Topic: Preview: Compact track layout

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  • #11269

    The right click menus and Project > arrangement creation process all work fine after a restart. 🙂

    I still have a problem though…

    One of the plugin mappings is the “return” from the plugin, so therefore it should be assigned as the bottom source in a track chain.

    I cannot get that to work in either Expanded mode or Compact mode.

    I cannot move the lower “Out 1+2” track above the other “In 1+2” track to try another way.

    Yes the warning icon is red but there is little I know of to solve the problem outside of using the “New insert mapping command” and bypassing your advice earlier which clearly would mean there is a problem here.

    Both plugs are free downloads so if there is a way to make the configuration in the image above work, please let me know. I just cannot use those plugs without the “New Insert mapping” option instead. On that basis there is still a problem, as the effect mappings that show up in the “Source” list will not work as you described.

    They do not work inside a track panel and do not appear to work with a bounce track configuration either. Unless I am missing something having those plugs show up in the “Source list” just does not add up somehow. They appear to have no use.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Yes the warning icon is red but there is little I know of to solve the problem outside of using the “New insert mapping command” and bypassing your advice earlier which clearly would mean there is a problem here.

    If you want to use the plugins without the side chaining feature, then the insert mapping is the simplest solution. Only if you want to use side chaining you need to set up a separate track for the side chain input. Caco gave an example of how to set it up in a post on kvraudio:


    @Zynewave wrote:

    If you want to use the plugins without the side chaining feature, then the insert mapping is the simplest solution.

    My thoughts exactly 🙂

    Only if you want to use side chaining you need to set up a separate track for the side chain input. Caco gave an example of how to set it up in a post on kvraudio:

    That is a nice illustration thanks. But I was not asking about sidechaining specifically I just wondered if there was a way to use those additional Effect mappings that appear in “source” (or “Source/Instrument” hopefully) outside of sidechaining, but clearly that is not possible. Your earlier comment (AFAICT) gave the impression it was.

    To avoid confusion in future though…

    Perhaps when Podium detects “sidechaining/global plugins” like Compressive Pro during a scan, it could make things much easier by automatically creating a “New Insert mapping” as well. Placing that New standard insert mapping at the top of the list of mappings for that plug would also really help a user find that particular mapping far more easily.

    As it stands right now a person using a demo of Podium could easily think Podium does not work ‘properly’ if they try and use Compressive Pro as a standard insert. There is no indicator or warning to create this additional mapping in Podium. Also it really should be done by the host, not a user. It’s a standard feature in other hosts and has been for years.

    Adding an easier way of handling standard inserts for plugs like Compressive Pro and Voxengo’s GEQ Overtone to Podiums already powerful and flexible handling of global/sidecainable mappings (by exposing them to a user) would be great.

    When you do get round to addressing the automapping issues I have brought up in the past, please also consider adding an auto “insert” mapping feature addition for global/sidechainable plugs as well. This IMO will avoid a good deal of confusion and allow Podium to potentially take the lead in plugin handling as it is very flexible indeed (perhaps more than any or at least most hosts) but it also still requires far too much manual effort for plugin management …for now anyway.

    So far so good with 1.95 here, but if anything else comes up post 1.95’s release, it can of course always be addressed in 1.96.

    Cheers Frits. 🙂


    1.95 is released.

    I had a hard time writing the release note. I’m sure there are some new features I’ve forgot to mention. Maybe I just should have written “new and improved” instead of trying to list all the details 😉

    If you find bugs in 1.95, please report them in the release topic.


    Awesome, well done Frits 😀

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