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  • in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15044

    @Zynewave wrote:

    2. Suggestion: Click on a blank spot above or below the curve points you want to edit, and then drag up/down to align your edited curve section with the existing curve.

    i’ll get used at it 🙂

    Thanks for new beta Frits. Please consider fix(?) these suggestions:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Some automation recording problems:

    1. The fader of the parameter record its movement even if track is unarmed and master record is off. This is an old behaviour (bug?) that I don’t like at all.

    2. While I record, if I tweak a VSTi parameter the movement is recorded in the curve sequence (that I created before start recording with a certain curve). However if I stop of move the knob and keep it in a certain value the curve sequence isn’t updated (bug? bad behaviour?)


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    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15035

    @pavouk100 wrote:

    No, I mean really VST plugins , but using podium’s native UI – you can force podium to bypass plugin’s UI (by ‘Use generic editor instead of plugin editor’ checkbox in ‘Device mapping properties’ of any VST plugin). In this case, podium knows very well about proper ranges and units for every tweakable (automatable) parameter, so this leads me to believe that my original requested feature is feasible. 😉

    I understand now 🙂 Unfortunately I don’t think that Frits could do nothing here, except improve the interface of nongui plugins: those units come defined inside the vst. Check mda detune vs firebird:

    in reply to: Drum editor, problem with note lenth #15034

    Ok thx! I’ll wait 😀

    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15030

    @pavouk100 wrote:

    Ah, ok. But then, how can internal VST ui editor know about correct units?

    Because those aren’t VST, they’re ‘z’ plugins 😉

    @pavouk100 wrote:

    I know that it is relative level. and I know that I can increase main fader. Its just that it is incovnenient, if you need to raise volume for a small bit of time; you already have carefully adjusted volume for the rest of the track and you want one small piece louder – current system makes it a bit inconvenient. And I don’t see how the fact that automated volume is relative implies that it cannot go into +dB values 😕

    I’m gonna try to explain it with my clumsy english. Imagine that the range of relative volume fader is 0 to 200% instead actual 0 to 100%. That’s mean you can go from mute until double the volume of the absolut volume fader, right?

    Imagine now that the value of absolut volumen is between 0 and 100, and is set in 30. With our new relative value fader you can tweak this value from zero to 60.

    But what’s the drawback? In a future Podium will support MIDI CC (i hope), then if you assign that relative volume fader to a physical fader of your MIDI controller and you want to record complex real time gating is too easy that you overcome the 50% of the fader and you will have undesired peaks of volume that you’ll to manually verify.

    Now let’s go back to Podium 2.15beta1, the relative volumen fader is between 0 and 100%. You have the absolute fader set in 30 and you want get a volume of 60 with relative fader. How do you do it? Easy, set the value of absolut volume fader at 60, and set the relative fader to 50%. 60 * 50% = 30… so it’s the same result that if you would have an 200% relative fader value.

    In the same line, with a 200% relative volume fader, I could use the MIDI controller decreasing the absolute value to half and overcome the last problem, cann’t it? 200% * 15 = 30. Yes that’s true… but there is new drawbacks:
    – Frits will have to program an independent new fader for automate volume (Since other parameter as cutoff don’t overcome 100% of its value)
    – You will have tons of faders (those that you wanted to automate with midi controller) in a different scale that other, 2:1, so mixer would be confusing at mixing stage. Think in your own terms, how many times do you need raise the relative volume instead decrease it? I’m sure that one or two as max.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that it would be annoying for mixer & mixing stage workflow 😉

    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15028

    @pavouk100 wrote:

    1. When automating VST parameter, would it be possible to see units of the current VST parameter (as e.g. in Podium’s generic VST effect ui), instead of number between 0 to 1?

    I think that’s imposible due to VST 2.4 specifications… sorry (but internal plugins do). Maybe he could use 0.0 to 100.0%.

    2. When automating Level, would it be possible to have values from -Inf to +12dB (as mixer faders have) instead of -Inf..0 (in other words, allow also amplification, not only attenuation).

    The level that you automate isn’t the mixer level, is another one relative to the first one… so as it’s relative it haven’t sense the amplification. If you need amplification do it with the main volume fader and reduce the level of the relative one 😉

    best regards

    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15026

    Some automation recording problems:

    1. The fader of the parameter record its movement even if track is unarmed and master record is off. This is an old behaviour (bug?) that I don’t like at all.

    2. While I record, if I tweak a VSTi parameter the movement is recorded in the curve sequence (that I created before start recording with a certain curve). However if I stop of move the knob and keep it in a certain value the curve sequence isn’t updated (bug? bad behaviour?)


    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15024

    Visual bug: Open a piano roll editor (not embedded) and close it, then double click in any curve sequence and instead curve editor you will see another piano roll editor (if you double click in the curve sequence again you’ll see the usual curve editor).

    edit: Related to this bug you get this screen

    but if you drag the small bottom bar you get this:

    😯 something new you’re working?

    in reply to: Preview 2.15: New automation system #15023

    I’m testing it right now. Big effort Frits! rewritting an entire part of the code of a program is something that is rare in vst host [like Live with its (old?) 128 parameters limitation]. Thanks 😀

    1. (see picture) It’s smudged, as if it’s trying show also the big event points.

    2. (see picture) I like to draw my own automation curves with pencil tool. If I try to describe a new curve with a starting point very close to an existing point is imposible draw the curve, because instead draw it you select the point and move it in its allowed range . Please, could I avoid this behaviour? maybe a button for show/hide the points, or maybe that pencil tool don’t select points, or maybe that if while you’re dragging with pencil tool a point you go out of its range and start to drag in the range of another one then the pencil write new points as usual.

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    in reply to: Tools #15005

    But, it’s hard to imagine becuase it’s quite different from the current workflow.

    I’m a newbie with Podium yet, so I understand that some people could disagree with this “new” piano roll workflow and that’s the reason because it would be nice have it as an option. I sure that 90% of newbies like this new approach. However I think that the “new” piano roll workflow isn’t “new” only improved. Because with pencil tool nowadays you can:

    – Draw notes: Simple LClick
    – Horizontal Zoom: Ctrl+Alt+MouseWheel
    – Vertical Zoom: Ctrl+Shift+MouseWheel
    – Total Zoom: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MouseWheel
    – Move windows: Shift+Alt+LClick
    – Select multiple notes 1: keeping Ctrl and clicking on each them
    – Select multiple notes 2: keeping Shift and dragging with LClick
    – Resize notes: dragging them…
    – Delete notes: Double LClick on one of them

    The only feature added would be with “Unselect and delete event” option would be:
    – Delete notes: Also right click on them
    – Unselect all event: Right click on empty space.

    I really think that it would be a really fast workflow. No need of select tools. And this would be only for piano roll and drum roll, not for sequencer (although unselect sequences would be nice also)

    Q: Can you do what you can with the scalpel with the pencil tool? (i.e. Split audio and midi events)

    As far i know, no, you cannot do it. It would be useful another simple shorcut. Hovewer (i don’t know if this is a bug) it doesn’t cut the piano roll event, and would be nice (but not critical imo) another shorcut for do it with pencil tool, as RightShift+LClick

    in reply to: Tools #15003

    hey Mike, what do you think about this feature request?

    (Summary: No switching tools at all because its time consuming, and creativity killer, and you can do every common action with both mouse buttons together with ctrl/shift/alt)

    The piano roll in Podium is almost perfect. However tons of times I have problems with it: I don’t like swich between tools, I do everything with Pencil tool.

    With Pencil tool [+Ctrl/Alt/shift] you can do the most of the actions that you usually need, except one: unselect notes.

    Aditionaly I think that tons of user would find more useful delete notes with right click, instead double click.

    Then my suggestion is:

    Please Frits, allow customization of right click in piano roll / drum editor, where two options would be:
    – Tools popup (for people that like the traditional menu, as Conquistador)
    – Unselect and delete event (this would be ideal for avoid tools swiches)
    – Extra action 1
    – Extra action 2
    – Extra action N

    With Unselect & delete event option you could:
    – Avoid tool swiching
    – Hide tools icons
    – Unselect a group of notes right clicking in a emply space
    – Less menus in Podium 🙂
    – Add notes with left click, delete notes with right click, what could be more inmediate and simple?

    I think that a superfast workflow is ideal for those people that do music instead collect a bunch of features/exotic functions

    Best regards

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    in reply to: Have MIDI arrangemen. Now need stereo mix. #14984

    Yes 🙂

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