Topic: Preset recall bug??

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  • #111

    Apologies for posting this in this forum, but the one for bug reports says ‘admins only’ πŸ˜‰

    Preset recall bug in 0.90 – both DS404 and Synth1 lose their presets/patches after a saved arrangment is reloaded, suggesting the full plugin state is not being saved with the arrangment perhaps??

    Whilst i’m here, i’d just add that i’m enjoying Podium so far πŸ™‚

    Also, i’ve looked everywhere, but am i correct in that whilst you can record audio, you can’t yet import it? Seems unlikely, so if i’ve missed it someone please point me in the right direction! πŸ™‚ (tried drag & drop too but no joy…)



    Hi fst,

    …but the one for bug reports says ‘admins only’

    You cannot create topics in the release forum, but you should be able to reply to the topic for the release.

    Preset recall bug in 0.90 – both DS404 and Synth1 lose their presets/patches after a saved arrangment is reloaded, suggesting the full plugin state is not being saved with the arrangment perhaps??

    If you want to store changes you make in a plugin, you need to assign a library preset to the track. With simple plugins you can use a program library preset, but for multitimbral synths that manages global setup in addition to program presets, you should assign a bank library preset. Use the track menu to access these functions. You will also see a ‘Sync’ button in the preset panel. When this button is selected then Podium will keep the preset updated with any changes in the plugin. When deselected, your library preset is safe from accidental changes in the plugin.

    Whilst i’m here, i’d just add that i’m enjoying Podium so far

    I’m glad you like it πŸ˜€

    …that whilst you can record audio, you can’t yet import it?

    You can import wav files. If you drag them onto Podium, they should appear as objects on the main project page. If not, then maybe the wav files are in floating point format, which is not supported yet in Podium.

    When inside the arrangement editor, open an Object List (Ctrl+L). From this list you can drag the sounds onto the tracks.



    @Zynewave wrote:

    If you want to store changes you make in a plugin, you need to assign a library preset to the track. With simple plugins you can use a program library preset, but for multitimbral synths that manages global setup in addition to program presets, you should assign a bank library preset. Use the track menu to access these functions. You will also see a ‘Sync’ button in the preset panel. When this button is selected then Podium will keep the preset updated with any changes in the plugin. When deselected, your library preset is safe from accidental changes in the plugin.

    Got it πŸ™‚ Except…..with the DS404 again, i get the ‘cannot store data…..beyond the 16mb limit’ message – that’s gonna be tricky with large soft samplers patches.. πŸ˜• Anyway around this?

    You can import wav files. If you drag them onto Podium, they should appear as objects on the main project page….When inside the arrangement editor, open an Object List (Ctrl+L). From this list you can drag the sounds onto the tracks.

    Aha, knew it would be easy somehow, the Object list was the missing step, thanks! πŸ™‚


    Recently I tried out the CyberFREE plugin and found that if you load large samples >16 MB it would take minutes for the plugin to return a pointer to the data when requested by Podium, making it look like Podium has frozen. Apparently CyberFREE does some sort of heavy zip-compression. Anyway, it appears I have to set the limit higher. What are the size of the largest patches that you work with?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    What are the size of the largest patches that you work with?

    I have DS404 patches here from 7Mb to 60Mb 😯 πŸ™‚

    DS404 stores all patch wavs internally inside the patch, rather than referencing them externally, hence the fact that patches can get quite big. This may well also be a problem with Kontakt/Halion etc, but sadly i don’t have them to test πŸ™ – is there a particular reason for the size limit?



    is there a particular reason for the size limit?

    Nah, just a precaution. Loading huge samples (maybe by mistake) can cause long lockups with some plugins, making it appear as if Podium has frozen. I think I will raise it to 128 MB, and hold my breath until someone complains this is not enough πŸ™‚


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I think I will raise it to 128 MB, and hold my breath until someone complains this is not enough πŸ™‚

    lol πŸ˜‰


    couldn’t you put the loading into a separate thread, which would allow work to continue, but have what is loading appear disabled (dispalying ‘loading..’ or something) until fully loaded, and just return the hHandle of the dll?

    Or would that be too complicated? No other Host (that I know of) appears as seemless as this – it would make it appear ever so efficient!

    Just an idea



    I do need to put up some sort of indication that something is going on. That should be visible both when loading plugins and getting/setting large presets to plugins. These things could be handled in a background thread, but the main UI thread would still need to be blocked, since plugin and preset management are critical for any further actions.


    Update on this with ver 0.92 :-

    404 patches save OK, πŸ™‚ but after exiting and reloading Podium reports that it’s unable to load those .pod files…:cry: In addition, when working with a project that has patches saved like this, response to a play/stop command becomes very slow, with a pronounced delay, as if Podium is reloading the patches on every transport start.

    I’ll check if this happens with RGC’s sfz too, anyone else with a different sampler/rompler that can check this?

    Fritz – If this is purely DS404 handling problem maybe you should take the limit back down to 16Mb? I’ll live with keeping track of my Multis by hand πŸ˜‰ better that than intorducing anything which might mess up ver 1.00!



    I would ask you to mail me the .pod file that will not load, but I guess it’s huge? Does a project with small 404 presets also fail to load? I have the sfz+ so I will try creating some projects with huge presets and see if I can provoke the bug.

    response to a play/stop command becomes very slow, with a pronounced delay, as if Podium is reloading the patches on every transport start.

    Podium will send the presets each time playback is started from the beginning, in case automation of parameters have screwed up the current preset settings. There may be some situations where Podium sends the preset unnecessarily. I haven’t worked with large presets so far, so I have not noticed this myself. I will check it out.


    No problem, I’ll upload them and PM you the links ASAP.


    The load error has been fixed now and will be available in 0.93. It was just a silly size check in the load procedure that was set too low. The project file you mailed me loads ok now, so don’t delete your projects!


    πŸ™‚ Thanks Frits! 8)


    on a similar topic, I’m having a problem with loopazoid…

    If I load a kit, do a GM mapping, get everything set up nicely, using a library preset with sync and everything… when I close the project and reopen, loopazoid is there mapped to the right place, but with no kit..!

    I know that kits can be saved with songs, as NTrack does it. I’ll see when 0.93 comes out whether it has been solved… Unless you can tell me from the start that it won’t be!


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