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  • in reply to: Inaccurate VST controls #18360

    Podium cannot affect VST interfaces, it’s controlled by its own rules. This happens with all plugins.

    However you can be more accurate adding parameters to the mixer or inspector and using them instead plugin controls. This won’t work with some VST parameters. To do it hit f4 on your keyboard, click on Editor button in inspector and check those parameters you want to add

    in reply to: MIDI note preview problem #18359

    ok 😉

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18358

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    *Ahem* I was also thinking, since the tool selection shortcuts are omitted now by default, the RMB’s functionality has been ever so slightly reduced to near zero in most editors, if I dare say so. Maybe it’s time for the a-tool-per-button concept to emerge soon? O:)

    Yes, I agree with this one

    Liquid, that looks like a great start into “videomakership.” 🙂 Mind if I ask which program you use to record that lets you zoom like that?

    You never will know it muhhahahacamtasiahahaha 😀
    I started to do some small tutorials about Podium in my youtube page [user LiquidProj3ct]. I hope there aren’t too many errurs wiht mi englysh 🙂

    in reply to: MIDI note preview problem #18350

    Then when you move notes by dragging, the note would play continuously until you drop the note. I think that could be annoying to some.

    That’s the desided effect! I’d bet most people use mouse to move notes and I (we) feel more comfortable in this way. Could you consider add it as an option in piano roll options window?

    I find the audition useful during playback, when trying to fit notes to the playing melody.

    IMO, the only way to test if a note fit in a melody during playback is hear the note in its right timming, not hear the note in the first bar when you should hear it in the fourth. The problem is bigger when you’re using monophonic instruments.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18347

    You can now do it by Shift+clicking the enable/solo/mute buttons, similar to how it’s done with the track solo/mute buttons.

    Thanks, it’s enough 🙂

    Drumazon is a plugin that allow you use patterns OR simple drums. The different pitches (piano roll keys) acts as patterns OR simple drums.

    You cannot change easily the drums names (you can use some black magic to do it, though) but it’s easy change the name of each pattern for each key (and move/copy them). I did this video for you. Notice if you have demo version you cannot use single drums, only patterns, but it will serve you.

    Very poor quality, I’m newbie doing videos 😳 If you need more clarifications feel free to ask

    in reply to: Here some other questions :-))) #18341

    I’ll wait until 2.31 will be released before make your own templates 😉 Now it’s a little messy, you must go to Podium enviroment in main page (where you scan plugins) and use the button that is top-right. Navigate and delete the preset, but be careful…

    Composite track allow you make multiple takes when recording audio. Just create a loop and start recording in a composite track. Later you can mangle it with cut tool and clicking on the bottom of the clip in the composite track.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18340

    To bugs:

    1. Snap doesn’t seems to work fine moving events, it depends where you start dragging
    2. Ghost notes for drums are showed now in regular Piano Roll (and they shouldn’t)

    See this video (will be deleted soon):

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18336

    Crash: Trying to open any Drum Roll made with previous Podium versions

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18335

    Thanks Frits, you did it. Few comments:

    – Is there any way to unmute and unsolo all keys? If there isn’t, please add one.
    – When you use the note enable mode button the scroll is displaced to the first note. Maybe you could displace it to a center position or C-1 position, since all drum samplers and drum synths work in this range.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Are you sure? It works fine here.

    If there are any selected events, they will be centered. If the selected events extend beyond the vertical space, then the topmost selected event is aligned to the top of the display. If there are no selected events, then all events within the displayed zoom range will be centered.

    Yes, I was sure. This happened me with beta 3, now I cannot replicate it. If I find it again I’ll study how replicate it.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Can you confirm that, when used in other host software, the plugin will update the drum key names accordingly?

    I can confirm you (with Drumazon/Nepheton) that FL Studio piano roll updates automatically each time you do a rename inside drumazon. Reaper piano roll updates when you re-open the piano roll, keeping the user names instead plugin keynames.

    in reply to: MIDI note preview problem #18334

    Not exactly, but I would use a lot that button turning it off when Podium is playing, saving time, so, please add it if you have a reason to preview notes while podium is playing.

    Siegfried pointed that preview of the note should start/restart when you create/move a new note, and it must last (sustain stage) until you release the mouse button (and sound would go to release stage). THis is very useful when you’re moving short (<1/32) and long (>1/1) notes looking for the best musical interval, but annoying if you don’t have it. Preview should work in the same way that piano roll’s keys. The time that preview note is sounding should depend only of mouse click, and it should be independent of event lenght.

    in reply to: MIDI note preview problem #18328

    I have the same impression when I worked in the past with other host. What siegfried want to mean is that if you quickly move long notes the preview can be annoying since it overlap with other sounds (with it same timbre) that are playing. This can confuse you while you’re dragging a note looking for the best interval in relation with other notes.

    The preview can be improved if when you keep down the mouse you trigger the sound until you release the button that it sound should go to release stage.

    And, a personal desire about previewing notes in piano roll with the same objetive (look for the best interval) would be that preview notes were automaticaly disabled when Podium is playing. Or at least a quick button to turn on/off the preview. Because when you’re playing a loop improving the relationship between notes the preview is annoying due to the same overlapping with other sound with the same timbre. And while Podium is stopped you don’t have that problem and it can be an advantage hear the pitch before release the mouse.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18325

    A problem: Podium crashes if I change my audio driver in arrangement window (and project & plugins are loaded) from ASIO to Windows Wave/MME

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18324

    Frits, when arrangement zoom is as far as possible you cannot resize individual heigh of each track

    Also, it would be a good idea that you can use the same shortcuts that we use in the editors and arrangements in another windows, as mixer, ctrl+alt+mw horizontal zoom and shit+alt to scroll

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18321

    Thanks 🙂 I’d like to point that autocenter when opening an editor doesn’t work with Drum Roll

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18316

    I don’t have the need of see the true lenght of the event. What I’d like is treat drum roll events as piano roll events, where you can adjust their lenght. It isn’t too important though, but it’s good for consistency.

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