@Zynewave wrote:
Added “Load Device Setup” submenu to the Project Templates submenu. This can be used to replace the device setup in the current project with the setup from a project template.
Strange. I cannot find the Load device Setup in the Project Templates Sub menu. Is there some sort of trigger to get it to appear?
I only see these three commands…
Save Project As Template
Explore Templates Folder
Update Templates List
Crash yesterday…
It was with 1.99 though not 2.00. No crash yet with 2.00. I noticed the graphics in Podium (cursor) will sometimes stop if I am moving a knob or similar on an FX GUI is that normal? I have a powerful graphics card 8800GT 512MB so it seems a bit odd to see Podium not updating the cursor…or is this normal ❓ ❓
@Zynewave wrote:
I had a good look at the entire multi-processing code and managed to optimize some parts of the code.
Hmmmm…I loaded up a project in P2.B4 and I cannot see *any* differrence in CPU time. Am I looking in the wrong place or is there some sort of scenario that would produce even a slight difference in CPU readings?
Merge project is pretty cool. Works as advertised here on V64 so far. I’ll throw a much older project at the new Load device feature and see how it goes.