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  • in reply to: Automation problem #14936

    @aMUSEd wrote:

    4. Additional Automation types Touch, Latch…(more info on these in the Cubase link above Page 191 onwards).

    Not sure about this. One of the things I always liked about Podium’s approach to automation was that when you click record it records all you play including knob tweaks – no having to decide type of automation wanted or setting up of params to record in advance which really kills the creative juices for me. The last thing I would want would be to lose that and be given an array of confusing automation options and types like in some apps (Reaper was terrible for this for a while). All I really want is for it to record those knob tweaks etc more faithfully than it currently does.

    I’m totally agree with this. I’d like that Podium would be an inmediate sequencer, not a full-options for record sequencer. I hate Reaper due to overbloating.

    in reply to: Weird piano roll editing behavior? #14934

    You’re doing something wrong. Maybe you’ve latched ALT key in your computer.

    With pencil tool you can single click on any background note and write a new note in the new midi instrument. If you do a ALT+Leftclick in a background note then you jump to that channel.

    You cannot edit background notes if you don’t press ALT key.

    I hope this helps ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Max number of simultaneous audio tracks recorded. #14929

    Now I’m pretty far from my house (where I’ve Podium installed), but I can remember that one time I record four track simultaneoly without problems… maybe a hardware problem?

    in reply to: Automation problem #14924

    btw, if you’re revising it, please allow only parameter recording when track is armed and master record is on.

    It’s pretty weird for me when I move a fader in the mixer and the movement is recorded, without have track record or master record on even.

    in reply to: Automation problem #14923

    Before find Podium I tested tons of host: FL Studio, Orion, Reaper, Live, EnergyXT, Sonar (only a little)… and no, no one support this feature.

    I don’t know about the “big” host as Cubase, Logic… but I can imagine that no, or it would be too complex with too many options, killing my workflow.

    For me it would be useful if I could link my edirol pcr 300 controls to Podium controls/synths/effects as other hosts (the way for link controls of Orion to hardware controllers is the best, move the soft knob, press ctrl&L, and move your controller knob: done)

    Then I would record a complex automation loop several times (by example the cutoff of a distorted 303) and I would join the best part of that loop.

    in reply to: Automation problem #14914

    I think it’ll be worth ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: alternate mouse action suggestions #14900

    The piano roll in Podium is almost perfect. However tons of times I have problems with it: I don’t like swich between tools, I do everything with Pencil tool.

    With Pencil tool [+Ctrl/Alt/shift] you can do the most of the actions that you usually need, except one: unselect notes.

    Aditionaly I think that tons of user would find more useful delete notes with right click, instead double click.

    Then my suggestion is:

    Please Frits, allow customization of right click in piano roll / drum editor, where two options would be:
    – Tools popup (for people that like the traditional menu, as Conquistador)
    – Unselect and delete event (this would be ideal for avoid tools swiches)
    – Extra action 1
    – Extra action 2
    – Extra action N

    With Unselect & delete event option you could:
    – Avoid tool swiching
    – Hide tools icons
    – Unselect a group of notes right clicking in a emply space
    – Less menus in Podium ๐Ÿ™‚
    – Add notes with left click, delete notes with right click, what could be more inmediate and simple?

    I think that a superfast workflow is ideal for those people that do music instead collect a bunch of features/exotic functions

    in reply to: 2.14 #14895

    Small visual bug, when sequences are short and you have them in a far zoom:

    Look at those small rectangles in the top of each phantom sequence

    Best regards

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: 2.14 #14884

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • The file browser menu has a “Favorites” submenu which can be used to quickly swap between often used folders. The Favorites are created with the “Add To Favorites” command. The “Organize Favorites…” command opens the “Favorite Folders” configuration dialog.
    • Enabling the “Audition On Focus Track” browser option will make auditioned sound files play on the focus track of the currently active arrangement. If the option is disabled auditioned files are sent directly to the master.
    • Enabling the “Audition On Bar Start” browser option will sync audition start if an arrangement is currently playing.
    • Sequence and sound events can be dragged from the event list in the track inspector.

    Those are my favorites, and the last one (bold) is the best feature for this release, thanks you Frits ๐Ÿ™‚


    It’s fixed thanks. atm I don’t find any problems

    best regards


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Please email me your Podium.ini file.

    Done ๐Ÿ™‚


    I want to report a bug. When I have Podium maximized, I minimize it, and later I restore it a new empty windows appears:


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Sequence and sound events can be dragged from the event list in the track inspector.

    Oooooooohhhhh thanks you Frits! Now I can copy easily sequences from the start of the song to the end. However Iยกd say that drag should move the clip, drag with Ctrl for create a new copy, and drag with Alt for create a phantom copy, as it’s usual with sequences.

    thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 748 total)
ยฉ 2021 Zynewave