Topic: Podium won't open

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  • #36045

    I have been using Podium 3.2.7 for sometime now, but for some reason when I try to open it now, it does not open. It just puts up the startup logo, and then disappears. I’ve tried restarting my computer, repairing it with the installer, completely uninstalling and reinstalling, installing the more recent Podium 3.3, using both x86 and x64, but nothing works. I am using Windows 10 x64 with 8gb of RAM.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Mindicree.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Mindicree.

    Most common reason for this behavior is that either the audio or MIDI drivers crashes when Podium tries to access them. Did you change your interfaces or update their drivers recently?

    You can bypass the driver initialization by temporarily renaming the Podium.ini file, so that Podium will start out without drivers configured. Enter the following line in a Windows Explorer address bar:


    Rename the Podium.ini to something like Podium.bak and then try to start Podium again.


    Sorry for the late response. I haven’t changed my interface since I got it mid-2017 (Focusrite Scarlette 2i4), however I haven’t updated the drivers for it since I got it. I just tried renaming Podium.ini to Podium.bak, but that doesn’t seem to solve the issue. Would you reccommend trying to update the drivers?


    I’m surprised renaming Podium.ini didn’t work. If there is no Podium.ini file when Podium starts up it won’t initialize any drivers so updating your drivers should not solve this problem.

    Please try the following: Open the Windows Task Manager, start Podium, and watch the Task Manager apps list for the Zynewave Podium app. Does it disappear from the list after the logo splash screen disappears?

    Was the Podium.ini file recreated when you tried to start Podium again? If so, please email it to me.

    Have you updated your graphics card driver recently?


    Yes, it does disappear after the logo pops up, and yes, the file was recreated. I tried emailing it to you through the contact part of the website, but it says this file type is not allowed. Do you have another email I can send it to? And no, I have not updated my graphics card recently.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Mindicree.

    You can send it to info at


    Alright, I have sent the email.


    I put in the new Podium.ini file, but that doesn’t seem to work either. However, Podium free does seem to work (I already had it installed).


    I had the same problem a few weeks ago.
    In my case, I was using both the 3.3 beta and 3.2.7.

    I deleted something (a project or an arrangement or something else, I don’t remember exactly) in one of them, and when I went back to the other version it kept crashing right after the logo just like you described.

    I think I fixed it by creating a new project (or whatever it was) with the same name and save location as the deleted one.


    That’s an interesting thought. I don’t remember deleting a project recently, but I’ll give that a check.


    Ok, I found something very interesting. Instead of deleting a project, I moved my entire Project folder to Desktop and miraculously Podium opened, telling me something about how the default Project folder has not been configured. When I went through the steps to recreate the Project folder in Documents by default, it crashed again.

    When I deleted the newly created Project folder and skipped the steps to create a new one when running Podium again, I was able to load multiple Projects from Desktop successfully. This is definitely a great temporary fix while I finish up the project I was working on, but I hope this information helps to find a solution.


    Thanks. It is possible that the crash is related to the default generated Podium documents folders. I’ve uploaded 3.3.0 beta5 in which I’ve added support for generation of crash dump files. With the new beta5 please try to reproduce the crash, and then look for a file named Podium3.3.0.dmp in the Podium setup folder. If you send this file to me, I’ll be able to jump right in to the source code where the crash occurred.


    Sorry for the late response again. I have tried to recreate the crash again using Podium beta5 and 1. I cannot find the .dmp file anywhere and 2. While Podium does not crash anymore, any project I try to load from the default location says “Could not save file ‘[project name].pod’ File is inaccessible.”


    I have uploaded a new beta6 which includes a revision to how Podium organizes the Zynewave Podium documents folder. The .dmp file will only be saved if you experience a crash, so let me know if you manage to reproduce the crash you experienced previously.

    any project I try to load from the default location says “Could not save file ‘[project name].pod’ File is inaccessible.”

    What is the path of the default location? Is it possible that the .pod file somehow has become read-only?


    I don’t seem to get the crash, however it does seem a huge chunk of my file became read only, not just for Podium, but for my entire Documents folder. The default location for my podium project is my documents folder, as well as my project template, track templates, etc. and I can no longer save them. I found this isn’t just for Podium, but for my other programs as well like Word, I can’t save anything in my Documents folder.

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