Yes… I found out that its not there in Poduim free. I have both versions installed and was on podium free.
Good to know.
Great! Thanx.
I’m using podium on a lot of computers, 4 at work and 2 at home.
Win XP SP3, Win XP SP2, Win 7 Pro 32.
qwerty-keyboars, swedish layout. No numeric pads on laptops.
It works the same.
It would be great to have CTRL-+ for 10 steps and + for 1 step…
Now theres only 10 steps at the time…. sometimes you just need some smaller adjustments.
I just want to render one specific take.
It contains a lot of audiotracks with some effects and some miditracks (vst-I) as well recorded live.
Hi. Thanx…
I’ve found a link to translate it to English from Swedish.
Hope it will work outside Sweden.
I’m going to publish more and some simple tips that I use and links to the gear I use later. I’m using my laptop live as keyboardplayer in some really advanced setups using a lot of real-time adjustments (expressionpedal, breath-controller, drawbars….). Now I’m playing guitarr (keyboard left hand) and keyboard in my band and it sounds good…. (Yes… I can play guitarr also so I play as I should do on a real guitarr, if I need bend I can use a foot or breathcontroll….
I will tell my tricks in the tutorial later.
Do you have some virusprotection thats do some strange work in the background?
Once I had a similar problem related to a trojan and a virusprotection that pus systemfiles in quarantine after installation of a small tutorial developed by my self….
Sometimes computers isn’t so easy to understand. In the end it removed my ntldr… so I had to reinstall… It was not related to Podium!
Maybe Fritz can tell you if his installer make some adjustments in this files.
Good luck.
Ah… Ok… Found it!
Keep up the good work!
No…. When SC was freeware I downloaded SC2 but… it was not the VST I needed but I found it in SC1.
I use to work with SFZ and samles in SFZ-format (there is a great editor in sfz-ed) but it will not trigg ok with my drums so SC1 will be the best choice.
Deleted och miditrack and… there was sound. Great. Perfect. I’m Happy! Can go on recording. Maybe some backing vocals today later when my kids are sleeping….
Hi. Thanx.
Im using Shortcircuit and I can see how the meeters in the mixer mooves right as it should do… but i can’t get any sound out of it…. Nothing at all.
Switching back to the old VST-i it works great but everything on one pair of stereo.
I can’t get it to rout to the master. How?
Ahh. Thanx.
Thats Easy and exaclty what I needed.
No I can’t.
Im using SFZ and its not possible.
Using a midi-plugin i can but not in podium.
Well… I guess I have to record it again with my own masterkeyboard.
Yes I know that i can edit velocity with the penbut its a 4 minute full piano accompaniement thats perfect and i think it will take a lot of hours to pen-edit every note down 10 velocity-steps.
In other daws I have used I had a parameter where i could set velocity +/-…
Is that possible in Podium?
If not I have to edit the samplelib to make it work…. Not so fun to do…
It’s a great daw.