess came close 😉

    My screen resolution is 1920x1080px at 96dpi.
    Originals of the images above are 454x479px and 624x994px respectively. With Podium’s font set as Comic Sans MS at 11px. They have been resized down as previews in this thread.

    I endorse your requests, sobaka. EQs on mixer channels is an important aspect of audio sequencing. I made the suggestions just in case you haven’t come across those functions. Especially in regarding the Rack Inspector as mixer/routing for specific tracks.


    I’ve been following the development of Podium from version 1.7 …
    and unknown functions for me to have no more 😉 …
    Many Thanks ! for the comments,
    I am very pleased that my ideas and suggestions are needed not only to me 🙂 …
    I hope the developer will pay attention to it ….


    Removed …

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