Thanks mate! Good to see Podium has been given a code makeover.
Yeah it would be nice. Podium is great but sometimes needs workarounds like this and Mux and JBridge. Good day mate-
That’s weird. Here the curves remain as bezier or whatever shape chosen. Silly question, but are you saving both tracks and events as a template? Otherwise, I’m not sure what it would be. Tell you what, if you are further stumped then I can send you a copy of the template–
In case you haven’t thought of this, here’s a cheap workaround. Create a track, load up any old instrument, open any parameter’s automation sequence and adjust size to taste. At this point you can delete the instrument. Create a number of unique copies of the sequence, however many you would like in your library. Adjust each sequence until you have a good library of starter automation shapes, then save as a template. It’s not very elegant but will do for now—
I like the new help system a lot. I had no problem with just placing the .md file next to the exe, no loading into Preferences>Appearance necessary. A truly comprehensive way to help, deeper than most! Others could learn from this method. Runs fine here on Win10 64.
Hi Frits-
All runs just fine here on the new Win10 setup, no bugs so far. It’s good that you have only the cpu load for whatever tab is open atm. Switching between tabs is fine. I like the new start page, and the layout is intuitive. You mentioned working on copying tracks and such from project to project – have you considered being able to drag and drop the same? As in dragging, say, an object by hovering the object over the target tab which opens it. That sounds like a bit much so I’d be fine with regular copy and paste.
A good first beta, stable and progressive! Thanks man.
I would like to help, but English is my only language, if you don’t count the year’s worth of Spanish from high school. Still, the manual looks good; I saved it as a web page to take back to my offline computer just fine. Github is a fine choice, especially since one can add setups. Great move.
One request, take it or leave it: on the project start page, could you have an option for plugins to auto alphabetical arrange per folder? Like, say, if I import a new plug titled “G—“, it will move it automatically between F and H. I have too many plugs and am somewhat lazy, so it’s not a big deal either way, just a little easier.
I’m glad you’re progressing on Podium and look forward to 3.3. Good day—
Since downloading 3.2.7, I haven’t had any issues with closing Podium. In prior versions I would have a random plugin crash when closing out the session, nothing specific. But now I haven’t had even one crash. I also had success running Rez vst, formerly quarantined. Now I need to go back and see if the other 4 or 5 quarantined plugs will run.
All in all I’m very pleased with this system! Thank you very much—
FR: Not necessary at all, but it would be neat to be able to use middle mouse click(not scroll) for some function, or perhaps to work into shortcut combos.
Good day—
Everything looks fine on my end. Running 32 bit on Win7 64
Thanks for the info mate!
Hi. How far should I adjust buffer size, now that I can? Or would it be best to leave at 128 default? The benefit of smoother automation makes me want to lower it a lot, but are there drawbacks to low buffer size? Sorry if I ask too much—
All is good here on my Win7 64.
You did very well on this, thanks much! It sure as hell beats my “grey on grey” theme, easy on the eyes but prone to make me sleepy. This is good for eyes too but looks way better. Good day—
Good deal, thanks mate! Will check later today—