hm… sounds weird.. 🙄
Try to disable the input mapping on your track (x). Does the feedback go away?
Holger fixed this in Beta9! THAT was fast… Did you both work that out?
Anyway, I’m glad it works now..
Perhaps we all could contribute to that..
The “tutorial” that is made sticky here in the forum could be opened. Then we could all start to gather hints, or tips, FAQ or even tutorial projects for certain “operations” in podium. There could be pictures to underline the certain workflow. Frits could intervene if something is described the wrong way for example. I’ve seen a similar thread over at KVR concerning eXT.
How is that?
by the way. could you please confirm a crash for me? I have the toneport, too, and everytime my Winamp is open and I try to open Podium, I get a blue screen. Is this the same with your DAW? Hopefully you have Winamp installed. 😕
The dll that causes the crash is the driver of the toneport.
it is not a bug. Since Frits implemented some nice features to reduce clutter, you have more options on what so see in the mixer view. On the right you have the “view” button. I assume you have selected “compact chained audio tracks”. Try to play around with the settings to fine the look and workflow that suits you best.
Hope that helped.
@ improv
Does the “sync” mode work for you? Here the timer of phrazor runs and runs (even when Podium is stopped), although it captures the right song position when Podium is in play mode.
I use the latest beta.
Yes I have it already skinned 😉
Do you use it in Podium? And in what ways do you use it then?
I certainly have!! 8)
I find myself playing with all the knobs and wonder how unlimited the possibilities are. 🙄
WOW!! 😆
I just wanted to say, that Hydratone now works like a charm in Podium. The crash is gone. I don’t know the reason for that, but I am happy, because Hydratone is my EQ plugin of choice. It sounds like a beast.. 🙂
ok, perhaps it’s better the way it is implemented right now.
Thanks anyway.
There won’t be any, unless you have the dongle. If you have one, there is a Halion Demo shipped with Cubase or with other Steinberg apps.
I have Audacity for that reason. Thought it would be a feature “new users” would be interested in. Mentioning MP3 has quite a big impact as far as marketing is concerned.
perhaps I must live with the fact that Halion is buggy as software can be! I realized that at the moment I bought it. In every host I used, I had crashes and missing samples and so on. Am I the only one who uses Halion that much? 🙂
Anyway, if you find a solution that can make this bug go away on the side of Podium, I would be very thankful! 😛
Normally I use 512 to 1024 as ASIO buffer size. I tried 128. The crash is still there, but takes 5 seconds longer to quit Podium.
P.S. I tried both, ASIO4ALL and the Line6 Toneport ASIO driver.