Topic: Relative snap?

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  • #18183

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Middle-click on the timeline will set the edit cursor snapped. Holding Shift while clicking will set the edit cursor without snapping.

    I really like(d) this one. πŸ™
    Moving the cursor with snapping enabled can already be simply done by clicking on the timeline. I think not everyone uses, or even has a middle button available, so I preferred it doing something special.

    Hmm, I actually was annoyed by the old behaviour. I use middle-click to quickly position the edit cursor on the grid when I’m editing events. Though this change may be a minus to you, I hope you overall find more plusses in this release.

    Modified the behaviour of the Q/W key shortcuts: Q/W moves the edit cursor in steps of the grid value. Shift+Q/W steps the edit cursor between marker events and active loop, punch and segment ranges. Ctrl+Q/W will set the edit cursor to the start or end of the current event selection.

    Hmm, this is fine, but you also seem to have swapped the actions of the numpad home/pgup and left/right arrow keys…?

    They were swapped automatically by the change I made to the commands, but I’ve now swapped them back to their previous numpad keys. I’ve also added numpad 1/3 as shortcuts for setting the edit cursor at the start/end of the current selection. I don’t use the numpad myself. Would you perhaps prefer a different setup? Maybe the shortcuts you use the most should be on 1/3.

    Edit: The help text for the note editor’s velocity buttons, and the curve editor’s draw mode buttons should be returned back to point to Ctrl instead of Alt.

    Fixed. Thanks.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Something I came up with:

    Ctrl – Create phantom copy
    Alt – Lock x/y position
    Shift – Override snap
    Ctrl+Alt – Create unique copy
    Ctrl+Shift – Create phantom copy and override snap
    Alt+Shift – Create phantom copy and lock x/y position
    Ctrl+Alt+Shift – Create unique copy and override snap

    It’s not great either, especially Alt+Shift is weird, and there’s no shortcut to create a unique copy while locking the x/y position.
    I don’t know of any programs that add the right mouse button as a modifier, and think I’d find it uncomfortable…

    Thanks for the effort. You’re right that Alt+Shift is weird, because suddenly the Ctrl is not used for dragging copies.

    The way I approached it was to make the three modifier keys have a specific function, and not deviate from that. After you have memorized these three modifiers, you could easily figure out what combinations of the keys would do. The downside is that there are some key combinations that may be less useful.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve fixed this confusing behaviour by making the relative mode snap to “previous” relative position when the “snap to previous grid line” mode is enabled.

    Much better now, thanks!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The “Mono In” indicates that it is stereo out instead of mono in/out. I’ve never heard of a reverb plugin that had mono output ❓

    I had seen that was possible when I tried Toraverb in mono mode, so I thought that a reeverb could be useful with a mono output in some (electronic) musical contexts. Didn’t know this was intentional πŸ˜‰


    Collapse tracks doesn’t work when a tag is currently selected, or sometimes it works in mixer but not in arrangement – don’t know how reproduce this last situation but I’ve a pod file that I could email you if needed.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Middle-click on the timeline will set the edit cursor snapped. Holding Shift while clicking will set the edit cursor without snapping.

    I really like(d) this one. πŸ™
    Moving the cursor with snapping enabled can already be simply done by clicking on the timeline. I think not everyone uses, or even has a middle button available, so I preferred it doing something special.

    Hmm, I actually was annoyed by the old behaviour. I use middle-click to quickly position the edit cursor on the grid when I’m editing events. Though this change may be a minus to you, I hope you overall find more plusses in this release.

    It’s fine – I can live with the Shift+MMB combination to still set it without snapping. I’m generally very happy with this release, especially with being able to override the selection rectangle snapping, which sometimes bugged me quite… a… bit. πŸ˜‰

    Modified the behaviour of the Q/W key shortcuts: Q/W moves the edit cursor in steps of the grid value. Shift+Q/W steps the edit cursor between marker events and active loop, punch and segment ranges. Ctrl+Q/W will set the edit cursor to the start or end of the current event selection.

    Hmm, this is fine, but you also seem to have swapped the actions of the numpad home/pgup and left/right arrow keys…?

    They were swapped automatically by the change I made to the commands, but I’ve now swapped them back to their previous numpad keys. I’ve also added numpad 1/3 as shortcuts for setting the edit cursor at the start/end of the current selection. I don’t use the numpad myself. Would you perhaps prefer a different setup? Maybe the shortcuts you use the most should be on 1/3.

    Sounds perfect. Though I always used the numpad (especially because I like how the enter key restarts playback instead of toggling play/stop), I thought about switching to Q/W to make use of those new ‘move to selection start/end’ functions – but them getting added to the numpad is even better! πŸ™‚


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    – Dragging clips from inspector to arrangement doesn’t work, it’s buggy

    Aha! It does the same thing that happens when I drag MIDI files from Addictive Drums into the arrangement

    As far as I know Podium never supported memory exchange between plugins and its interface (you cannot drag samples from browser to plugins and you cannot drag samples from plugins to arrangement), is it that right?

    Maybe not audio, but you can at least drag-and-drop MIDI files from plug-ins.

    The problem is that the events are cut off at the end of the last note: GIF animation (this one consists of 32th notes, and is cut off one 32th early). It is created correctly in other hosts. The same seems to be happening when dragging events from the inspector’s track panel… But maybe you’re talking about a different bug?

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Collapse tracks doesn’t work when a tag is currently selected, or sometimes it works in mixer but not in arrangement – don’t know how reproduce this last situation but I’ve a pod file that I could email you if needed.

    It’s most likely because the child tracks are also tagged, which makes them impossible to collapse – Frits said it’ll be fixed.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    The problem is that the events are cut off at the end of the last note: GIF animation (this one consists of 32th notes, and is cut off one 32th early). It is created correctly in other hosts. The same seems to be happening when dragging events from the inspector’s track panel…

    I take it that the bit that is cut off contains silence. So it doesn’t actually corrupt the playback, but it is an annoyance when you want to repeat the pattern snapped to bars?


    Beta4 is up. This will probably be the last beta, and if no serious bugs are reported, I’ll release 2.30 within a couple of days.

    Additions to beta4:

    Shift+clicking to start a marquee selection will reset existing selection first. Ctrl+clicking an empty area will start a marquee selection adding to the existing selection.

    Assigning an audio-enabled device mapping to a non-audio track will automatically enable the fader and meter on the track.

    Fix: A child track that is tagged can now be collapsed if the group track is also included in the tag selection.

    Please test that the fix for the tagged child tracks behaves as you expect.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Shift+clicking to start a marquee selection will reset existing selection first. Ctrl+clicking an empty area will start a marquee selection adding to the existing selection.

    :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

    I cannnot express my happiness enough. I really need this. Marquee with shift always ignore snap and it resets the current selection. I’m jumping in my bedroom before go to work! πŸ˜‰

    Small suggestion, not as critical as the reset suggestion but it could be good, I think it’s a good idea allow that marquee work with Ctrl+LMB with pencil tool. Nowadays if you keep down control and LMB in a empty area you write an event, the same that if you simply press LMB. So the suggestion is that Ctrl+LMB start a marquee that doesn’t reset the existing selection with pencil tool.

    Best regards and thanks again!


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    The problem is that the events are cut off at the end of the last note: GIF animation (this one consists of 32th notes, and is cut off one 32th early). It is created correctly in other hosts. The same seems to be happening when dragging events from the inspector’s track panel…

    I take it that the bit that is cut off contains silence. So it doesn’t actually corrupt the playback, but it is an annoyance when you want to repeat the pattern snapped to bars?

    Yup, just a little. I rarely ever drag MIDI files from a plug-in myself, but since it happens when using Podium alone (rfom the inspector’s track panel, and probably when dragging them from the browser, too?) it may become annoying to more people.

    By the way, when dragging things from the browser, inspector, track chain panel, etc., right-clicking of course cancels, but sometimes also opens the menu afterwards.
    It seems this starts happening once you’ve opened any menu by right-clicking in the arrangement view, track headers, timeline and other regions, menu buttons, inspector panels, or in the mixer. It can be reverted by starting to drag any event and cancelling it… weird! πŸ™‚
    It doesn’t happen when opening right-click menus inside the chain panel.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Small suggestion, not as critical as the reset suggestion but it could be good, I think it’s a good idea allow that marquee work with Ctrl+LMB with pencil tool. Nowadays if you keep down control and LMB in a empty area you write an event, the same that if you simply press LMB. So the suggestion is that Ctrl+LMB start a marquee that doesn’t reset the existing selection with pencil tool.

    Done. Applies to the tracks, piano roll, drum map and format regions.


    Humblely, I feel very grateful. Podium 2.30 is changing for me my workflow with Podium in a way I was dreaming tons of time ago. Now I don’t need tools, I can work only with pencil tool. Well, the RMB is useless and could be used for another task. There was a sequencer called Temper where you can assign any editor tool you to any mouse button, I’d like to assign delete tool to RMB. But I think it’s enough for this update, maybe in a future I don’t want overload you with requests πŸ˜‰


    What I would ask is: It’s very difficult move small events due to resize arrows. Maybe you can do the resize limits a little outside of the event. Look this video, it will be deleted once you’re aware of it:

    My experience making music is that you need move more frecuently the pitch of notes than altering the groove. This is specially important when you’re seeing a big arrangement, 8 or 16 bar, where you want to have a global vision and move the notes up/down in that view.


    1. The original note, with an example snap setting of 1/16th
    2. First snap point – the note is extended to a length of 1/16th
    3. Second snap point – relative snap
    4. Third snap point – grid line
    Steps 3 and 4 can then be repeated for every 16th step.

    Is this by design? I kinda expected the note to first snap to the .3 grid line (as it’s the closest point to snap to) instead of getting quantized to the snap setting, but it seems it won’t snap to this particular grid line at all.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    What I would ask is: It’s very difficult move small events due to resize arrows. Maybe you can do the resize limits a little outside of the event. Look this video, it will be deleted once you’re aware of it:

    My experience making music is that you need move more frecuently the pitch of notes than altering the groove. This is specially important when you’re seeing a big arrangement, 8 or 16 bar, where you want to have a global vision and move the notes up/down in that view.

    A tip: If the event is so small that it only shows the resize cursors, you can override the resizing by ctrl+click+hold on the event, and then release the ctrl key to move the event.

    Extending the drag handle area beyond the event border is something I will consider in the future.

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