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  • in reply to: VST/i Presets Problem #19611

    You can use inspector panel. Press F3 and, if you have more than one plugin, select the plugin in the upper part of inspector. You will see a list with all its internal presets. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Calling to Awareness #19610

    @Trancit wrote:

    Nobody whines about a faster development or about the quality…itΒ΄s all about the priority…at least for me…

    I am asking myself, if it is really necessary to do all the graphics first before implementing the “real” features, Podium needs quite urgent…

    I personally understand this thread as a simple reminder, if Fritz just looses focus a little bit, because he loves all the designing parts more 8)

    So, please again, Podium is just great and thx for all the hard work, but…
    there are some other urgent things to think about as well, which makes Podium sometimes a little complicated and long-winded to use…

    That was what I was trying to mean. Podium GUI is one of the best already, now we need those massively requested features. It’s ok there is only one person working in Podium, and it’s ok that we must understand it. But that’s irrelevant when we talk about development focus or goals.

    And I’ve (and we) requested in the past lots of UI improvements (I guess they shouldn’t be difficult to implement) that aren’t related to MIDI or Audio. I know that some FR are pretty heavy as timestretch or program two versions of Podiums, like x86 and x64. But others ‘seem’ simple and should be priorized. I.E.: I’m sure Templates and Drum Roll changed the most of our lives with Podium. Their development was around one month. And they were UI and GUI related.

    They’re other simple problems (not all of them) that user had requested lots of times and could be implemented relatively quickly in comparison with develop an timestretch or dithering engines.

    The two first pages of future subforum and july competition should gave us a clear idea what’s preventing than lots of users start using Podium, and the reason why Podium hasn’t 30.000 users πŸ™‚

    None of them asked for better gui, instead ui/audio/midi request.

    Best regards πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Calling to Awareness #19590

    Well Conquistador, notice this wasn’t any feature request thread! This was a thread asking for a straighfoward development in those areas that are frecuently requested. πŸ™‚

    And please, notice that x64 version could suppose more extra work for each new Podium update, this could be too much for Frits atm, so I think he should delay as much as he can.

    in reply to: Absolute Beginner #19468

    And I would add that you should place any wave file in the Podium timeline and try if it sounds or doesn’t. If it doesn’t sound is almost sure you’ve problems with your audio drivers.

    in reply to: Absolute Beginner #19463

    Why don’t you take a look to getting started chapter? I think you will benefit a lot from reading it.

    I could teach you an alternative to use the keyboard as a midi keyboard in Podium using two external small and free programs, however I don’t have time now, when I come back if you’re interested I’ll write here how.

    in reply to: Absolute Beginner #19455

    I would also like to know how to step record with the virtual keyboard.

    There isn’t virtual keyboard in Podium yet

    I am totally unfamiliar with this type of recording and would like to know how to get sounds out of the software using VST instruments.

    I don’t know what to say about this, it’s a too generic question. Could you be a little more specific? What was you using before Podium free?

    in reply to: October 2010 competition #19450

    In KVRAudio database.

    As I’m a registered user already, if I win I’ll give my license to beitenh (glad to see you here, I’m kyo)

    in reply to: Hide input selector #19448

    Just like me πŸ˜‰

    There is a shortcut if you have visible menus in arrangement, choose View->Customize Region->Tracks.

    If you don’t have enabled arrangement menus then Setup->Editor Profiles->choose the profile you want to modify and click on properties button. Then choose “Tracks” from the list and click on properties button, and disable “show input selector”

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19407

    This hierarchic organization not only defines the visual track layout, but also controls the flow of audio, MIDI, and parameter automation signals. The signal flow arrows at the left edge of track headers and at the top of mixer strips provide a visual confirmation of how tracks are routed.

    The basic rule to remember about the track hierarchy is that all audio, MIDI, and parameter automation signals flow upwards from the bottom tracks of the hierarchy until finally reaching the master track at the top. The only exception to this rule are send tracks, which create a branch-off to a bus track from the exact point in the signal chain where the send mapping is placed.

    is it me? or these two paragraph seem very redundant with first chapter paragraphs?

    I think they must be fixed

    in reply to: What OS do you use to run Podium? (2010) #19354

    Well, I’ll keep this PC with windows XP home until it die or 3 years more. I’m not willing to spend money if I can do music now with my actual gear (and I don’t have any work…so… 😳 )

    in reply to: Select several faders in the mixer? and other questions #19353

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    1. is it possible to mark or select several faders in the mixer, to set up the volume for several tracks?

    No atm.

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    2. is it possible to undock the mixer (e.g. for working on two monitors)?

    Yes, you must open a new window (Window->New Project Window) and create a profile with only a mixer for that windows, or as you like it πŸ™‚

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    3. what about audio event timestretching (like the midi event timestretching)?

    It’s in the future plan.

    @eumelie2007 wrote:

    4. count-in: adjustable in bars, maybe metronome-click only in count-in
    (should work at the first position in the arranger too)

    Not posible yet.

    5. is it possible to show a plugin dialog to select the presets inside the opened plugin effect (not only in the inspector).

    No. However I’m (we’re?) interested into know why would you like such thing, maybe because you’re used to it? Personally I don’t see it very useful since this seems to be obsolete, almost all plugins developer are creating its own preset selector inside the plugin.

    in reply to: Bug deleting tracks (crash) #19342

    False alarm. It doesn’t happen now, that after 4 years I’ve formated my HD and I did and ultra clean installation of Podium and D16 plugins (only exe and dll respectively)

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19320

    I’m just adding info to help you to track the problem, not pressuring you to fix it now:

    With drastic tempo changes the play cursor does a biiiiigggggg jump in the time, it doesn’t matter what plugin are you using.

    Playing Phoscyon in int seq mode (you can test this with the demo) and ext sync (just unckeck int sync) and doing a big tempo change does that Phoscyon doesn’t get informed about new tempo and it continues playing to its own pace πŸ™‚

    I notified this in D16 forums too:

    Best regards

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