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  • in reply to: Arppegiator #13696

    @Zynewave wrote:

    …But one of my next big feature implementations will be support for MIDI plugins (hopefully first half of 2009). …

    EXcellent!!! 😀

    in reply to: 2.08 #13663

    Great changes!!
    The changes to the mixer in the previous versions, now the track optimizations…
    It seems our logically already neatly layed out podium gets the ultimate usability overhaul.
    What’s next? I hope it will be the Piano Roll.

    in reply to: GroupBuy: LennarDigital-Sylenth1!! #13515

    More than 100 buyers already, it should easily reach the 300 until end of this month for the max. discount.
    Spread the word and make it cheaper sooner.

    in reply to: 2.07 #13466

    Wow, that was a quick new release.
    Installed 2.06 only yesterday and have not even really tested it and now there is 2.07 already!!.
    Have a lot of catching up to do, skipped a few versions and am very thrilled about the progress. Bought a 2nd hand slate pc and podium so far is ideal for it, since everything I do can be achieved by using the stylus only. In many other apps some feats are not accessible without the keyboard, good to have those rich options in podium. Btw, full functionality with mouse pointer only is crucial for handycapped fellows too. (Actually another strong selling point.)
    Great work!

    in reply to: Preview 2.05: Track header and inspector improvements #13075

    yes, keep the visible db-values please.

    practical use, like quick overview etc. should have first priority over aesthetic details.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: FR: Multiple Takes #12513


    edit: is that “multiple takes feat” on the list as “midi loop recording” already?


    Thanks for caring and taking the time to look into the problem so thoroughly.

    I was expecting w98 compatibility to be maintained only if it did not create any extra work. The time is, of course, better spent on further development, that benefits all and might even hold new solutions for me. For example, extended syncing capabilities for running along in a multi computer setup, could make audio and midi timings more stable on xp and make the reasons I keep running w98 on the big setup obsolete over time.

    And I guess, if it was not for the bitmaps now, it would probably break the resource barrier on w98 soon with some other new feature. The page about the differences in resource management is an interesting read. It gives a good explanation why w98 seemed to be unreliable for some ppl generally using it, while it can run rock solid with a streamlined system doing only very few dedicated things at the same time.

    1.97 will stay on w98, while I continue following the podium story with my xp laptop.


    @Pigini wrote:

    …so it’s the same as on my win98se (tested on 3 different comps btw).
    1.99 gives the runtime error after starting an arrangement (It was all a fresh start, there were no leftovers from earlier versions or older projects or such.)
    1.98 brought up the arrangement screen alright but froze when actually starting the engine.
    Is there anything like a debug mode I could activate, like some line in the ini to give more detailed info?

    ..just bumping up the last “on topic” message. so it doesn’t get overlooked.


    In cases where the other app has a similar feature set, it might not seem to make much sense (technically speaking), but it could work out cashwise anyway. I can imagine ppl buying and using it, because then they don’t have to make up their mind and give up the app they are used to. So they can combine both, getting to know podium better while not having to give up their other prog completely. Making it easier for them to justify spending money on it.

    With some other apps it could make more true sense. There are apps supporting vst which did not start as a typical host and therefore have some inherited weaknesses which podium vst could compensate for.
    Those apps might have some strength in some special features making it worthwhile using them.
    (Notation programs with vst support, or DAWS with more of an audio-editor or harddiskrecording background, with only limited implementation of midi and automation etc.)
    Klemperer, since it’s your idea, was that roughly what you had in mind?

    As I mentioned earlier, it would not change much for the users here working with podium as their main host already. But I can imagine, it would draw attention and generate a considerable cashflow.


    My personal dream – but surely no priority for Frits or for the long-time users here – would be the way XT went – meaning you could load Podium as vsti inside another host.

    Hey, that is actually a hell of a great idea! Sure it would not change much for the users here preferring Podium already, but I can imagine, it could create a considerable cashflow for Frits. …and that’s good for all of us, indirectly!

    Dongles are something I hate, and thus I never had a dongle-product myself.

    The only dongled soft on PC I ever had was Logic. Superb software, but really hated the dongle (not just abstractly hating the concept, I really quite often could not find that damn thing when i needed it). No dongles for me again.


    …so it’s the same as on my win98se (tested on 3 different comps btw).
    1.99 gives the runtime error after starting an arrangement (It was all a fresh start, there were no leftovers from earlier versions or older projects or such.)
    1.98 brought up the arrangement screen alright but froze when actually starting the engine.
    Is there anything like a debug mode I could activate, like some line in the ini to give more detailed info?

    in reply to: getting pitch/time shifting by supporting directx #12430

    I have been so used to have it since years in Samplitude or Vegas that not having the possibility to simply adjust the speed or the pitch of an audio segment is a constraint I will be glad to get rid of.

    Isn’t the algo in vegas the very same as the one in soundforge? ( It’s from the same company, so it’s very likely. A.F.A.I.K. it was the same when it belonged to sonicfoundry.)

    For special quality rendering it is always possible to process the files in other softwares. Look at the next Melodyne features !!! Nobody will be able to compete withy this.

    Key features available as a melodyne vst plugin now! Good solution. Everyone wanting quality pitch/time-stretching/shifting can spend his own money on it, instead of expecting it in a soft around the 100$ mark.
    For ppl only wanting a basic editor-like stretching solution either directx-integration or finding another cheaper vst plug might do the trick.

    If however, an integration of audio and midi with the timeline in podium (like adjusting audio data to new tempos) was wanted, plugin solutions could not deliver the whole thing and podium would need to have the algo integrated differently(directly in the app). Which, for everyone who’s picky about artifacts in the audio, is of no use for anything but very small changes. (Can’t resist mentioning it again. 😉 )

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