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  • in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18438

    Beta12 seems cool, I cannot wait to try it with drums 🙂

    However if you’re going to delete the current drum roll to merge both editors, please make sure we could unselect all keys to be showed with a single stroke (or a button) and we’re able to read names from plugin, as we can do now.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18429

    Uhm, it could be that.

    I noticed whe you resize notes which lenght are inferior to current snap value relative snap it’s glitchy.

    So I’m looking for comments on the note map changes to the piano roll editor, and not the drum map editor.

    I’m trying it and it seems ok. Maybe you could allow multiple selection to adjust colour of them, and use the same colour picker that inspector instead a new window with the default (and ugly) Windows’s colour picker.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18423

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve added a “timeline grid” color setting to the colors setup dialog. Editing this color is also possible with the track inspector color picker right-click menu.

    Thanks you! Anyway I wanted to mean the highlighted keys contrast, but you solved it 😀 (the gridlines colours are useful too)

    About the bugs, weird day, the problem with selected events was that I copy them to anoter location and only few of them were copied, and now it works fine. Highlighted blackkeys works fine too. If I can reproduce them I’ll tell you how.

    in reply to: Default note velocity… #18422

    I don’t think that default velocity need a preference, I like 100 too. In all hosts is around 100 and it’s fine with everyone 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18417

    Two bugs, selecting multiple events with far zoom doesn’t work fine:

    And, I barely use them having scales though, “highlight blackkeys” option doesn’t work.

    Again, please add more contrast to highlighted keys [-o< I'm struggling my eyes. About “note map for track” doesn’t work in drums, i don’t know what’s your plan with this window, so I’ll wait a little before give more feedback. (because I see that drums roll view isn’t saved yet).

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18416

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve also modified the way that black keys and scale keys are highlighted.

    Let me know what you think of this.

    Please I need more contrast, I don’t see the guidelines, at least allow define the contrast in Piano Roll option

    And if you are going to tweak a little piano roll colours consider using different contrast for each 4 bars as I suggest here:

    And again, I’m returning to beta9 because the contrast is too low, this is really importat for my comfort working with Podium without force my eyesight, do it higher or allow customize it, please

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18398

    Beta9: if preview is turned off you cannot audition the drums clicking on key names (i think this will be solved when you join the editors, though)

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18395

    Simple request: if you combine Piano and Drum Roll, please make sure you can have a very close vertical zoom (as you can do now in the beta9 drum roll, I use it to the maximun always). I’d love use big ‘dots’ (events) for Drum Roll because it gives me a step sequencer feeling.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18393

    Consistency = always a good idea. I like it a lot 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18391

    thanks Frits. A question, do you need to program for each plugin this the ability of retrieve names? It’s weird

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18386

    Drumazon, Nithonat and Nepheton update their names in Podium 🙂 It fails with Phoscyon, but Phoscyon fail too with other host, so I think it’s a problem of the plugin.

    Poise fails with Poise, podium don’t extract the names even. Reaper does it.

    Thank for the update 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18384

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’m considering dropping my previous idea about global drum map files, and instead store any customized key names directly in the track properties, similar to how the note enable/solo/mute state is stored. Thus if you save a track template with your drum plugin, the imported track will automatically have the customized key names. No need for messing with drum map selection etc. The copy/paste commands in the drum map menu will also include the note names.

    That’s a good idea, and I like more that previous one. Just make sure that you can manually rename drums keys and import them from plugin, please.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I also intend to implement the custom note naming in the piano roll.

    Personally I don’t find it too appealing.

    About Reaper “drum roll”: I don’t like it. The different view settings you use are for each clip and that’s messy, not per track. Triangles and diamonds seems cheesy and antiquated, you cannot define note lenght and they’re difficult to click, and you couldn’t use the change of height that Podium do to different velocities. The velocity for each drum is a little uncomfortable when you want to tweak quicky timmings and velocities. I love Podium approach instead: You select notes and you can change its velocity (and only it’s velocity if you have “Edit only selected event” button on.

    I love the way Frits is making the drum editor and I don’t miss anything from other hosts. This is the faster and more intuitive drumroll I know.

    This is just a personal opinion, of course 😉

    @Conquistador wrote:

    Quick reminder though…

    Please do add some kind of highlighting to the drum rows. Or a horizontal highlight when a drum row is selected. Currently a note or all notes on a row will be highlighted but the drum row to the left where the name is currently is not.

    I like this request a lot

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18375

    Yes but i cannot import later a single profile, can I? If i only can save/load all it wont be very useful with podium updates since you must remake your profile from scrtach to take advantage of the new changes

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18373

    I cannot see any drawback in having each drummap in its own ini file. You can share them even.

    Anyway I cannot do “restore default setup” because I’ve created my own profiles and I’d lose them, is there any way of save them and import them later? Maybe copy and paste from the ini file?

    in reply to: MIDI note preview problem #18372

    Its a good step 🙂

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