Topic: Preview 2.08: Composite tracks (aka. multitake, comping)

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  • #13535

    I also just noticed that you can re-commence the recording on the same composite and rack up another 5 takes which is cool as well 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta1 of 2.08 is now available. The change-log so far:

    • Added composite track feature, allowing for easier splicing of multi-take recordings. Composite tracks are handled similar to group tracks, where each take is a child track of the composite track. You can access the multiple takes from the events on the composite track. You can also expand the composite track group to make edits to the individual takes. The composite track option works both for audio and MIDI tracks.

    • A track can be made into a composite track with the new “use as composite track” option in the track properties. A track is automatically converted to a composite track if looping is active during recording. The old loop-recording method of putting the recording track into a group track is thus no longer needed.

    • Hovering the mouse over an event on a composite track shows a take selection bar at the bottom of the event. Clicking the bar will cycle through the available takes. Right-clicking the bar shows a popup menu with all available takes.

    • Soloing a take track in a composite track group will make the take play instead of the main composite track. Pressing shift+solo will solo the take track and unsolo any other soloed take tracks within the composite group.

    • Added “use as group track” and “use as composite track” options to the track properties submenu.

    • The “fade properties” dialog is renamed to “sound event properties” and is extended with an “event name” setting. This makes it possible to enter different labels for track events, even if the events links to the same sound object. Leaving the event name blank will display the sound name as in previous Podium versions.

    • Split the timeline ruler “zoom/slide” combined option introduced in 2.07 into two separate options.

    Note that the .pod file format has been updated, so please make backups of your old projects before saving with this beta.

    There are still plenty of improvements that can be made to the composite feature, so please share your thoughts.

    Nice changes. 🙂


    @H-man wrote:

    Can you tell me though what control dictates the inital length of the composite track before it starts looping?

    I was trying to use the loop markers howver the recording would go back to the start before the loop marker end.

    Is it the punch in markers even though they are not active?

    I found a silly bug which I think explains this issue. Fixed in the new beta2.

    Also, when comping, what is your intened method for building the various parts on the comp track? Split up the existing comp track or delete it and create new events.

    Either works fine, just curious as to your intended work flow.

    I would think splitting the event on the comp track is the best way. I’m planning to extend the scalpel tool so that you can click and drag horizontally to set a crossfade range, rather than just clicking to create a sharp split.

    Beta2 also has the following new feature, which I’m happy to finally cross out on my todo list:

    Each recording session and each recorded loop can now be undone in a single undo step. The undo command will undo all created tracks and events. The edit is labeled as “Recording started at [time of day]” in the undo history. If you are manually editing the arrangement during the recording, a new record edit will be started after each manual edit, so that you can undo recording and manual edits in the order they occurred.


    Beta3 is available, with a bug-fix, and this change:

    New sequence/sound events will be created if recording is started beyond the end of the current events on the track. Previously Podium would extend any existing events on the tracks.


    I haven’t chance to try with audio tracks, but I tried compositing track feature on MIDI track and failed like this:

    1. Recording on MIDI track with loop activated does not put the track into composite mode.
    2. When setting the MIDI track manually into composite mode, recording on it does not create ‘take’ subtracks, instead new recording is merged into already existing single lane (i.e. the same behaviour as pre-2.08 versions).
    3. When done, the recorded event has the bar on the bottom (the one used to choose proper part of the takes), although it is useless – there is always only one event to choose.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is MIDI comping not working yet?



    Hi everyone,

    I’ve played around with the new comp feature and noticed some things.
    1. Is the LAST n takes feature rejected? I think its highly useful.
    2. Uncomplete takes are not detected. I gues this has reasons but it could be useful. see
    3. Is it possible to get full multiple comp events per track? Let me explain this with a small example picture.

    the first event has two takes and the second three takes. After that I can’t record anything. It would be nice to have 5 takes per loop.
    4. Another note for consistency. Personally I think moving(cutting) the comp event should move(cut) the take events. Currently it could easily lead to mistakes. This note leads to the highly appreciated group editing (like fading multiple events) 🙂

    Thanks again for your really nice podium! I wish anyone who celebrates it a very nice x-mas 🙂


    @ronin wrote:

    I have small wish: could we have an option that enables the comp track to keep the last N takes? Lets say I’d like to keep 5 takes. Currently the recording is “stopped” after 5 takes. Is it possible to change this behaviour so that while recording continues old takes are removed and always the last 5 are kept? this would be very useful for me.

    Try the latest beta4, which has these new features:

    Reorganized the settings in the preferences dialog into new pages: Projects, Engine, Play/Record, Metronome, Plugins, Application.

    Added new settings to the Play/Record page in the preferences dialog:
    “Stop playback when end of sound/arrangement is reached”,
    “Deactivate record mode when playback is stopped”,
    “Convert record enabled tracks to composite/multi-take groups”,
    “Delete oldest take when loop-recording maximum is reached”.

    Btw. When you say recording is stopped after 5 takes, then this must be because you have set the loop-recording maximum to 5 in the preferences dialog.


    @pavouk100 wrote:

    I haven’t chance to try with audio tracks, but I tried compositing track feature on MIDI track and failed like this:

    1. Recording on MIDI track with loop activated does not put the track into composite mode.
    2. When setting the MIDI track manually into composite mode, recording on it does not create ‘take’ subtracks, instead new recording is merged into already existing single lane (i.e. the same behaviour as pre-2.08 versions).
    3. When done, the recorded event has the bar on the bottom (the one used to choose proper part of the takes), although it is useless – there is always only one event to choose.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is MIDI comping not working yet?


    MIDI loop recording is not yet implemented. I intend to wait until 2.09 with this. You can still manually add take tracks to a composite MIDI track, but I’ll remove the comment about MIDI comping from the release notes to avoid the confusion.


    @ronin wrote:

    1. Is the LAST n takes feature rejected? I think its highly useful.

    Nope. See the beta4 release notes.

    2. Uncomplete takes are not detected. I gues this has reasons but it could be useful.

    Only takes covering the full range of the comp event is included in the comp event take menu. I’ll consider changing this so that take events that stops before the comp event end, are also included.

    3. Is it possible to get full multiple comp events per track? Let me explain this with a small example picture.

    the first event has two takes and the second three takes. After that I can’t record anything. It would be nice to have 5 takes per loop.

    A new take track will always be created when recording a new take. If you are running out of space as on your screenshot, you can manually move the second group of take events up on the first take tracks, and then delete the now empty bottom take tracks.

    4. Another note for consistency. Personally I think moving(cutting) the comp event should move(cut) the take events. Currently it could easily lead to mistakes. This note leads to the highly appreciated group editing (like fading multiple events) 🙂

    I know there are some hosts that implements multi-take this way, but I also read discussion on the net where people complained about this. They argued that they would like to be able to edit the take events as regular events and then promote these edited events to the comp track. I’m going to add some commands for this later on.

    Thanks again for your really nice podium! I wish anyone who celebrates it a very nice x-mas 🙂

    Thanks. I’m going away for the holidays until the 26th, so merry christmas everyone! 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    1. Is the LAST n takes feature rejected? I think its highly useful.

    Nope. See the beta4 release notes.

    Yeay! My personal christmas gift 🙂

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    2. Uncomplete takes are not detected. I gues this has reasons but it could be useful.

    Only takes covering the full range of the comp event is included in the comp event take menu. I’ll consider changing this so that take events that stops before the comp event end, are also included.

    No problem here. I just thought of that.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    3. Is it possible to get full multiple comp events per track? Let me explain this with a small example picture.

    A new take track will always be created when recording a new take. If you are running out of space as on your screenshot, you can manually move the second group of take events up on the first take tracks, and then delete the now empty bottom take tracks.

    Hmm this leads to a problem with my use of comp tracks and the “delete oldest take” feature. I’d like to have a track called guitar. this track contains all e.g. clean guitar stuff and I’d like to do a multiple take record for every part of the song. As seen in the screenshot the “delete old take” feature may, while recording the right comp event, delete the first take track which contains a needed part (left side in screenshot) if the take maximum is reached. Is it possible to define this maximum as local maximum? 🙂 If the current loop has only 3 takes (whereas another comp event in the comp track has 5 and maximum is 5) then I should be able to do 2 more takes. Take deletion should then be done loop-based and not track based.
    Other opinions are appreciated!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    4. Another note for consistency. Personally I think moving(cutting) the comp event should move(cut) the take events. Currently it could easily lead to mistakes. This note leads to the highly appreciated group editing (like fading multiple events) 🙂

    I know there are some hosts that implements multi-take this way, but I also read discussion on the net where people complained about this. They argued that they would like to be able to edit the take events as regular events and then promote these edited events to the comp track. I’m going to add some commands for this later on.

    Well then its a question of taste. Group editing would be really handy but this can be done in a later update.

    P.S.: The new edit-mode-less workflow is really cool. Same goes for the separated loop ranges. I’m getting used to it and its really going to make fun 🙂 Cheers for frits!


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Thanks. I’m going away for the holidays until the 26th, so merry christmas everyone! 🙂

    Yeah Merry Xmas to you too man, and thanks for another year of fantastic updates!

    I fired up an old PC that has been sitting in the corner for ages and noticed that it had Podium Ver. 1.88 on it. An experience like that really drives home just how far Podium has come on recently.

    Thx again,



    @Zynewave wrote:

    Thanks. I’m going away for the holidays until the 26th, so merry christmas everyone! 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you too. 🙂


    I’ve found a small bug in 2.08beta4:
    If “deactivate record mode if playback is stopped” is enabled a loop recording (comp track) gets disabled after the first take if the loop is at the end of the arrangement. This problem is independant from the setting “stop playback @ end of arrangement”.
    Can someone confirm this?

    By the way: I think if there is no arrangement (its empty) playback should never stop with “stop playback @ end of arrangement” enabled. (It would be consistent if it never starts but there is no use case where this could be a desired behaviour 🙂 )


    @ronin wrote:

    Hmm this leads to a problem with my use of comp tracks and the “delete oldest take” feature. I’d like to have a track called guitar. this track contains all e.g. clean guitar stuff and I’d like to do a multiple take record for every part of the song. As seen in the screenshot the “delete old take” feature may, while recording the right comp event, delete the first take track which contains a needed part (left side in screenshot) if the take maximum is reached. Is it possible to define this maximum as local maximum? 🙂 If the current loop has only 3 takes (whereas another comp event in the comp track has 5 and maximum is 5) then I should be able to do 2 more takes. Take deletion should then be done loop-based and not track based.

    Thanks for the input. I’ve made the loop-recording more intelligent in the new beta5:

    You can now start recording beyond your last looped multi-takes, and Podium will reuse the existing take tracks instead of creating new take tracks. The “delete oldest” option will also no longer delete the first track but instead try to rotate the events on the take tracks. Thus you can loop-record with the delete oldest option without affecting takes recorded prior to the loop start.


    @ronin wrote:

    I’ve found a small bug in 2.08beta4:
    If “deactivate record mode if playback is stopped” is enabled a loop recording (comp track) gets disabled after the first take if the loop is at the end of the arrangement. This problem is independant from the setting “stop playback @ end of arrangement”.
    Can someone confirm this?

    Thanks. Fixed in beta5.

    By the way: I think if there is no arrangement (its empty) playback should never stop with “stop playback @ end of arrangement” enabled. (It would be consistent if it never starts but there is no use case where this could be a desired behaviour 🙂 )

    Is the problem that it is confusing that playback won’t start if you try to start an empty arrangement?

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